新学校、可负担房屋和等待FBI: 皮尔斯乔治县的最新动态

新学校、可负担房屋和等待FBI: 皮尔斯乔治县的最新动态

新学校、可负担房屋和等待FBI: 皮尔斯乔治县的最新动态
1. Onelife Fitness has opened its first location in Prince George's County, taking over a former Toys R Us store. The fitness center joins other popular retailers at The Landing at Woodyard in Clinton, including Aldi and Marshalls. Now you can work out and then reward yourself with some discounted shopping! 2. A site in College Park that currently houses three hotels will be transformed into 300 affordable housing units. This project is not far from the University of Maryland, making it a convenient option for students and residents alike. Goodbye hotels, hello affordable housing! 3. Prince George's County is eagerly waiting to find out if it will be the new home of the FBI headquarters. Two sites in the county are being considered, along with one in Virginia. Officials are optimistic and hopeful that one of the Maryland sites will be chosen. Fingers crossed for Greenbelt or Landover! 4. The Prince George's County Economic Development Corp. celebrated its 40th anniversary and highlighted the success of bringing 655 jobs to the area through the expansion of educational technology company 2U. The organization has been instrumental in creating new jobs and increasing commercial taxes in the county. Keep up the good work! 5. A real estate developer has filed plans to demolish its headquarters and two homes in Camp Springs to make way for a new commercial, retail, and multifamily development. This project will bring more space for businesses and housing options to the area. Out with the old, in with the new! 6. Eight new schools have been approved for construction in Prince George's County, thanks to a public-private partnership. This partnership will provide additional protections for workers involved in the project. More schools mean more opportunities for education in the county.
来源:Bisnow ·阅读原文


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