





通过扩展到1号馆,今年的活动涵盖了Gran Via场地的1、2、3、4、5号馆及4号与5号馆之间的画廊区域。此次展会对城市的经济影响估计超过1.56亿欧元。

多样化传播美国海鲜(Seafood at Diversified Communications USA)副总裁Wynter Courmont表示:“在展馆中感受到的热情真是令人兴奋。整个行业依赖这一活动来达成其全球市场的年度商业目标。无论是参展商还是观众,都利用这个平台与现有客户会面、寻找新客户、建立客户关系并扩展对行业的了解。”





海鲜卓越全球奖表彰了在博览会上展出的最佳产品,法国的Parcs Saint Kerber和Algolesko赢得了顶奖。

Parcs Saint Kerber因其“Saint Kerber牡蛎三重奏”赢得了最佳零售产品奖,该产品在单一零售盒中展示了该公司标志性牡蛎的四种各三只。


Phillips Seafoods的高级副总裁兼首席运营官John Knorr表示:“我们今年想在海鲜博览全球上展出,因为我们的公司正通过收购我们在加拿大的雪蟹和龙虾公司而拓展新市场,这里是推出这些类别新产品并面对面与客户交谈的地方。”



【Boston Chinese Media Reports】Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global, the world's largest and most diverse seafood trade show, closes its 30th edition with record breaking figures, making it the largest edition in the history of the event. 

Diversified Communications, organizer of the event, estimates that more than 35,000 buyers and suppliers from the global seafood industry came to the event for its third year in Barcelona. With 51,248 net square meters of exhibit space, the event welcomed a record 2,244 exhibiting seafood and seafood processing equipment companies from 87 different countries and 67 national and regional pavilions. 

With the expansion into Hall 1, this year’s event occupied Halls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the Galleria (between Halls 4 and 5) at the Gran Via venue. The economic impact for the city is estimated to be more than 156 million Euros. 

"It was exciting to feel the buzz throughout the exhibit halls,” said Wynter Courmont, Vice President of Seafood at Diversified Communications USA. “The industry relies on this event to reach their annual business goals in the global market. Both exhibitors and visitors utilize this platform as a place to meet with current customers, find new ones, forge customer relationships and expand their knowledge of the industry." 

Seafood Expo Global exhibitors showcased the most recent innovation in seafood -– fresh, frozen, canned, value-added, processed and packaged – such as seafood sweets such as salmon candy and shrimp lollipops, fish chips, pickled wakame seaweed or seafood spreads. Seafood Processing Global brought together companies representing every aspect of seafood processing, including packaging material and machinery, equipment and supplies for refrigeration and freezing, primary and secondary processing equipment, hygiene control and sanitation, and quality assurance services. 

This year’s event has seen an increase in companies presenting aquaculture technologies and equipment and logistical companies, as well as high-volume buyers from the retail, foodservice and distribution taking part in the event’s Key Buyer program.

Sustainability, aquaculture, labor issues, artificial intelligence and traceability were some of the most prominent topics discussed at the event’s three-day conference program. 

The prestigious Seafood Excellence Global Awards recognized the best products represented at the Expo with French companies Parcs Saint Kerber and Algolesko winning the top prizes. 

Parcs Saint Kerber won the Best Retail Product for its Oysters Trio Saint Kerber, which features four each of three of the company’s iconic oysters in a single retail box. Algolesko won the grand prize for Best HORECA (hotel/restaurant/catering) Product for its Wakame Pickles, which offers a unique new way for chefs to present seaweed on the menu. 

"We wanted to exhibit at Seafood Expo Global this year because our company's expanding in new markets with the acquisitions of our snow crab and our lobster companies in Canada and this is the place to be to launch our new products in those categories and to talk to customers face-to-face," said John Knorr, Senior Vice President & COO of Phillips Seafoods. 

"This event allows us to meet and talk with our customers, get their feedback on new items and catch up to see what their goals are for the coming year. There's an incredible draw of people and this is where we have to be to talk to them. Even if you're a small company trying to start up or a large company, it's important to be here to see what the trends are, what people want, and what people are talking about. It's a great place to learn a lot and talk to people about what you do." 

For the first time, the Expo hosted a reception and networking event “Connecting Women in Seafood,”which provided attendees a space to connect, share experiences and expand their professional network with a goal in mind: create a more inclusive and thriving seafood industry. 



Seafood Expo Global and Seafood Processing Global form the world’s largest seafood trade event. Thousands of buyers and suppliers from around the world attend the annual, three-day exposition to meet, network and conduct business. Attending buyers represent importers, exporters, wholesalers, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, and other retail and foodservice companies. Exhibiting suppliers offer the newest seafood products, processing and packaging equipment, and services available in the seafood market. 






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