

侃哥的第 2155 次原创


这位同学是学医的,他不仅从我讲的文章里学到了英文,更是养成了一种人文精神(humanism),这对于医生来说,尤为重要。古希腊医生希波克拉底有言:Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.(有时去治愈;常常去帮助;总是去安慰),作为一个医生,医术固然重要,但更重要的是其身上的人文精神,把病人当人,给予人性关爱,这比冰冷的药品、器械重要一千倍一万倍。




▲ 正在备战考研的同学本人










It's my honor to come here to make me heared. I'm ## from Xinyang City, Henan Province as generation Z. Here we stand across the Yellow River from Shanxi province, where 5 years saw me major in clinical medicine as an undergraduate in Shanxi Medical University.

The use of formula, for instance, if you know where they come from, is cosy. If not, it's too awkward to remember the conclusion when you do use it albeit your answer marks tick, yet to know where to go.

Scientific research named Preparation of pain model and comparison of painkillers or analgesics unlike about effects as well as review paper called Content and progress of Hippocrates research were created in the period between sophomore and junior when I thought whether we could bring promethean fire to leukemia spanning acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia or lymphoma covering Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, tantalising tumors or neoplasms, for the benefit of the patient and the advancement of healthcare sworn by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygeia, Panacea and taken to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, or find one to mechanism like Hageman factor, as is known to us all, clotting factor 12, contacting coagulation system, fibrinolytic system, kinin system and complement system. Not only should I make accumulation, but it is incumbent on me to cultivate innovate consciousness walking on eggshells before channel feasible means jumping through hoops.

How a postgraduate treat the required courses during the master's degree says everything about the high-education ability to the cutting-edge achievements of the major.

Haste makes waste, hense l shall put my nose to the grindstone for this moment and all the moments to come.  

ln Africa they have a concept known as Ubuntu, based upon the recognition that we are only people because of other people. l am because you are, so l shall pull the missions off launched by my tutor with quality and on time.

l shall carry out master's projects under the guidance of my mentor thriving in good times and surviving in bad times, do correlative experiments, write interrelated articles and come out high-level medical journals like hierophants.

l'll have been learning 8 years by the graduation of postgraduate. Time permitting, there'll be academic exchanges, Leda's eggs, to broaden academic horizon.

l'll master how to walk against the wind, how to run through the forest and how to swim across the current without Ariadne's thread in Icarus labyrinth.

l'll be in Resident Standardization Training, via of Medical Licensing Examination, complete by master's degree, and continue for doctor's degree.   

Save project, it's turn to hobbies and interests. Interests are not so much about the pitter-patter we listen as they are about the crisscross we feel. I can't help but think of the famous motto inscribed on the Temple of Delphi in the Greek holy city - knowing yourself. This is us, that is us. I have taken some prepared thinking before coming to a preliminary conclusion by and large that it is not the six classics that write on me, but I write on the six classics.

One is Justin Schmidt. A foreign journal was read in the Economist last year, whose headline was The King of Sting. Given amour, he would rather be stung by a foaming colony of paper wasps, a bubbling cluster of sweat bees or a boiling swarm of bullet ants beyond the ouch. Most famously, in 1983, he compiled the Schmidt lnsect Sting Pain lndex, a Hercules's task, ranking the stings of 78 insects from one to four according to their pain. The honey bee was his anchoring value, since most people knew what a bee sting felt like, and was rated a two. He also provided a line or so, trembling on the edge of poetry, to describe each pain precisely.

Another is Ryuichi Sakamoto. Music is not so much about the pitter-patter you listen as it is about the crisscross you feel. When l saw the documentary film Ryuichi Sakamoto: soda, a shot that taking out the sound picking equipment to collect the sounds of nature as Zhuangzi in the Adjustment of Controversies said in an ice cave in the Arctic Circle is to Ryuichi Sakamoto what a poem that A lonely fisherman afloat, Is fishing snow in lonely boat to a Tang poet. The difference is that one fishes snow, the other fishes music.

Anything involving ourselves is a maximum, whilst it is so minimum that it is not worth mentioning on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam nevertheless we are atrophy or hypertrophy in pathology, Poetry or verse helps me from dawn to dusk through waxing and waning.(这篇文章由目前就读于山西省医科大学的一日三秋同学所写,文章中分享了自己的学术经历、研究兴趣和未来职业规划。)请注意,本内容为学员提供的英语原文,其中可能包含语法、逻辑错误或其它不规范之处。该文仅供读者参考之用,不建议作为学习材料,但这位同学的精神非常可嘉,值得表扬,我们支持鼓励大家勇于表达~










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