



The United States on Thursday voted against a Palestinian request for full UN membership at the Security Council.

The 15-member council voted on a draft resolution that recommends to the 193-member UN General Assembly that "the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations."

The draft resolution received 12 votes in favor, two abstentions, and one vote against.



The Palestinian mission to the United Nations initially requested full UN member state status in 2011. Their first attempt failed because they did not receive the necessary minimum support of nine out of the 15 members of the Security Council.

Earlier this month, Palestine's renewed request for full member state status at the United Nations was evaluated by the UN Committee on the Admission of New Members. This revival of their membership bid in early April was supported by the 140 countries that recognize Palestine as an independent state.


A council resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the United States, Britain, France, Russia or China to pass. The United States was compelled to use its veto power after the draft secured 12 votes in favor.

veto /ˈviːtəʊ/:否决



China's ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday said China "is very disappointed" with the United States' veto of a Palestinian request for full UN membership in the UN Security Council.

"Today is a sad day," said Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations. "Due to the veto of the United States, Palestine's application to become a full member of the United Nations was rejected, and the Palestinian people's decades-long dream was shattered.

"The establishment of an independent state has been the long-cherished wish of the Palestinian people for generations, and formally joining the UN is a key step in this historical process," Fu said.





"Thirteen years is long enough, but relevant countries are still complaining that there is not enough time and they should not act in a hurry. Such a statement is disingenuous. Now more than ever, it is more urgent than ever to admit Palestine into full membership of the United Nations," said Fu.


He said China "cannot agree with" the statement that "the Palestinian state does not have the ability to govern the country".

"The situation in Palestine has undergone many changes in the past 13 years, the most fundamental of which is the continuous expansion of settlements in the West Bank. The living space of Palestine as a country has been continuously squeezed, and the foundation of the two-state solution has been continuously eroded," he said.

"Relevant countries turned a blind eye to this, adopted an attitude of acquiescence or even connivance, and now they are questioning Palestine's ability to govern. This is completely gangster logic that confuses right and wrong," Fu said.


He said questioning whether Palestine meets the membership criteria stipulated in the United Nations Charter, and whether Palestine is "peace-loving", is "too much".

"For the Palestinian people who have suffered from occupation, they are nothing short of rubbing salt into the wounds and are a great insult," Fu said.

"The establishment of an independent state is the indisputable national right of the Palestinian people, not subject to questioning or bargaining," he added.



He said as Israel continues to reject two-state solution, granting Palestine full UN membership "will afford it equal standing with Israel and facilitate the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations".

"All nations genuinely supportive of the two-state solution should endorse Palestine's formal UN membership," he said.




来源:新华社 中国日报网 央视新闻客户端 中国常驻联合国代表团网站

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