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为了在马来/穆斯林社区中创造一个繁荣的导师文化,我们于2019年在补习费津贴设立了青年导师办公室(Youth Mentoring Office,简称YMO)。自那时以来,YMO已经培训并派出了超过1,600名导师,支持了5,700多名学员,通过M3的重点领域3下的各种指导计划提供支持。


我们将在M3@Towns、特指政府资助的高等教育机构 (IHLs)中引入一种新的指导计划,即酷亚对话(Cool Yah Conversations)。它采用快速指导的概念,这是我们指导计划中的一种首创方法。快速指导在较短的时间内进行,将基于兴趣的活动(如体育和游戏)与个人发展、教育转型和职业指导领域的有影响力的指导互动相结合。我们希望它能够引起年轻人的共鸣,并降低他们参与的门槛。通过这个计划,我们计划在一年内接触到1,000名青年,这超过了通过现有的YMO指导计划所接触到的青年人数。

针对沙礼尔先生的问题,除了指导计划之外,补习费津贴还提供他们的未来准备方案(Future Ready programmes),帮助青年更好地了解不断变化的工作环境,并为他们提供探索增长行业工作机会的途径。


其中一位是阿琳娜小姐。2019年,阿琳娜获得了补习费津贴的Anugerah Cemerlang MENDAKI(编者注:意思是激励社区坚持终身学习,并支持青年追求卓越)。今天,她在国家青年理事会工作,并从Odelia(编者注:人名)的ITE中央学院第二学年起成为Odelia的导师,通过#amPowered@ITE计划。借助阿琳娜的支持,Odelia学会了建立自信并掌控个人发展。Odelia现在正与补习费津贴的关怀顾问合作,探索潜在的后高中路径。

我们的青年导师还与我和我的同事马来/穆斯林议员,包括安迪先生、娜蒂雅女士和周凯年先生一起参加YOUth@M3互动会话,以及各种M3@Town计划。这些计划包括佳馥梅女士建议的弱势青年计划Youth Edge、文礼佳博士领导的青年心理健康课堂(Youth Network Mental Health Townhall ),以及沙礼尔先生组织的STEM公司学习之旅。




一位关心自己健康的好榜样是艾利亚先生。他积极鼓励我们的马来/穆斯林社区采用健康的生活方式,为他们组织健康项目。当M3的第五个重点领域去年引入时,艾利亚先生利用“健康分享”计划与更多社区合作伙伴合作。他自此组织了每月五公里的快速步行活动,与景万岸民众俱乐部(Kembangan Chai-Chee Community Centre)布莱德岭选区办公室Braddell Heights Constituency Office、芽笼士乃市场(Wisma Geylang Serai)和卡西姆回教堂(Kassim Mosque)合作,此外还在M3@芽笼士乃社区中心举办气功课程。







因此,我们继续确保志愿者具备与社区有效互动的技能和知识。去年,我们通过M3研讨会系列强化了志愿者能力建设框架。今年,M3合作协调办公室(M3 Engagement Coordination Office,简称M3 ECO)和人民协会活动执行委员会将与国家社区领导学院合作,为志愿者举办研讨会。通过这些研讨会,他们将学习如何在家访期间更有意义地与居民互动。志愿者还将能够加深对国家服务的了解,从而帮助他们支持居民建立强大而有韧性的家庭。

例如,通Project DIAN(编者注:意思是帮助住在公共租赁公寓中的马来家庭改善生活,并引导他们拥有自己的房屋),志愿者将为居住在租赁公寓的马来/穆斯林家庭提供全面支持。他们还将与这些家庭一起探索他们的需求,并将他们连接到相关服务。

其中一位志愿者是莫哈默德女士,她是M3@芽笼士乃的Project DIAN大使,她受到启发,鼓励父母更多关注幼儿发展。今年11月,莫哈默德女士与她的同事志愿者与MSR室内设计公司合作,重新装饰和粉刷一位受益者的家,为他们的孩子学习和家庭互动提供更好的环境。



我们的高等院校学生可以作为MTS学生的导师加入#amPowered计划,或者在M3@Towns参加“酷亚”计划("Cool Yah" programme)


那些希望为支持儿童或弱势家庭做出贡献的人可以报名成为我们的KMM项目的辅导员或Project DIAN大使。






The Senior Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health and Minister for Law (Ms Rahayu Mahzam): Mr Chairman, over the last five years, we have worked hand-in-hand with our Malay/Muslim organisations to build up the M3 network. The structures we have in place have enabled us to deal head on with various needs of our community, while complementing the Government's efforts at the national level.

A sense of Citizenry has been at the heart of what M3 has accomplished so far. Entrenched within it is the culture of giving which will continue to be integral to our Community of Success. We have established a strong foundation for contribution through M3. I will share three ways we can build on this legacy: first, equipping our youth for the future; second, empowering our community to take ownership of their health; and third, encouraging more volunteers to step forward and play a part. 

 Mentoring is important as it guides our youths to realise their potential. It can also be transformative when those who have benefited from the experience, pass it on, creating a virtuous cycle of giving.  

To create a thriving mentoring culture in the Malay/Muslim community, we set up the Youth Mentoring Office, or YMO under MENDAKI, in 2019. Since then, YMO has trained and deployed over 1,600 mentors to support more than 5,700 mentees through various mentoring programmes under M3's Focus Area 3.  

Mr Sharael Taha asked how we ensure the continued relevance of our mentoring programmes. We conducted youth mentoring programmes in four M3@Towns at Jurong, Pasir Ris-Punggol, Tampines, and Woodlands last year, and will now be refreshing our approach to bring mentoring programmes closer to more youths. By the end of this year, we will offer at least one youth mentoring programme at each of our 11 M3@Towns. 

One new mentoring programme we will be introducing at our M3@Towns, as well as mosques and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) is "Cool Yah Conversations". It adopts the concept of flash mentoring, a first of its kind approach in our mentoring programmes. Flash mentoring takes place over a shorter period and will combine interest-based activities like sports and games with impactful mentoring interactions in areas of personal development, educational transition, and career guidance. We hope that it will resonate with youths and lower barriers for them to get involved. Through this programme, we aim to reach 1,000 youths within a year, over and above the youths who will be engaged through our existing mentoring programmes under YMO.

To Mr Sharael Taha's query, beyond mentoring programmes, MENDAKI also offers their Future Ready programmes which help youth better understand the changing work landscape and provide avenues for them to explore jobs in growth industries. 

Key to the success of these programmes are our passionate and dedicated youth mentors. Most have benefited from MENDAKI's many initiatives and now find ways to give back to the community.  

One of them is Arinna Fithriyya Ridzuan. In 2019, Arinna received MENDAKI's Special Achievement Award for Excellence and Anugerah Cemerlang MENDAKI. Today, she works at the National Youth Council and has been a mentor to Nur Odelia Mohamed Azme since Odelia's second year of studies at ITE College Central through the #amPowered@ITE programme. With Arinna's support, Odelia learnt to build self-confidence and take charge of her personal development. Odelia is now working with MENDAKI's Care Advisors to explore potential post-tertiary pathways.  

 Our youth mentors also join me and my fellow Malay/Muslim Members of Parliament including Mr Saktiandi Supaat, Ms Nadia Samdin and Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim in the YOUth@M3 Engagement sessions, and various M3@Town programmes. These include Youth Edge for vulnerable youth which Ms Mariam Jaafar advises, the Youth Network Mental Health Townhall that Dr Wan Rizal champions and learning journeys to STEM companies that Mr Sharael Taha organises.  

I hope our youth mentors continue to inspire others to join our mentoring community in supporting others to realise their aspirations. Chairman, in Malay, please. 

(In Malay): Health is a blessing and we have a responsibility to take ownership of it. Leading healthy lifestyles also enables us to be active citizens in our community.

One good role model who takes care of his health is Mr Iylia Shukor. He actively encourages our Malay/Muslim community to adopt a healthy lifestyle by organising health programmes for them. When the fifth focus area of M3 was introduced last year, Mr Iylia tapped on the Saham Kesihatan programme to collaborate with more community partners. He has since organised monthly five kilometres brisk walking events with Kembangan Chai-Chee Community Centre, Braddell Heights Constituency Office, Wisma Geylang Serai and Kassim Mosque, as well as Qigong sessions at community centres in M3@Geylang Serai.

Dr Wan Rizal asked how M3 initiatives spur efforts to take charge of our community’s health. Volunteers like Mr Iylia show how Saham Kesihatan can empower the Malay/Muslim community to drive their own health programmes. Through Saham Kesihatan, they can receive support from M3 agencies, like PA MESRA and the HPB, to implement programmes on health, including for mental well-being.

Last year, over 500 participants took part in Saham Kesihatan programmes. They gave feedback that they enjoyed being part of a community which fosters a strong sense of support for one another to lead healthy lifestyles. This year, we aim to double the reach to benefit 1,000 participants. To achieve this target, I invite more individuals, like Mr Iylia, to leverage on Saham Kesihatan, to bring health programmes to our Malay/Muslim community.

Besides Saham Kesihatan, M3 agencies also work with HPB and the Jaga Kesihatan Jaga Ummah, or JKJU, network, where members regularly collaborate on initiatives that encourage healthier habits. In 2023, over 40,000 residents benefitted from JKJU programmes. We can expect more JKJU programmes at the M3@Towns throughout this year.

Through JKJU and Saham Kesihatan, our Malay/Muslim community also contributes to the national Healthier SG campaign which aims to help all Singaporeans take ownership of their health. I hope we will embrace this responsibility towards our health as we strive for a meaningful future together.

In looking to the future, we also take stock of how far we have come. Dr Syed Harun asked whether M3 initiatives have led to improvements in community engagement. Since its formation five years ago, M3 has developed structures and built networks for us to help the community more effectively, including the vulnerable. With this framework in place, we need more volunteers to step up and help make M3 initiatives a success.

Our volunteers comprise professionals from different fields who have been instrumental in the delivery of programmes at our M3@Towns – from initiating new programmes and befriending vulnerable families to connecting them with social assistance programmes.

Therefore, we continue to ensure volunteers are equipped with the skills and knowledge to engage the community effectively. Last year, we enhanced our Volunteers' Capability Building Framework with the M3 Seminar Series. This year, the M3 Engagement Coordination Office, or M3 ECO, and PA MESRA will work with the National Community Leadership Institute to organise workshops for volunteers. Through such workshops, they will learn to engage residents more meaningfully during house visits. The volunteers will also be able to increase their understanding of services at the national level, and therefore, help them to support residents in building strong and resilient families.

For example, through Project DIAN, volunteers will provide holistic support for Malay/Muslim families residing in rental flats. They will also journey with these families to better understand their needs and connect them to the relevant services.

One such volunteer is Mdm Eryannie Mohamad, a Project DIAN Ambassador from M3@Geylang Serai who was motivated to encourage parents to take greater interest in early childhood development. In November 2023, Mdm Eryannie and her fellow volunteers collaborated with MSR Interior Design to refurnish and repaint a beneficiary's home to provide a more conducive environment for their children's learning and family bonding.

It is also important for M3 to work closely with MMOs to deal with issues that may require a nuanced approach. For example, the Singapore Muslim Women's Association, or PPIS, provide support for Malay/Muslim women. Indeed, MMOs play a key role at the community and national level, and we are happy to have more MMOs and partners come alongside us to support our families and community.

We thank Mr Saktiandi Supaat for his suggestions on areas where volunteers can make a difference. Allow me to share some of the volunteer opportunities within M3 that suit the interests and skillsets of those who wish to contribute.

Our tertiary students can join the #amPowered programme as mentors for MTS students, or the "Cool Yah" programme at the M3@Towns.

If you are a working professional, you can contribute your knowledge and experience as mentors or speakers for M3 youth mentoring programmes, or support other professionals through MENDAKI's Professional Networks.

Those who want to contribute towards supporting children or vulnerable families can sign up as facilitators for our KMM initiative or as Project DIAN Ambassadors.

Starting this year, our corporate partners are also invited to collaborate with M3 to cultivate a culture of giving in your organisations, where interested staff can serve as volunteers at our M3@Towns as part of their work hours.

I strongly urge my fellow Members to share these volunteer opportunities with your respective constituencies. M3 will also be conducting volunteer recruitment drives throughout this year, and those who are interested can sign up via the M3 website or our socials.

(In English): A culture of contribution, driven by active citizenry underpins the spirit of M3. Everyone of us has a stake in ensuring that we continue to thrive as a Community of Success. There are many ways we can contribute in our different capacities, whether through pledging to the WMS, committing our time and effort as volunteers and mentors or even as a corporate partner. 

I hope that many more of us will step forward to join this noble cause to uplift our Malay/Muslim community.














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