活动 | 5.16 “小革小新”如何撬动教育改革?哥大教授与校友分享全球教育微创新实践洞见

活动 | 5.16 “小革小新”如何撬动教育改革?哥大教授与校友分享全球教育微创新实践洞见



哥大全球中心邀您共赴一场教育变革的思想盛宴,哥伦比亚大学教育学院教授Thomas Hatch将挑战传统教育观念,探讨“微创新”如何推动教育事业的改革和发展。




Columbia Global Center Beijing cordially invites you to an evening of transformative ideas with Dr. Thomas Hatch, a professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, and a Spring 2024 resident scholar at the Beijing Global Center. His recent book challenges traditional education and presents a future crafted by "micro-innovations."

Why do even the best education systems struggle with change? Discover how small, targeted changes are making significant strides in student success and well-being, with insights from global contexts, including the U.S., Finland, and Singapore.

The event kicks off with Professor Hatch's keynote on the power of micro-innovations, followed by a panel of Columbia alumni educators sharing firsthand experiences of how China's schools implement these micro-innovations across various subjects, their impact on mental health, and the interplay with technology and AI.

This event is part of the Beijing Center's Scholar-in-Residence Program.

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Thomas Hatch




Hatch教授的研究重点关注学校、地区和国家各级学校的教育改革。他的最新著作 The Education We Need for a Future We Can't Predict 聚焦于如何在发达国家和发展中国家的学校内外创造更强有力的学习体验。他在书中展现了什么是最有效的教育改革方法,以及我们该如何重新定义学校从而为学校教育赋能;同时也论证了我们是可以通过共同努力使现有的学校教育变得更加有效、高效和公平,且可以创造出更具有多样性与主动性的学习机会来促进学生的全面发展。


Professor Hatch's research includes studies of school improvement efforts at the school, district, and national levels. His latest book, The Education We Need for a Future We Can't Predict (Corwin, 2021), focuses on efforts to create more powerful learning experiences both inside and outside schools in developed and developing contexts. 

In 2010, he founded a Twitter feed and blog,, to provide access to news and research on educational policy and educational change around the world. Over the years, he's been involved in a variety of efforts to develop images of practice that take advantage of multimedia and the internet to document teachers’ expertise and build public understanding of high-quality teaching.

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 Emily McCarren








Emily McCarren, Ph.D., is the Executive Head of School at Keystone Academy in Beijing, China. Previously, she was the Academy (High School) Principal at the Punahou School in Honolulu Hawaii, the largest single campus K-12 independent school in the United States. During her distinguished 16-year tenure at Punahou, Emily McCarren taught all levels of Spanish, traveled the world as head of the Wo International Center, and championed the aspirations of nearly 2,000 students, faculty, and staff as Academy Principal. She led consequential initiatives guided by her creativity and passion to forge meaningful educational experiences aimed at helping students reach new heights.

Originally from Vermont, USA, Dr. McCarren graduated from Colby College in Maine where she majored in Spanish and Biology. She holds a Ph.D. from the department of Learning Design and Technology at the University of Hawaii, where her research focused the role of teacher care on a student's online learning experience. She also holds two master's degrees: in Spanish Literature from the Saint Louis University Madrid Campus and in Educational Leadership from the Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, Columbia University.

McCarren began her career teaching Spanish and Geometry at Swiss Semester, a program for American students in the Swiss Alps. Next, she worked at The Thacher School in Ojai, California, where she taught, coached, and served as a residential advisor for six years before joining the faculty at the Punahou School in 2006. 

With Yong Zhao and other collaborators, McCarren is a co-author of the three-book series Take Action Guide to World Class Learners (Corwin, 2016). She also serves on the Board of the Global Online Academy and the Mastery Transcript Consortium. McCarren speaks to audiences globally about her passion, leadership, and action towards educational change and the moral imperative to provide our students with the schools they deserve, and our world needs.

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Daniel Rubenstein

陆 彬



在加入北京顺义国际学校之前,陆彬是Prospect Schools的联合创始人兼首席执行官,该学校是纽约表现最好的学校网络之一,也是世界经济论坛评选的16所“未来学校”之一。

除了在Prospect Schools的工作外,陆彬还在多元化特许学校联盟的组建中发挥了重要作用,该联盟由40多个美国组织组成,致力于创建成功的综合性选择学校。陆彬是2002年数学教学卓越总统奖获得者,曾在美国的西德威尔友谊中学、SEED公立特许学校、纽约联合学校以及海外学年北京担任职务。


Daniel is honored to be ISB’s Head of School. Prior to joining ISB, Daniel was the co-founder and CEO of Prospect Schools, one of the highest-performing school networks in New York and among 16 "Schools of the Future" named by the World Economic Forum.   

In addition to his work at Prospect Schools, Daniel has been instrumental in forming the Diverse Charter Schools Coalition, a group of over 40 U.S. organizations dedicated to creating successful, integrated choice schools. Daniel is a 2002 winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching and has held positions in the United States at Sidwell Friends School, SEED Public Charter School, and Collegiate School, as well as in Beijing with School Year Abroad.

Daniel holds a degree in mathematics from Hamilton College and advanced degrees in Liberal Studies from St. John's College in New Mexico and Education Leadership from Columbia University Teachers College. 

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7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.





Time & Location

Thursday, May 16, 2024

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Columbia Global Center Beijing

1F Core Plaza, 1 Shanyuan Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District


Please long-press the QR code below or click read more on the bottom left of this article to register.

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Event Language: English

Please check in 30 minutes before the event starts, and we ask that you do not arrive earlier as we are unable to assist with early admission. 

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