求职秘籍|5个最常见Networking对象Follow Up模板
很多时候,重要的并非只有第一次约见,之后的关系维系和Follow Up也是重中之重。还是那句话,Networking从朋友做起,之后需要帮助的时候才更自然。
而针对不同的Networking对象,Follow Up的语气语调、邮件写法都有区别。今天我们帮大家梳理一下常见的5种Follow Up不同人群的方法:
Networking Event上遇到的Professional
一般来说,在Networking Event中与Professional们进行的大多数对话都非常短,可能一共也就几句话。所以在Follow Up的时候,可能会觉得更像在联系陌生人。这时候如果要找到话题的话,LinkedIn就派上用场了。可以看看他们的LinkedIn最近在做什么有什么动向,不仅可以找到话题,还可以为之后进一步会面埋下伏笔:
Hi Jeff,
It was really nice meeting you at the Offerbang Inbound Marketing Conference on March 14th. Your advice on landing page optimization was so helpful; I've actually shared your tips with my friends. I noticed on your LinkedIn that you're working on an e-book about inbound marketing, which is also a project I'm currently working on. If you've got time, I'd love to meet for coffee and hear more in person!
这个Template主要针对你的前辈和比你年长的人。比如你实习/工作时候的上司,在LinkedIn上发现的中小公司Partner,比如你仰慕的业界前辈,可以说明他值得你尊敬的原因。如果可以的话,甚至可以向他们发出Coffee Chat的邀请。举个例子:
Dear Catherine,
It's been a pleasure working for you at Offerbang. In particular, I appreciate the changes you've made to improve communication between the sales and product teams. If you have time, I'd appreciate the chance to grab a coffee and learn more about the future plan for Offerbang.
Thank you,
如果生活中偶遇的朋友哦能变成自己的Professional Network,瞬间感觉自己的人脉广了很多吧?比如你突然发现你在Bar,Party或者游戏里认识的朋友竟然是你Dream Company的大佬,你非常想和他Network,获取职业上的建议,其实只需要一个简单的过渡,说明你们相识的原因,然后自然地问问有没有Informational Interview就可以了:
Hi Howard,
It was awesome meeting you at Bailey's party last week. I remember you mentioned you were VP of Business Development at Offerbang; I just got my MBA and am interested in negotiating commercial partnerships. Could I buy you coffee sometime in the near future and learn more about your work at Offerbang and your advice?
Thank you so much for you time. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
包括一起共事过的Professional(无论是实习还是全职)或者一起做过Project的同学。他们和你共事过,对你也有一定了解,可以向其他人介绍你,打开机会之门,所以也是Networking的好选择。在和他们Follow Up的时候,可以从最近的一个动态入手:
Hey Catherine,
How are you?I hope you and Karen are awesome and the life at Offerbang is treating you well! I just saw this article about the value of becoming a consultant and immediately thought of you and would love to catch up soon. Would you be free in the next few days/weeks?
从未见过面的Professional Connection
听起来有点奇怪?但如果想拥有的庞大的Professional Network,有很多人都是没见过面的。但这并不妨碍你们成为彼此的人脉,并相互帮助。可以从给对方提供信息或者人脉的角度出发,比如:如果你想Follow up一个LinkedIn上没见过的Connection,可以先看看他的LinkedIn Profile,看看他的最新动态,或者有没有你可以帮忙Connect的人:
Dear Eva,
How's your week going?I'm reaching out because I realized I might have the perfect person for you to meet:Joy Adams, who works as a tech recruiter at Offerbang. She could definitely give you some insight into the differences between tech and regular recruiting. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll set up an intro!
这就是我们为大家带来的五类用于在Networking后Follow Up不同人群的Email Templates!要记住,Follow Up非常非常重要,这么重要的环节一招鲜吃遍天可不行。对于不同人群使用不同的模版,Follow Up的效果才是最好的。