

2024年5月18日上午,中国重汽汕德卡新内饰产品发布会在新洲经销商4S店隆重召开。利物浦市议员Dr Betty Green和新洲前多元文化部部长John Sidoti,以及财富集团董事Tommy Jiang均到场致贺词,中国重汽澳新大区总经理殷云硕、LK Auto董事Tom Li股东Richard Lian和Wesley Gu以及Synray Capital信瑞资本合伙人Arthur Weng等均出席了此次盛会。本次活动聚集了卡车行业、物流运输和建筑行业等中国重汽汕德卡品牌的新老客户,各合作伙伴和媒体嘉宾,得到了行业内广泛关注,现场盛况空前,取得了圆满成功。

In the morning of May 18, 2024. SITRAK new interior product launching exhibition was held in NSW dealer’s new 4S store. Councilor of Liverpool City Council- Dr Betty Green, NSW Former Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans-- John Sidoti and the Director of Fortune Group—Tommy Jiang, all delivered the congratulatory speech. General manager of Sinotruk Australia and New Zealand—Yunshuo Yin, the director of LK Auto Tom Li, the shareholder of LK Auto Richard Lian and Wesley Gu, the partner of Synray Capital Arthur Weng, were all presented at the event. The event gathered new and old customers of SITRAK in the truck industry, logistics and construction industry, various partners and media guests, which received the extensive attention in this industry, and achieved a complete success.

发布会上,中国重汽澳新大区总经理殷云硕,介绍了中国重汽的发展历程及汕德卡新内饰产品。中国重汽是中国第一家重型卡车制造商,也是中国销量排名第一的重型汽车企业,被誉为中国重型汽车工业的摇篮。2023年,中国重汽共售出33万辆卡车,向海外市场出口13万辆。目前已跻身全球一流重卡制造商行列,产品销往110多个国家。众所周知,澳大利亚是亚太地区的高端重卡市场,也是中国重汽的新兴市场。中国重汽自2017年进入澳洲市场以来,12个车型已通过ADR认证,迄今为止已经实现重卡产品销售1000余台。中国重汽在澳洲商业名称为SITRAK,SITRAK Australia现拥有4家一级经销商,7家4S店,5家配件中心库。在服务网络方面,已经签约了13个服务中心,另有17个服务中心正在洽谈中。到6月底,中国重汽将在澳大利亚建成拥有30个服务中心的服务网络。为了更好地满足澳大利亚市场的需求,中国重汽针对澳大利亚市场开发了SITRAK全新内饰牵引车产品,该产品汇聚了全球顶级的配件供应商体系,拥有高燃油经济性,良好的驾乘体验和绝佳的安全性能,深得澳大利亚重卡用车客户的信赖和喜爱。
On the exhibition, the General Manger of Sinotruk Australia & New Zealand Market have introduced Sinotruk's history and SITRAK new interior product. Sinotruk is the first heavy truck manufacturer in China and is known as the cradle of Chinese heavy-duty truck industry. In 2023, Sinotruk sold over 330,000 units of trucks and realized the exportation of 130,000 units to overseas markets. At present, it has ranked among the world's first-class heavy truck manufacturers, and the products have been sold to over 110 countries. As we known, Australia is the high-end heavy truck market in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is also an emerging market for Sinotruk. Since Sinotruk entered the Australian market in 2017, 12 models have passed ADR certification and more than 1,000 heavy truck products have been delivered to the customers. Sinotruk trade as SITRAK in Australia. Now, SITRAK Australia has 4 primary dealers, 7 4S stores and 5 spare parts Centers . In terms of the service network, 13 service centers have been contracted and another 17 service centers are under negotiation. By the end of June, Sinotruk will have established a service network with 30 service centers in Australia. In order to better meet the demand of the Australian market, SITRAK new interior prime mover products have been designed for the Australian market, which brings the world's top suppliers together, with high fuel economy, good driving experience and excellent safety performance, and won the trust and love of Australian heavy truck customers.

LK Auto - 澳大利亚新南威尔士州独家经销商
LK Auto - Exclusive distributor in New South Wales, Australia
发布会上,LK Auto销售总监Robert介绍了LK Auto的公司概况。作为新南威尔士州的独家经销商,LK Auto为当地客户提供了一体化购车解决方案和售后服务支持,确保每一位客户都能享受到高效、便捷的服务。
During the launch, Robert Churchhill, Sales Director of LK Auto, provided an overview of the company. As the exclusive dealer in New South Wales, LK Auto offers integrated truck purchasing solutions and after-sales service support, ensuring that every customer enjoys efficient and convenient service.

Truck Financial Policy Support
Synray Capital信瑞资本合伙人Arthur Weng在会上表示,卡车行业在金融领域具有广阔前景,Synray Capital致力于为广大SITRAK用户领域提供专业、稳定的金融服务,包括企业信贷、车辆贷款和融资租赁等。Synray Capital将为经销商和卡车采购商提供全面的金融支持,具有利率优惠、审批快速、后续服务完善的优势。
Financial Support for the Truck Industry
Arthur Weng, partner at Synray Capital, highlighted the financial prospects within the truck industry. Synray Capital is dedicated to providing professional and stable financial services to SITRAK customers, including corporate credit, vehicle loans, and financial leasing. Synray Capital offers comprehensive financial support to dealers and truck buyers with favorable interest rates, fast approval processes, and complete follow-up services.


The successful launch of SITRAK's new interior products in NSW demonstrates Sinotruk's technological advancements and commitment to the heavy truck industry. This event marks another milestone in Sinotruk's global expansion. Looking ahead, SITRAK Australia is committed to providing higher quality products and superior services to Australian truck users.
For more information, please visit the official SITRAK website, or contact your local dealer shown on website.




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