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长马善高,内政部兼社会及家庭发展部政务部长孙雪玲,文化、社区及青年部兼社会及家庭发展部高级政务次长蔡瑞隆在国会分别答复阿裕尼集选区议员莫哈默·费沙、阿裕尼集选区议员严燕松、义顺集选区义顺南区议员陈澮敏 、拉丁马士区议员杨益财关于提升版社区联系站、家庭服务中心等相关问题。
The Chairman: Mr Faisal Manap.
Mr Muhamad Faisal Bin Abdul Manap: Thank you, Sir. I have one clarification for Minister Masagos.
I believe Minister Masagos mentioned earlier that the ComLink+ family coaches are actually social workers from the FSCs and I believe the Minister is aware of the already heavy workload of FSCs' social workers. So, I would like to ask whether MSF will actually be able to provide additional resources and funding to FSCs, so that FSCs are sufficiently equipped?
Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: The families who live in rental homes who have children, part of them are already under the FSC. So, they have a relationship with the FSC social worker and this is not an additional job for them. It is to let them do their work even better because we give them more tools to incentivise their families to achieve their lifelong goals, in addition to resolving issues like divorce or family violence and so forth. So, I do not see this as an additional burden to them but actually they would very much welcome that now they have more tools to enable them to achieve the objectives that they want for these families.
The Chairman: Mr Giam.
Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song: Just clarify with Minister of State Sun, can existing individual childminders join the programme or do they have to be employed by a childminding operator?
Ms Sun Xueling: We are currently engaging the operators. Based on the engagement so far, the intent is for the operators to engage the childminders and be responsible for the childminders because it would be very difficult for the MSF to be regulating each and every childminder. So the short answer to your question is, yes.
The Chairman: Ms Carrie Tan.
Ms Carrie Tan: I would like to address this query to Minister Masagos regarding the funding model of FSCs.
Firstly, I would like to commend that I think the funding model for Comlink+ is very progressive in that it rewards and has an outcome-based model. But I would like to ask if the Ministry would consider reviewing the current funding model of FSCs to transition towards an outcomes-based funding for those FSCs that work on social mobility outcomes, rather than the current model which is based on the caseload funding?
Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: As I had mentioned in my speech, Senior Parliamentary Secretary Eric Chua is now leading a task force to conduct an overall review of the FSC landscape and certainly, the areas our Member mentioned just now will be one of them that he will be looking at.
The Chairman: Any other clarifications? Yes, Senior Parliamentary Secretary Eric Chua.
Mr Eric Chua: I just want to make a clarification to my main speech earlier. In my excitement, I have said that the family coaches would visit the families at the beginning, once or twice every month. Actually, it is once, every one to two months.
The Chairman: Any other clarifications from any Member? If not, can I invite Mr Melvin Yong, if you like, to withdraw your amendment?
Mr Melvin Yong Yik Chye: Thank you, Chairman. I would like to thank Minister Msagos Zulkifli, Minister of State Sun Xueling, Senior Parliamentary Secretary Eric Chua and the MSF team working very hard behind the scenes now, for addressing the wide range of issues that Members have raised.
Social and family issues are deeply complex. What manifests on the surface is often the result of layers upon layers of varied issues. We have learned that there can never be a silver bullet that would resolve the overlapping problems that distress family faces, but I am heartened that MSF and the social service sector are doing their best to support and to help vulnerable Singaporeans and foster a caring society. Their work is often unseen but crucial and commendable. Chairman, with that, I beg leave to withdraw my amendment.
Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
The sum of $4,565,896,900 for Head I ordered to stand part of the Main Estimates.
The sum of $124,079,000 for Head I ordered to stand part of the Development Estimates.
The Chairman: Order. I propose to take a break now.
Thereupon Mr Speaker left the Chair of the Committee and took the Chair of the House.
Mr Speaker: Order. I propose to take a break now. I suspend the Sitting and will take the Chair at 4.40 pm.