观看 | 亲历者:无家可归

观看 | 亲历者:无家可归

观看 | 亲历者:无家可归
Yolanda, known as "The Auntie" of Lathrop Homes, is now living in a tent just feet away from the abandoned housing development she once called home. With no food, money, and facing Chicago's brutal cold, Yolanda's need for housing is becoming increasingly urgent. Jackie, a mother of three, found herself in need of housing after an altercation with her family. With the help of A Safe Haven, Jackie can work part-time, keep her children in school, and try to live a somewhat 'normal life.' Dan's journey to homelessness started 12 years ago after being evicted from his suburban home. Navigating life on the streets while avoiding crimes against the homeless and tackling a heroin addiction are immediate concerns for Dan. Brian, who walked into St. Leonard's Ministries with the goal of leaving homelessness behind, is repairing broken family relationships and making his voice heard through advocacy work with the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. A potential job with the Chicago Transit Authority and permanent housing may be in his near future.
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