在马来西亚,有一位名叫赫尔曼·拉威(Herman Rawi)的网友,经常发布自己品尝各种食物的视频。1月28日,他上传了一则吃雪视频。然而,看似普普通通的一口雪却让他突发急症、痛苦不堪……
Malaysian netizen Herman Rawi uploads TikTok videos of him tasting all kinds of food. But the Jan 28 video of him eating snow is the only one that comes with a cautionary warning.
Having to battle hot weathers on the equator for most time of the year, almost all of Malaysian love cold dessert. Perhaps this is why Herman tends to lack self-restraint when he sees snow.
During his recent trip to Yamagata, Japan, he filmed himself eating a ball of snow. He captioned the video: "A reason I had terrible fever, cough, runny nose and body aches for eight days."
Herman claimed he would eat fresh snow in the UK, where he was studying, and never fell ill. "I used to eat snow during the winter when I studied in the UK years ago. I would often go for the freshest snow at an undisturbed place and never fell sick."
无独有偶,好莱坞女星瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)在1月19日上传了一段视频,展示了她用从家外铲来的雪制作“巧可可”的过程。
Hollywood actress Reese Witherspoon on Jan 19 uploaded a TikTok video of herself making "snow salt chococinno" with snow she scooped from outside her house.
Can you put snow in a clear cup and let it melt? I just want to see if it's safe to eat first.
No no no.. snow is not made to eat.. u can get seriously sick
Fallen snow can be very dirty from the air and wind but who cares. You only live once. I remember eating snow as a kid.
气象学家玛丽·斯卡泽罗·费尔班克斯(Mary Scarzello Fairbanks)表示,雪并没有那么干净。雪是水珠与空气中的尘埃或碎片相结合后凝结而成的冰晶,在下落过程中继续吸收水蒸汽,多个冰晶聚集在一起就形成了雪花。
While you may assume snow that's freshly fallen and collected in an undisturbed area—even a cup set out for that purpose—is free of any contaminants, don't be so sure. According to meteorologist Mary Scarzello Fairbanks, snow isn't all that pristine. It’s formed when water droplets freeze around some dust or debris in the air, forming an ice crystal that continues to collect water vapor and form a snowflake.
When it falls, it will also collect things hanging in the air, including dirt, soot, and even bacterial particles. Depending on the region, snow could also contain sulfates, nitrates, formaldehyde, mercury, or pesticides. If it's windy, snow could even mix with dirt kicked up from the soil before settling.
A 2015 study published in the journal Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts even demonstrated how snow could mix with gasoline exhaust. This all means that, theoretically, your snow ice cream could have some pretty disgusting "toppings."
Eating snow in an emergency is another matter. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns against snow snacking for anyone stranded, such as hikers, because it can lower one’s body temperature. In cases where there is a water supply issue, the CDC says it’s safe to take collected snow and boil it to kill off any germs.
来源:The New Paper BBC Mental Floss
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