



这一天,有一个仅有两名成员的电影剧组(crew,乘坐俄罗斯“联盟MS-19”飞船抵达国际空间站(International Space Station, or ISS),并在随后的11天内完成了人类首次在太空拍摄电影的活动。

日前,这部名为《挑战》The Challenge的电影已引进内地,在豆瓣上取得7.9分的高分。

女主角尤利娅·佩尔西尔德(Yulia Peresild)也在不久前来北京为这部影片进行宣传。在短短三天的时间里,她学会了用普通话“太空姐”进行自我介绍,游历了南锣鼓巷、长城、鼓楼等景点,和中国的科普“顶流们”促膝而谈,回忆起三年前那个创造历史的太空之旅。

Despite a tight schedule, Peresild, a 40-year-old native from Pskov in northwestern Russia, participated in a series of activities, from sharing her space-travel stories with Beijing fans, to visiting scenic spots like the historic Great Wall and the bustling Nanluoguxiang lane. She has also learned to introduce herself in Mandarin and was given the nickname "Tai Kong Jie (Outer Space Sister)" by her Chinese fans.


The film fictionalizes the story of a female surgeon sent to space to perform an operation on an injured cosmonaut. In addition to the tense plot racing against time to save a life, the movie showcases stunning images of space, leading the audience to travel with the actress for a closer look at how cosmonauts work and live inside the ISS, which orbits over 400 kilometers above sea level.


Peresild, who was selected from 3,000 candidates three years ago, recalls that she and director Klim Shipenko underwent rigorous training for three and a half months at a cosmonaut training center in Russia in 2021. After completing the space flight and docking at the ISS in the afternoon, Peresild recalls that they received a welcome from seven other astronauts, including those from Russia and several other countries such as the United States.


Before her historic space journey, Peresild wrote a farewell letter to her two young daughters. She only recently shared it with them while recording her book, "It's Space, Baby!", detailing her journey. Her two daughters were moved to tears. 


The good news about space is that people may not need to worry about gaining weight. Mentioning that an astronaut’s regular caloric intake is around 3,000 calories each day, Peresild recalls she had a good appetite and found she tended to favor spicier foods while in space. "The coffee in the American module is quite good, but the canned food in the Russian module is tastier," she commented.


Another lesson Peresild had learned was how to adapt to the microgravity in space. As their crew only consisted of two members, the actress had to do her own makeup, using sticky hooks to keep cosmetic items in place and prevent them from floating away.



Looking out of the window of the Russian module offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a spectacular view, but it can also pose dangers. Peresild recalls a moment when the director instructed her to remain near the window as the Earth was aligning closely with the sun. "We could see a blue arc line at the edges of the sun and Earth. He exclaimed, 'Wow, it’s incredibly beautiful. Stay right here. Don't move.' The entire sequence lasted just 30 seconds. However, after that shot, I ended up with a sunburn," she reminisces. Without the protection of ozone layer that sits in the stratosphere to shield all creatures on the Earth, it's easy to be harmed by the ultraviolet rays.


In 2020, Hollywood star Tom Cruise was reported to be planning, with director Doug Liman, to film in space with the aid of Elon Musk's SpaceX program. The plan has yet to be fulfilled. Shortly after The Challenge wrapped up shooting, Cruise contacted Shipenko to inquire about the details of filmmaking in space, as he was very interested in the process, recalls Du Liang, a Chinese filmmaker who has been engaged in the cinematic exchange between China and Russia.


When Du met the director during the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival held in Xiamen, Fujian province, in November last year, the Chinese producer asked if the director had really seen the Great Wall from the ISS, as the depiction of spacemen observing the iconic Chinese fortifications had been etched in his mind from the school textbook. Shipenko replied, "Yes, I saw the Great Wall from outer space. Several times in one day. It made me very excited," he recalls.


According to the website of NASA, the international space station makes 16 orbits of Earth, traveling through 16 sunrises and sunsets, in 24 hours. So, the director can indeed ‘travel around’ the Earth faster than anyone on Earth, taking a glimpse of the iconic landscapes on Earth in a short time.



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