A City in Bloom: Shanghai Through the ’90s

A City in Bloom: Shanghai Through the ’90s


Since its Dec. 27 release, ‘Blossoms Shanghai’ has led TV ratings. Directed by Wong Kar-wai and set during the city's economic boom in the 1990s, the show has sparked a social media frenzy and fueled a travel boom to iconic Shanghai landmarks.

By Ding Yining and Qi Ya

China’s runaway hit TV drama “Blossoms Shanghai” concluded Tuesday, drawing curtains on its dazzling portrayal of the city in the 1990s. Adapted from Jin Yucheng’s award-winning novel of the same name, the series, directed by Wong Kar-wai, captures the essence of Shanghai on the brink of modernization.

In this era of rapid development, the city’s residents saw the skyline transform as high-rises began dotting the landscape. It was also marked by significant lifestyle changes — people embraced new fashion styles, started using mobile phones, and began investing in the stock market.

Sixth Tone presents a selection of photos from the 1990s that showcase the city’s evolution.

Pedestrians on Nanjing Road, May 1, 1994. Peter Charlesworth/LightRocket via VCG

A man talks on his “dageda,” literally “big brother big,” the first generation mobile phone used in China, 1998. Xu Haifeng/The Paper

Two young men in Shanghai, August 1996. Xu Haifeng/The Paper

Residents ride through Shanghai on bicycles, October 1993. Frances M. Ginter/Getty Images/VCG

Neon advertising signs light up Nanjing Road as cars, traffic, and pedestrians crowd one of the city’s busiest shopping areas, Nov. 1, 1993. Peter Charlesworth/LightRocket via VCG

An elderly man and a couple share a park bench, 1997. Peter Turnley/Corbis/VCG

A couple steps over a puddle, 1995. Xu Haifeng/The Paper

Two men on a smoke break, 1998. Xu Haifeng/The Paper

At the Shanghai Stock Exchange, 1990. Lu Jie for Sixth Tone

People buying shares at the exchange, 1993. Tom Stoddart Archive/Getty Images/VCG

A young girl dancing in an alley, October 1998. Joe McNally/Getty Images/VCG

A father photographs his wife and child on the Bund, May 1, 1994. Peter Charlesworth/LightRocket via VCG

A groom photographing his bride in a wedding dress shop, 1995. Andrew Holbrooke/Corbis/VCG

A young woman conversing with an elderly man on Huaihai Road. Peter Turnley/Corbis/VCG

Women at a beauty salon having their hair done and reading magazines, including one with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the cover, 1994. Andrew Holbrooke/Corbis/VCG

Models showcasing fashion designs from Donghua University, Shanghai’s first fashion school, Oct. 1, 1993. Patrick Aventurier/Gamma-Rapho via VCG

A doorman at the Peace Hotel hails a taxi, 1996. Andrew Holbrooke/Corbis/VCG
Editor: Apurva.
(Header image: A model speaks on a mobile phone on a bridge over Nanjing Road in Shanghai, Oct. 1, 1995. Gerhard Joren/LightRocket via VCG)

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来源:Sixth Tone


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