The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said on Saturday that it is astonished by "politically motivated" allegations against the Chinese swimmers.
"Tygart's allegations are politically motivated and delivered with the intention of undermining WADA's work to protect clean sport around the world," WADA said, noting that the damaging comments have been delivered without any supporting evidence whatsoever.
The truth of this matter is that according to all available scientific evidence and intelligence, thoroughly gathered, assessed and tested by leading anti-doping experts, WADA had no basis to challenge the explanation of environmental contamination.
"It is implicit in his statement that Tygart does not accept the finding of environmental contamination in this case although he cannot say why. Yet, it is true that in the United States, WADA has also accepted USADA's similar conclusions of contamination involving a number of US athletes. Tygart should realize that it is not only American athletes who can fall victim to situations of no-fault contamination," the statement added.
Following Tygart's false allegations, WADA has no choice but to refer this matter to its legal counsel for further action, the statement concluded.
"CHINADA has noticed several foreign media organizations published and circulated misleading reports about Chinese swimmers testing positive ahead of the Tokyo Olympics," read a statement by CHINADA.
According to the statement, CHINADA conducted doping tests at a national swimming event in June 2021 and found swimmers testing positive for "extremely low concentration" of trimetazidine (TMZ). "CHINADA immediately carried out investigation into the case from various respects including event organization, accommodation, usage of medicine and supplements as well as doping test procedures," it said.
"CHINADA immediately carried out investigation into the case from various respects including event organization, accommodation, usage of medicine and supplements as well as doping test procedures," it said. Combining all investigation results and evidences, CHINADA came to the conclusion that the swimmers had tested positive for TMZ after inadvertently being exposed to the substance through contamination. It then decided the athletes should not be held responsible for the positive results.
CHINADA also said it would reserve the right to pursue legal action toward media publishing the improper information.
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