IRS Tax Seminar - IRS Expert Reveals Tax Saving Secrets for You!

IRS Tax Seminar - IRS Expert Reveals Tax Saving Secrets for You!



To enhance our community members' understanding and effective handling of tax-related matters, we are honored to announce the upcoming series of IRS tax lectures—a prime opportunity to engage face-to-face with IRS tax experts.

The seminar series consists of four sessions, conducted in both Chinese and English. There are two sessions tailored specifically for business owners and two for the general public. We hope everyone will select the session and time that best suits their needs and register to attend.

This event is strongly supported by the IRS, features top experts from California who will be visiting Massachusetts and New York. IRS representatives Susanne and Yong, along with numerous distinguished accountants and lawyers, will be participating in this event. 

Aimed at providing valuable knowledge and benefits to businesses and residents in Massachusetts, organizations are actively promoting the event to extend its reach and impact within the community. 

Experts from the fields of accounting and law will share their insights and experiences, offering equally exceptional content to attendees.

As tax laws are continuously evolving, staying informed with the latest tax information is crucial for both individuals and businesses.

Through this lecture series, you will have the chance to learn directly from experts about the latest tax law updates, comprehend strategies for personal and corporate tax planning, and gain valuable information on tax refunds.




Susanne Guo

Sr. Stakeholder Liaison and Bilingual Tax Specialist with IRS

Susanne Guo is a Sr. Stakeholder Liaison and Bilingual Tax Specialist with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) She is fluent in both Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in state of California.

Before her current role, Susanne worked as a Revenue Agent in the Small Business and Self-Employed field exam and was a member of the Abusive Tax Transaction Specialty Group. With over 15 years of experience at the IRS, Susanne has developed a comprehensive understanding of the policies, procedures, and work processes within the organization.

Susanne’s bilingual background and expertise enable her effectively service taxpayers from diverse cultural backgrounds, while providing them with necessary guidance and support to navigate the complexities of the US tax system.


Yong Li

Bilingual Stakeholder Liaison Tax Specialist with IRS

Yong Li is a bilingual Stakeholder Liaison Tax Specialist with the Internal Revenue Service.  As a bilingual Chinese Stakeholder Liaison, he collaborates, informs and communicates priority outreach messages to all taxpayer communities, including major employers, community associations and tax practitioner organizations to provide significant messages that impact taxpayers to ensure compliance with the tax laws.

Yong became a Stakeholder Liaison in 2021.  Prior to that, he has held positions in IRS Small Business Self Employed Division as a Revenue Agent in field exam, tax return selection, and case processing.  He has worked for the IRS for over 15 years.  During this period of time, he has gained many skills and expertise on the whole life cycle of the tax returns from filing and processing of the returns, exam selection, field exam, to post-exam case processing


Yutian Zhang

Certified Public Accountant (CPA), CAA, President of KSLZ Accounting Firm.

Zhang Yutian, CPA/CAA, founder and president of KS&LZ Accounting Firm, has 20 years of experience managing the accounting and financial operations of small to medium-sized companies and non-profit organizations. By enhancing accounting procedures, financial reporting, and capital management, Yutian strengthens the financial framework of company operations, contributing to a more strategic macro-planning for overall development. 

Yutian has extensive experience in handling client audits, including planning, preparing financial statements, and coordinating on-site with auditors.


Sam Liang

Director at Alvarez and Marsal Tax

Sam Liang is a Tax Director withAlvarez & Marsal Tax with the West Palm Beach office. He specializes in taxcompliance and consulting for corporate, pass-through, and high net-worthindividual clients with international tax issue.His primary areas of concentration are U.S. taxation and tax reporting forcross-border transactions.

With more than10years of experience in taxation and accounting, hisclientsspan a range of industries including private equity, crypto, technology,biotech,healthcare, e-commerce, distribution, retail trade, manufacturing,real estate, professional services, education, and non-profit.

Mr.Liang advised clients on transactional structuring, the design of globalrelated entities structure, and financial and tax reporting. Mr. Liang alsorepresented clients before IRS and state departments for various tax issues.

Prior to joining A&M Tax, Mr.Liang was a Tax Manager at HBK CPAs and Consultants. Before that, he was a TaxManager with Deloitte.Healso worked with PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) and KLR(Kahn, Litwin, Renza& Co., Ltd).

Mr. Liang earned a master’sdegree in accounting from the University of Massachusetts. Mr. Liang is aCertified Public Accountant and a member of the AICPA. 


Yun Cheng

Lawyer at Lion's Law Firm

Attorney Cheng practices in a variety of areas with Lion’s Law. He represents corporate and individual clients in civil and commercial litigations. 

He assists clients with various legal issues involving breach of contract, landlord & tenant disputes in both residential and commercial leases, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duties, defamation, wrongful termination, and the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act Chapter 93A. His skill set and experience in legal research, motion drafting, deposition, and oral argument enables him to successfully defend his clients’ rights through both litigation and settlement.

Seminar Information

This series of lectures will consist of four sessions, including bilingual presentations in both Mandarin and English.

For Business Owner

April 29 (Chinese),2:00 PM


90 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111

April 30 (English),2:00 PM

Thomas Crane Public Library

40 Washington Street, Quincy, MA 02169

For Public

April 29 (Chinese),6:00 PM

Malden City Hall

215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148

April 30 (English),6:00 PM

Lexington Community Center - Room 139

39 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA 02421


Please click on the original link or scan the QR code below to register⬇️



Massachusetts Asian Restaurant Association (MARA)

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England (CCBA)

New England Chinese Information and Networking Association (NECINA)

New England Chinese American Alliance (NECCA)

Chinese Culture Connection (CCC)  

Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)






YouTube: BARTV 波士顿中文广播电视台

Linkedin:Boston International Media Consulting Inc.




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