[You're invited] Women in Private Wealth 2024

[You're invited] Women in Private Wealth 2024

Private Inspirations: 

Women in Private Wealth 2024

April 11, 2024 (Thu) | 4:00 - 6:30 PM

Hong Kong

As the global financial landscape continues to evolve, Hong Kong remains a key hub for private wealth management. It is also home to some of the region's most inspiring women in private wealth: industry leaders who have overcome career challenges, pushed boundaries, and blazed trails for a new generation to follow.

Join us as we bring these key players from the private wealth management and family office arenas together to discuss the forces shaping the industry in Greater China and beyond. As well as the latest regulatory developments, market disruptions, emerging technologies and facilities such as Wealth Management Connect, you'll hear about:

  • Industry trends, opportunities & challenges in the Greater China and APAC wealth management markets

  • Embracing innovation & automation to enhance operational efficiency, real-time price distribution, execution & workflow


  • Fire-side Chat: Celebrating Women in Private Wealth

  • Unravelling the Shifting Tides: Industry trends, developments, opportunities & challenges in Greater China and APAC wealth management market

  • Innovation and Automation: Embracing the digital revolutions to enhance operational efficiency, real-time price distribution, automate execution, and streamline workflow for enhanced client service

  • Networking drinks & canapés


Amy Lo

Chairman of Global Wealth Management Asia

UBS Hong Kong

Grace Tam

Chief Investment Advisor Hong Kong

BNP Paribas Wealth Management

Vivien Khoo

Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director

Private Wealth Management Association

Maggie Chen

Founder and Managing Partner


Vicky Kong

Head of Wealth, Asia North & Australia


Judy Chan

Market Head of Client Relationship Management

Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

Peggy Kam

Head of Fixed Income Advisory and Execution – Wealth Management, CPBB

Standard Chartered Bank

Yvonne Man


Bloomberg TV

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