Hyatt 宣布新的长住品牌:Hyatt Studios【更新:$1只积累2.5分,环球客有欢迎礼】
Hyatt Studios的消费每$1只积攒2.5分,而其它品牌都是积攒5分: “If a Member chooses to earn points for his/her stay, such Member will earn:Five (5) points for each whole U.S. dollar or U.S. dollar equivalent spent by the Member on an Eligible Rate at any Point Property other than a Hyatt Studios hotel; orTwo and a half (2.5) points for each whole U.S. dollar or U.S. dollar equivalent spent on an Eligible Rate for a stay at a Hyatt Studios hotel.”
可以在Hyatt Studios使用里程碑奖励的2K Next Stay Award
Hyatt Studios提供环球客欢迎礼:$15 market credit 或者 500 bonus pts二选一
只能积攒一半的积分kind of expected,因为Hyatt Studios是凯悦第一个Upper Midscale品牌(Hyatt Place/Hyatt House都是Upscale),越经济线的品牌集团收取的费率越低,因此给的积分就越少。万豪、IHG、Hilton都有类似的只能赚取部分积分的品牌。只是2.5这个兑换比例…估计会round up吧;
有球客欢迎礼还挺惊喜的,虽然酒店market一般都mark up很高,实际价值估计和500 pts也不会差别太多。