"Pure love, only for China." When the host of the Harbin Ice and Snow World in Heilongjiang province read out the words on the wallpaper of a lost phone to find its owner, applause broke out among the audience, CCTV News reported.
The sentence was from the diary of a soldier Chen Xiangrong, who lost his life in a border clash with Indian troops in June 2020. The owner of the cellphone, surnamed Xie is a student of the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine.
“清澈的爱,只为中国”的壁纸我从高二一直用到现在,它对于我来说不仅仅是一张图片,更是激励我高三前进的动力。那年高二,当我看到陈祥榕烈士在边防为国捐躯,在日记中写到“清澈的爱,只为中国”,我的内心深深受到了触动,他与我同为“00后”,不禁让我肃然起敬。从那时起,我就视陈祥榕烈士为榜样,也希望能够像他那般为祖国贡献出自己的一份力量! 每当我看到“清澈的爱,只为中国”这八个字时,就会浑身充满力量。因此,我把这八个字作为自己的座右铭。在高中手机不在身边时,我把这八个字写在便笺上时刻提醒自己,只有努力学习才能为祖国的繁荣与富强贡献自己的力量!
我想说,我们“00后”并不是垮掉的一代,而是能够为祖国的未来添砖加瓦的一代! 祖国的繁荣与发展需要青年一代的不懈努力,青年的发展也离不开祖国提供的机遇。我坚信,经过我们的努力与奋斗,祖国会更加的繁荣昌盛! 最后,我很高兴能够引起爱国者们的共鸣,也很感谢大家对于我们青年一代的信任,我们一定不负时代、珍惜韶华,努力创造祖国更加美好的未来!
She learned about Chen's story when she was in high school and Chen sacrificing himself for the country's border defense greatly moved her.
Since then, Xie has regarded Chen as an example and hoped one day she could also contribute to the country. So she took the patriotic expression written by Chen as a motto, and placed together with the national flag as background of her cellphone.
What she didn't expect was the sudden popularity of the wallpaper on the internet, with many netizens asking her to share it.
" I am very happy that this resonates with so many people. We post-2000s generations are not a lost generation, but a generation that can contribute to the future of our country," Xie said. "I firmly believe that through our efforts and hard work, our country will become more prosperous! We will definitely live up to the expectations of the times, and strive to create a better future for our country!" she added.
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