

【中美创新时报2024 年 4 月 20 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)周五(19日),唐纳德·特朗普封口费案的审判中,最终陪审员就座,一名上诉法官驳回了这位前总统最近提出的停止此案的提议,因为法庭上忙碌的一天为周一开始的开庭陈词奠定了基础。美联社记者JENNIFER PELTZ、MICHAEL R. SISAK、JAKE OFFENHARTZ 和 ALANNA DURKIN RICHER对此作了下述报道。




法官胡安·默查恩 (Juan Merchan) 表示,律师将于周一早上发表开庭陈词,然后检察官开始陈述案件,指控特朗普担心掩盖负面报道会损害他 2016 年的竞选活动。他不认罪,并表示这些故事是假的。


律师克利福德·罗伯特 (Clifford Robert) 表示:“我谨表示,认为在这段时间内能够找到公正的陪审团是站不住脚的。”



“在某些时候,你需要接受法院的裁决,”默查恩说。 “没有什么其他需要澄清的了。没有什么可以反驳的了。我们将于周一早上发表开场陈词。本次审判即将开始。”

陪审团就座后不久,紧急救援人员赶到法院外的一个公园,一名男子在那里自焚。官员称,这名男子拿出宣扬阴谋论的小册子,将其散布在公园各处,然后将自己浇在易燃物质中并自焚。 周五下午,他的情况危急。










曼哈顿检察官表示,他们想就特朗普最近的民事欺诈审判等案件向特朗普提出质询,法官发现特朗普多年来对自己的财富撒谎,该案导致了 4.54 亿美元的判决。他正在对该判决提出上诉。默查恩表示,他将在未来几天对此事做出裁决。

此次审判的重点是特朗普的前律师兼私人经纪人迈克尔·科恩 (Michael Cohen) 向色情演员斯托米·丹尼尔斯 (Stormy Daniels) 支付了 13 万美元,以防止她在 2016 年竞选的最后几天声称与特朗普发生性接触。

检察官表示,特朗普在公司向科恩报销时掩盖了内部记录中付款的真实性质。科恩于 2018 年承认联邦指控,预计将成为检方的明星证人。


特朗普面临 34 项伪造商业记录的重罪指控。如果罪名成立,他可能会被判处最高四年的监禁,但目前尚不清楚法官是否会选择将他关进监狱。特朗普几乎肯定会对任何定罪提出上诉。

特朗普涉及四起刑事案件,但尚不清楚其他案件是否会在 11 月大选前接受审判。上诉和法律纠纷导致其他三起指控特朗普密谋推翻 2020 年选举结果和非法囤积机密文件的案件被拖延。

题图:前总统唐纳德·特朗普周五在纽约曼哈顿刑事法院接受审判,罪名是涉嫌掩盖支付封口费。 SPENCER PLATT/GETTY


Final jurors seated for Trump’s hush money case, with opening statements set for Monday


NEW YORK (AP) — The final jurors were seated Friday in Donald Trump’s hush money trial, and an appellate judge rejected the former president’s latest bid to halt the case as a hectic day in court set the stage for opening statements to begin Monday.

The panel of New Yorkers who will decide the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president took final shape after lawyers spent days quizzing dozens of potential jurors on whether they can impartially judge Trump in the city where he built his real estate empire before being elected in 2016.

The trial thrusts Trump’s legal problems into the heart of his hotly contested race against President Joe Biden, with Trump’s opponent likely to seize on unflattering and salacious testimony to make the case that the presumptive Republican nominee is unfit to return as commander in chief.

Trump, meanwhile, is using the prosecution as a political rallying cry, casting himself as a victim while juggling his dual role as criminal defendant and presidential candidate.

Judge Juan Merchan said lawyers will present opening statements Monday morning before prosecutors begin laying out their case alleging a scheme to cover up negative stories Trump feared would hurt his 2016 campaign. He has pleaded not guilty and says the stories were false.

Despite the failure of repeated previous attempts to delay the trial, a Trump attorney was in an appeals court hours after the jury was seated, arguing that Merchan rushed through jury selection and that Trump cannot get a fair trial in Manhattan.

“To think an impartial jury could be found in that period of time, I would respectfully submit, is untenable,” attorney Clifford Robert said.

Justice Marsha Michael denied the request just minutes after a brief hearing.

Back in the trial court, Merchan expressed frustration as Trump’s lawyers pressed to revisit a litany of pretrial rulings.

“At some point, you need to accept the court’s rulings,” Merchan said. “There’s nothing else to clarify. There’s nothing else to reargue. We’re going to have opening statements on Monday morning. This trial is starting.”

Just after the jury was seated, emergency crews responded to a park outside the courthouse, where a man had set himself on fire. The man took out pamphlets espousing conspiracy theories and spread them around the park before dousing himself in a flammable substance and setting himself aflame, officials said. He was in critical condition Friday afternoon.

Trump has spent the week sitting quietly in the courtroom as lawyers pressed potential jurors on their views about him in a search for any bias that would preclude them from hearing the case. During breaks in the proceedings, he has railed against the case on social media or to TV cameras in the hallway, calling it a politically motivated “witch hunt.”

“This Trial is a Long, Rigged, Endurance Contest, dealing with Nasty, Crooked People, who want to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY,” he wrote Friday on social media.

Over five days of jury selection, dozens of people were dismissed from the jury pool after saying they didn’t believe they could be fair. Others expressed anxiety about having to decide such a consequential case with outsized media attention, even though the judge has ruled that jurors’ names will be known only to prosecutors, Trump and their legal teams.

One woman who had been chosen to serve on the jury was dismissed Thursday after she raised concerns over messages she said she got from friends and family when aspects of her identity became public. On Friday, another woman broke down in tears while being questioned by a prosecutor about her ability to decide the case based only on evidence presented in court.

“I feel so nervous and anxious right now,” the woman said. “I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t want someone who feels like this to judge my case either. I don’t want to waste the court’s time.”

As more potential jurors were questioned Friday, Trump appeared to lean over at the defense table, scribbling on some papers and exchanging notes with one of his lawyers. He occasionally perked up and gazed at the jury box, including when one would-be juror said he had volunteered in a “get out the vote” effort for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That man was later excused.

Trump spoke to reporters before Friday’s proceedings got underway, lambasting a gag order that prosecutors have accused him of violating. Merchan has scheduled arguments for next week on prosecutors’ request to hold Trump in contempt of court and fine him for social media posts they say defy limits on what he can say about potential witnesses.

“The gag order has to come off. People are allowed to speak about me, and I have a gag order,” Trump said.

Merchan also heard arguments Friday on prosecutors’ request to bring up Trump’s prior legal entanglements if he takes the witness stand in the hush money case. Trump has said he wants to testify, but he is not required to and can always change his mind.

Manhattan prosecutors have said they want to question Trump about, among other cases, his recent civil fraud trial that resulted in a $454 million judgment after a judge found Trump had lied about his wealth for years. He is appealing that verdict. Merchan said he would rule on the matter in the coming days.

The trial centers on a $130,000 payment that Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and personal fixer, made to porn actor Stormy Daniels to prevent her claims of a sexual encounter with Trump from becoming public in the final days of the 2016 race.

Prosecutors say Trump obscured the true nature of the payments in internal records when his company reimbursed Cohen, who pleaded guilty to federal charges in 2018 and is expected to be a star witness for the prosecution.

Trump has denied having a sexual encounter with Daniels, and his lawyers argue that the payments to Cohen were legitimate legal expenses.

Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. He could get up to four years in prison if convicted, though it’s not clear that the judge would opt to put him behind bars. Trump would almost certainly appeal any conviction.

Trump is involved in four criminal cases, but it’s not clear that any others will reach trial before the November election. Appeals and legal wrangling have caused delays in the other three cases charging Trump with plotting to overturn the 2020 election results and with illegally hoarding classified documents.




特朗普封口费案开庭,12个陪审员,6个候补陪审员都是怎么样的人呢?特朗普封口费案结案陈词 首个总统刑事案对于美国大选意味着什么?太无聊?"封口费"案开庭,特朗普在庭审现场都快睡着了。史无前例!特朗普“封口费”案周一曼哈顿开庭 纽约市安保升级、封路 将持续6-8周全美十大城市最适合远程工作,波特兰居首!加拿大多个移民项目突“翻脸”!“封口费”案开庭,特朗普否认所有指控!新闻付费战火烧至加州史无前例!特朗普“封口费”案周一甄选陪审团 纽约市加强安保华府消息|特朗普封口费案当事艳星出庭讲述二人关系细节特朗普“封口费案”的最后一根救命稻草?法官发布禁言令 禁止特朗普谈论封口费案关键证人法官驳回特朗普撤销封口费案请求出庭间隙赴新泽西造势,特朗普称在封口费案中被迫忍受“拜登的作秀审判”“封口费”案法官拒绝辞职 特朗普难以阻挠判决特朗普开记者会骂法官和陪审员是坏蛋上诉庭将特朗普需交押金砍至1.75亿美元 封口费案推迟至4月15日藐视法官 特朗普民事欺诈审判被禁止做个人结案陈词在高等法院做出豁免裁决后,法官将特朗普的封口费判决推迟到至少9月发生关系时没采取安全措施!特朗普掩口费案审判 女事主详述经过"特蕾莎修女也没辙"陪审团审议封口费案 川普大吐苦水台湾抢美国芯片、应给美国付保护费,特朗普再出惊人之言……特朗普案是一场政治迫害吗历史性的一刻,特朗普案判决结果出炉!有关欺诈案,特朗普律师发声……诽谤诉讼案,特朗普出庭作证枪手企图引爆炸药乘乱逃离现场,国会议员披露特朗普遇刺案细节