Horst Sievert 教授:专心致志、脚踏实地,永远将患者放在首位
与志存高远者偕行,方能走得更远;与心性坚定者共事,方能笃定泰山。恰如CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)最初的创始者们,一群志同道合的伙伴,为着同一个愿景,不怕艰难险阻并肩合作。
从个人成长中寻觅答案,2024年4月15-21日,在第十届CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)盛会将启之际,严道医声网有幸通过云端采访的形式连线到结构性心脏病大会CSI创始人、CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)联合发起人之一、德国法兰克福心血管中心Horst Sievert教授,一同回首他与CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)携手走过的十年,聆听他医学推广之路上的故事。
Horst Sievert教授
Horst Sievert教授与心血管的结缘,要追溯到数十年前。当在社区医院肾病科工作三年后,Horst Sievert教授某一天突然获得回大学深造的机会,那时他便下定决心,为了追赶医学发展的步伐,“必须从全科医生尽快发展为专科医生。”
而随着对心血管疾病知识学习的深入,Horst Sievert教授逐渐认识到心血管疾病是全人类面临的健康问题,心内科的发展范围更广,并有着诸多亚专科领域,无论是冠脉介入、外周血管介入,还是先天性心脏病介入的治疗方式,都深深地吸引着他为之钻研。
回忆起自己当时的选择,Horst Sievert教授讲道,“就像大多数人职业发展的历程一样,当时间对的时候,正确的事情就会来找你,但更重要的是你要有一颗专心致志的心和一种脚踏实地的精神。”
专心致志、脚踏实地,正是凭借着这样的精神,让Horst Sievert教授在心血管病医师的道路上越走越远。然而,医学自有其局限性,对于特殊疾病,往往医生只能去安慰,无法做到完全治愈。
以此为驱动力,在1970年代,Horst Sievert教授开展了他人生中的第一次医疗器械创新。
感悟到创新不易,临床诊疗工作之难后,Horst Sievert教授除了会在工作之余帮助同道们开展新技术指导以外,还在上世纪九十年代中期创立了德国法兰克福先天性、结构性和瓣膜性心脏病介入治疗大会(CSI),与世界各地的心脏病专家们深入探讨导管介入治疗先天性、结构性和膜性心脏病等重要学术课题,进一步推动技术创新的相关理念,为该领域更多心血管医生的诊治提供具有实操性的建议。
“我大多数的时间是在临床一线上,能够了解现在很多技术的短板在何处,可以为技术创新提供更为准确的建议,希望通过技术创新为更多患者提供最佳的诊疗方案”,Horst Sievert教授坚定地讲道。
“我还记得第一届CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU),当时只有100多人参会,但是现在也已经发展成了大规模的学术会议,不仅有来自中国的很多权威专家,也有邀请到很多海外的专家,是整个瓣膜界学术会议的成功典范。”
对于Horst Sievert教授来说,CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)已然并非中国看世界的窗口,更是世界看中国的重要窗口。
立足全球结构性心脏病诊疗发展趋势,他也在不断思考着CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)未来应如何为中外心血管病医师提供更有益的对话舞台,以推动中西结构性心脏病诊疗技术的共同发展。在其中,他提出了一个重要理念——Leave Less Behind。从早期从事先天性心脏病介入治疗的临床经验出发,Horst Sievert教授认为,介入治疗后留下的植入物越少越好。以PFO封堵为例,从最开始以具有较高结构强度和耐久性的金属封堵伞为主流方式,到今天,由高分子材料或生物可降解材料制成、具有更好的生物相容性和更低的并发症风险的封堵伞,成为了PFO封堵治疗发展新的方向和动力。与此相类似的,Horst Sievert教授认为未来左心耳介入领域,也将朝着这样的趋势演变。
在中国经济水平和科学技术如此发达的今天,Horst Sievert教授因此希望未来CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)能关注这一类理念,并搭建全球对话的舞台,启迪更多有能力、有想法的医师、工程师和行业从业人员,从而推动结构性心脏病治疗的优化发展,以患者为中心,为患者探讨和思考更安全、更有效的诊疗技术。
除此之外,Horst Sievert教授还见证了中国原创性技术和创新医疗器械的崛起,看到了中国在结构性心脏病领域蕴藏的无限潜力。
“现在中国的工程师研发了非常先进的瓣膜,可以说在工程或瓣膜的设计上已经非常领先了,尤其在经导管二尖瓣修复和可回收瓣膜这两个领域,中国的研发水平已远超欧洲和美国。而且,中国整体器械评审上市的过程也要比欧洲、美国更先进、更快速,我认为保持这样一个评审绿色通道,能够帮助更多器械上市,从而使患者更早获益”,Horst Sievert教授强调。
随着科技的进一步创新和发展,未来结构性心脏病甚至整个介入心脏病学将会迎来一次又一次技术的“新浪潮”。对此,Horst Sievert教授表示:“经导管介入的心衰治疗会是整个领域当中下一步的浪潮,这将会是我在今年大会上主要探讨的学术主题。此外,我在之前的CSI会议上,看到了70个以上心衰治疗领域的创新,也进一步彰显了经导管介入的心衰治疗是另一潜力巨大的领域。”
更重要的是,人工智能大数据、人机接口、Leave Less Behind技术概念,都将在第十届CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)大会上得到充分的展示与讨论。
“我相信下一个10年,中国瓣膜领域还会持续发展,会有一百万人次,乃至更多的心血管领域医生、同道、患者因此而获益”,Horst Sievert教授期待地说道。
回首Horst Sievert教授的数十载从医之路,有过迷茫,也长存坚定;有诸多收获,亦有更多挑战。或许患者海海,病情变化万千,但在从医之路上,Horst Sievert教授唯一不变的初心就是始终把照顾患者放在首位。
在谈及对年轻医生的期许和建议时,Horst Sievert教授分享道,“医学领域最核心的一点就是人文关怀,是你对患者的照顾。如果你想要成名或想要赚钱,你可以去当足球运动员、去造汽车,有很多创新途径来实现你的目标。但只要从医,你唯一的原动力应该是照顾患者,把患者放在首位才是最重要的。”
Q1:We understand CSI has been collaborating with CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)for the past 10 years. Could you share with us the origin background of the collaboration and what facilitated this collaboration?
CSI是一直以来都是CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)的合作伙伴,您能分享一下最初两方建立合作的背景和缘由吗?
This collaboration started because Jian’an Wang approached me, mainly because he wanted to jointly organize the CSI conference like us in Frankfurt. Jian’an Wang asked if I had the intention of cooperation. I immediately agreed, because I think this is a platform that is urgently needed in the field of the valve field, and it is guaranteed to provide all academic support in my ability.
Q2:In the field of a structural heart disease between China and Germany,what are the focus of the discussions or what are the most popular topic?
So I think the way of communication is a very open one in both conferences CSI Frankfurt as well as in China above Hangzhou. There's always an open discussion and the focus is really on learning on how to do procedures, how to make procedures more safe,how to avoid complications. We also cover topics like latest clinical trials and that kind of thing, but the focus is really on how to do it and the focus in both conferences, our conferences, CSI and Frankfurt. And China about Hangzhou is a live case demonstrations step by step. How to do things right?I think these are the highlights of both of our conferences.
两国在学术氛围方面非常类似,都秉持这一种开放交流的学术态度。无论是在CSI大会上,还是CHINA VALVE (HANG ZHOU),我们术者主要关注的是实操手术,一方面是基于学习和交流,另一方面主要是考虑和讨论手术的安全性,以及如何来避免并发症的问题。当然,会上我们也会交流一些临床研究等等,但最重要的还是实操环节。这也就是为什么CSI和CHINA VALVE (HANG ZHOU)大会上,我们都会有手术直播以及手把手教学的环节,这是两国专家在交流方面共同关注的内容。
Q3:In the past 10 years, do you have any different perception of the development of Chinese valve technology?
I still remember that when the first meeting started in 2015, it mainly talked about the technology of TAVR...And then now the field is expanding and other valves are covered, mitral valve is covered, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valves. So it's really a huge development. In the beginning only two or three different valves, now there are many different devices available also the embolic protection devices and other accessory devices have been introduced to the field. So there is a huge progress.
Q4:So in terms of the via therapeutic,do you think that China is already on the same level of that in Germany or western countries?
So I historically in the past, when I think back 15 years, 20 years, the Chinese companies were kind of making copycats. But then very soon, actually your engineers are so bright that you have developed devices which are partially ahead of the European-US devices. It's really a major progress in engineering and designing.
Q5: How do you evaluate the impact for the current platform and how do we envision its future?
您如何定位今天CHINA VALVE(HANGZHOU)的平台影响力和作用?
I think it's a great platform. China Valve involved international faculty to a right extent. Are you covering everything which is coming up in the field. You have a very good interaction at the conference. You are presenting online, so the format is perfect.
Q6:What's your advice for the Chinese physicians to catch up or to lead this field in the future?
This is really, I have said pretty often this is the next big wave in In cardiology. I wish you think back we started with peripheral interventions PCI, and then we added structural and valvular interventions. And the next big wave in that regard will be heart failure interventions.
Whether it is the intervention therapy of the valve, the intervention therapy of the heart failure or the ventricular reconstruction, electrical stimulus and other technologies, I can't tell you which one is the best.But that is something where China should become involved more than in the past.
Q7:Apart from heart failure in the field of a structural heart disease, what do you think are the other leading technologies or what is the trend for the structural heart disease treatment and from this perspective?
I mean in all different fields of structural interventions, there is a lot of progress to expect within the next couple of years. If you ask me what is the general trend, I think one important aspect is to leave less behind. Now we are working on technologies to close select at the bench without leaving anything behind. This will be an important aspect in general for structural interventions in the future.
在结构性的心脏病介入治疗中有很多不同的发展方向,从大趋势来说,我认为在治疗之后留下的植入物越少越好。现在我们正在研究这项技术,是一个英文的概念“Leave Less Bbehind”,就是治疗之后,在体内留下的这些植入物越少越好,这对于将来的结构介入治疗,是一个重要的体现。
Q8:We understand for the device commercialization,policies or the regulatory policies in Europe has become more and more strict。So which do you think it is better?
Obviously, less regulatory is much better. All the attempts to add more safety for the patients by regulatory things actually failed. And this is another advantage in China that there is money which can be invested, whereas in Europe and in us this becomes more and more difficult.
Q9:Now we can use the artificial intelligence, big data, human computer interfacing and also the renal transplantation so there are a lot of new technologies.what's your vision for the future opportunities and challenges?
Artificial intelligence will become extremely important in many aspects. One of the aspects we have been involved is telemedicine, for example, artificial intelligence plays a key role in analyzing the massive data of remote medical care. Imaging is the next big field for artificial Intelligence, and The third field is operations and interventions. Also, this can be learned by machine learning and performed by computers and robotics.
Q10:What are the technologies that you're really interested in or what are the areas you want explore?
I will certainly be at the opening ceremony. I will give a talk about the future of the device interventions for heart failure. I think this will be the main topic of my talk.
Q11:Since this year is the 10th anniversary of China Valve, would you says a few greetings or best wishes to China valve 10th anniversary?
At first I would like to congratulate Jian’an wang and his team to make this happen 10 years of continuous success. Congratulations,that is a big achievement. And if the China above congress is growing as it has grown in the past,probably in 10 years he will have 1 million attendees. So congratulation a big success for the future.
首先,在此衷心祝贺王建安教授和他的团队在过去十年间,将中国瓣膜会从一个小会成功发展成一个规模巨大的会议。相信在未来10年,中国瓣膜领域能够持续发展,可能10年之后,CHINA VALVE (HANG ZHOU)的参会人数能够达到一百万人次。
Q12:What do you think about the characteristics of doctors that you can share with young doctors around the world?
I think when you work in medicine, you have to take care of patients. You can be successful in medicine only when your interest is taking care of patients that should be your major focus. Not the other things you don't, If you want to become famous,then it's better to become a football player this will be much more on influence on the internet. But in medicine is really you to have an interest in taking care of patients.
Horst Sievert