同其他“蛋疼”的经典面试问题——例如“说说你说服老板的经历”、“谈谈你十年后的职业发展”、“聊聊你最优质的项目”比较,"What's your greatest strength?"似乎是一个相当无害的问题。推销自己嘛,谁还不会咋的!我天下第一好! 实则不然,用力过头会显得傲慢自大,为人轻浮;谦虚低调又会显得缺乏自信,不能胜任这份工作。那么,如何选取话题,找到两者间的平衡点呢?下面让我们一起来看一看,在面试中,怎样说才能给自己夸的漂漂亮亮,让面试官听得心花怒放! 相似的题目
除了"What's your greatest strength?"外,遇见这些相近的问题也可以参考本文。What are your biggest strengths?What are some of your strengths?What strengths would you bring to our company?What is your greatest accomplishment?What do you do best in your current position?What would your co-workers say is your strongest area of expertise?What is an area where you are considered to be an expert? 答案看起来应该……?
充满干劲儿,激情洋溢的雇员到哪都会很受欢迎,下面我们将举“passionate”的正反例,向大家直观展示,什么才是夸奖的正确打开方式。错误范例 I am passionate.或I am passionate to learn new things.优秀范例 One of my strengths is that I am passionate to learn new things and create an opportunity to implement those. I’ve always been very good at learning new tools and stay up to date. In my previous company, we used to spend a lot of time on manual testing. I have discussed with my manager and my team and implemented the automation process in one of our projects. The team was not happy with the sudden change from manual to automation process, but I managed to motivate them by holding regular updates and training.I am a problem solver. I enjoy taking up new challenges. While implementing the automation process, we have faced many challenges such as teaching new tool to the people who are not aware of the new tool.I have good teaching skills. Yes, by the time of implementing the automation tool, I have taken classes to my peers on how to write scripts using the automation tool.This implementation of automation process had a great impact on the company, now we are doing well with regression testing and saving a lot of time. We got an approval from our management to implement the same process in other projects.I am sure I could bring those skills to this job too. 最后,也许到整个面试结束,你都没有被问到有关优点的问题。然而,这个问题是开放式的,非常通用!分享以前的工作经验或合作经历?谈谈为什么适合这个职位?与公司文化是怎样契合的?你可以把谈话转向你想要的任何话题。 除此之外,如果对求职上岸有更多想法,或者对以上内容想更深入了解的伙伴,欢迎扫码,回复【咨询】,获得更详细了解!