PPG Paints Arena举办的Trans-Siberian Orchestra假日盛典;Club Cafe举办Billy Price音乐会(2023年12月16日,周六)

PPG Paints Arena举办的Trans-Siberian Orchestra假日盛典;Club Cafe举办Billy Price音乐会(2023年12月16日,周六)

PPG Paints Arena举办的Trans-Siberian Orchestra假日盛典;Club Cafe举办Billy Price音乐会(2023年12月16日,周六)
1) Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the band that brought us the epic Christmas tune "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo," is still rocking arenas with their progressive holiday music and killer light shows, even after the passing of their founder and bassist. Catch their show, The Ghosts of Christmas Eve: The Best of TSO and More, at PPG Paints Arena this holiday season. 2) Pittsburgh music legend Billy Price, with over 50 years in the industry, is nominated for the Soul Blues Male Artist award at the 2023 Blues Music Awards. From his early days with Roy Buchanan to his current solo work, Price's soulful vocals and impressive discography have earned him numerous accolades and a spot in the Pittsburgh Rock Legends Hall. 3) Chatham Baroque will transport you back in time with their holiday program, Alegría: Music of Baroque Spain and The Americas, featuring beautiful Baroque Christmas music from the 16th to 18th centuries. Singing in Spanish, these concerts will take place at Hicks Memorial Chapel and Levy Hall, offering a unique and festive experience.
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