3月16日,明天是一年一度的圣派翠克节(Saint Patrick's Day),纽约将成为绿色的海洋!
这个爱尔兰人们为了纪念爱尔兰主保圣人St. Patrick而特设的节日,从5世纪末期起源并发展成为爱尔兰人的国庆节。随着爱尔兰后裔遍布世界各地,美国也成为爱尔兰人移民最多的国家之一(自称具有爱尔兰血统的人占美国人口总数约12%)。
纽约一年一度的Saint Patrick's Day游行可谓是年度盛典,每年的这天从早上开始,游行队伍会沿着第5大道从44街游行至79街,狂欢整整5个小时,最后结束于American Irish Historical Society。每年的游行参加者都有近20万人,人们各自佩戴传统爱尔兰风笛、身穿苏格兰短裙载歌载舞。
游客市民看完游行,还会欢聚到爱尔兰酒吧打卡一下!圣派翠克节前后,爱尔兰酒吧总是挤满顾客,酒吧在节日期间还会出售特制口味独特的绿色啤酒。而且,还有各种Happy Hour,让你喝到爽!
今年的游行将于3月16日上午 11 点整在第五大道和东 44 街的交叉口开始,持续到下午4点30分左右结束,纽约州长和市长也会来到现场。
Vanderbilt Avenue between 43rd Street and 46th Street 43rd Street between Vanderbilt Avenue and 6th Avenue 44th Street between Vanderbilt Avenue and 6th Avenue 45th Street between Vanderbilt Avenue and 6th Avenue 46th Street between Vanderbilt Avenue and 6th Avenue 47th Street between Park Avenue and 6th Avenue 48th Street between Park Avenue and 6th Avenue 5th Avenue between 83rd Street and 43rd Street 5th Avenue between 86th Street and 79th Street 79th Street between Park Avenue and 5th Avenue 80th Street between Lexington Avenue and 5th Avenue 81st Street between Lexington Avenue and 5th Avenue 82nd Street between Lexington Avenue and 5th Avenue 83rd Street between Lexington Avenue and 5th Avenue 84th Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 49th Street between Madison Avenue and Rockefeller Plaza 50th Street between Madison Avenue and Rockefeller Plaza 51st Street between Madison Avenue and 6th Avenue 53rd Street between Madison Avenue and 6th Avenue 58th Street between Madison Avenue and 6th Avenue 62nd between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 63rd Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 64th Street between Park Avenue and 5th Avenue 65th Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 70th Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 71st Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 72nd Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue 78th Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue Madison Avenue between 42nd Street and 86th Street
明天!纽约这些地方封路!今年放烟花位置有变 不要跑错地方大变天!欧洲政坛迎巨变!“经济危机”要来了吗?极速狂飚!悉墨机票暴涨,经济舱竟花费$900?万人涌入,只为见证这一时刻!网友:“大魔王时代”来临!最低10mph!纽约市将迎来大限速 华埠街道率先“开刀”市容又乱又脏!纽约生活品质大下降 311投诉激增 “多年来最臭夏天”清华寒假游学“大礼包”来了!“来的正是时候!”大多伦多华裔女子中20万大奖!计划先存钱1月26日,港产荒诞幽默喜剧《临时劫案》纽约上映!快来一起“劫”个富贵!处理结果来了!“豁免权大妈”被两大部门盯上,恐吃不了要兜着走股价大跳水!蔚来新品牌“乐道”,摊上了不可能完成的任务求特朗普别再泼脏水了 “我们来这只为赚钱养家”!纽约华人道出在美心酸纽约政府“清凉”补贴来了!买/换空调,最高拿$800!刚刚,澳洲财长再度重磅发声!澳洲税收将迎来巨变,减税“以人为本”!自由党猛批艾博年“失信于民”出门小心!受够了印度人占领全国!明天,8大城市发起“夺回加拿大”大规模示威游行!狂欢来袭!Red Rooster推出“七月圣诞”超值优惠!重磅!投资界的 “黄埔军校” 要来了!百位投资大咖亲授!专骗华人「Costco中文诈骗」来了!驻美大使馆发警示!FBI提供防骗窍门墨尔本市中心又一大事件...“24小时热门区”来了!最新!纽约市府取消下轮经费削减!纽约租客“驱逐法”再次袭来!房东需注意!伊利“巅峰盛典周”最后一天!全品福利来袭,惊喜不容错过!(文末好礼)音乐ChatGPT时刻来临!「天工SkyMusic」音乐大模型今日启动邀测“随时准备撤离!”大暴雨即将来临!南加州多个地区发布疏散警告学长风采丨大一学生:“想听听您的建议?”杜江峰校长:“明天见!”北京青年交响乐团即将来纽约参加“WOW!世界青年管弦乐团周”演出交流活动