邻居们,你们假期的植物有人照顾啦!-- 青少年义工绿植托管Lexington Plantcare

邻居们,你们假期的植物有人照顾啦!-- 青少年义工绿植托管Lexington Plantcare

青少年义工绿植托管 Lexington Plantcare



现在Lexington Plantcare完全解决了您的后顾之忧,您只负责开开心心去度假,剩下的就交给绿植托管项目的青少年义工们吧。

Lexington Plant care在2023年暑假期间应运而生, 是莱克星顿华协社区委员会的青少年非盈利义工项目,目的就是帮助社区度假的邻居们照顾家中的植物,去年已经被很多户邻居托管绿植,也受到了广泛好评。

After the long winter, the most beautiful season is about to come. With warm sunshine, gentle spring breeze, cities full of blooming flowers, azure sky, shimmering lake surface, and lush forests, who can resist the temptation of traveling? 

Get your work arranged, bring your family, pack your luggage, and get ready to go. However, don’t forget that there are still cute and fragile little green plants at home that need to be taken care of! 

Lexington Plantcare has completely solved your worries. You just need to go on vacation happily and leave the rest to the teenage volunteers of the plant care project. 

Lexington Plantcare was founded during the summer vacation of 2023. It is a non-profit youth volunteer project of the Lexington Chinese Community Committee, aimed at helping neighbors in the community take care of their plants while on vacation. 

Last year, it was trusted by many households to care for their plants and received wide praise.

Lexington Plantcare


In August of 2023, the founders Mo and Jenny received around 10 requests of plant care from around the neighborhood.

青少年义工绿植托管 Lexington Plantcare


The following is Mo’s thoughts on the program from the start:


In the beginning, I was very nervous, unsure if I could gain the trust and guardianship of the neighbors. We distributed advertisements, went door-to-door to promote to neighbors, and also promoted in residents' WeChat groups. Unexpectedly, the neighbors responded that this project was simply wonderful, solving their worries over the years.

他们总是要在外出时候找朋友帮忙来家照顾来浇水,其实心里很是过意不去,Lexington plant care,真的是急居民所急,他们纷纷竖起大拇指夸赞,我也从忐忑到有了一点点信心。

They always had to ask friends to come to take care of watering the plants when they were away, which made them feel guilty. Lexington Plant Care really understands the residents' needs. They all supported and praised it, which made my confidence grow. 


Subsequently, neighbors started to send over their plants for care. I began to worry whether I could take care of them well enough to not disappoint them, so I downloaded a specialized plant-related app to learn. From not recognizing some plants at all to mastering their care techniques, my confidence grew. 


For example, neighbors and friends sent over dozens of pots of plants, some succulents, ferns, dracaenas, peace lilies, some gardenias, aloe vera, and money trees. They were all lush and healthy when they arrived, showing that the owners had taken great care of them. I made up my mind to make them thrive as I continued learning. 


I studied diligently, placing them on sunny windowsills or away from sunlight according to their preferences, and adjusting the watering frequency based on soil moisture. 


I remember last year, I was most worried about a gardenia plant gradually withering, with yellowing flowers and falling leaves. I quickly sought advice from my experienced mom and searched online for care tips for gardenias. I found that they prefer acidic environments, while the tap water I used is neutral and not suitable.


So I thought of using the water from washing rice and placing lemon slices in it, sealing it for a week before watering the gardenia plant with it, and spraying the leaves. Soon, within a few days, I saw it gradually improving. The newly blooming flowers were white and fragrant, and the leaves stopped falling, turning shiny and green. At that moment, I was so happy and proud of myself, for I did not disappoint the neighbors' expectations. 


Taking care of plants may seem like a small thing, but betraying trust from other people is a big deal. I realized that even something seemingly effortless like caring for plants requires seriousness.


Summer of 2024 is coming again, and our project team has attracted more enthusiastic young volunteers who love the community and plants to join us. There will be more neighbors in need of plant care, and our team has become more professional. Please rest assured to entrust your plants to our project team. You give us your trust, and we will give you back a green hope!


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