



1. Monitor and flag relevant news stories from local and international media, especially stories that c ould work well for video and pictures.

2. Conduct research in both Chinese and English to support video journalists, cameramen, producers , photographers, and editors in the daily operation of the combined Video & Pictures team.

3. Monitor and register for events via email, phone, etc.

4. Monitor social media for videos and pictures of trending and breaking news events and seek perm ission for usage of UGC content.

5. Contact companies, organisations and individuals etc via phone, email etc. to seek permission for interviews, filming etc.

Required Skills and Qualifications:

1. MUST BE A CURRENT UNIVERSITY STUDENT studying in China or online (based in China) at university abroad. All majors are welcome.

2. Strong Interest in and passion for news, video, and news pictures.

3. Native fluency in Chinese with excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English. 

4. Ability to manage multiple tasks under tight deadlines with minimal supervision.

5. Ability to commit to the internship for at least 6 months, with no less than 4 days a week (9am-6pm). Shifts on weekends are required occasionally.

6. Beijing based. Able to work in the office.

Duration of Internship: 6 months from February 2024 to July 2024

Working Days:No less than 4 days a week, with occasional shifts on weekends 

Working hours:from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Compensation:110 RMB / day

Location:路透社北京分社 (北京东城区东方广场 E1 座) Reuters Bureau, Beijing branch

Deadline for Application:2024-02-20

To apply for the Reuters Video Internship, please send an email to 

[email protected] with the subject line "Reuters Video Internship + [Your Name]." 

Please attach your CV/resume in both English and Chinese and include a sample of your work (writing or visual work) in PDF format. Please note that we do not accept compressed files. If your file size is large, please attach links or QR codes. Thank you for your interest in the internship.



1. 寻找外语工作/兼职/实习的朋友

2. 关注自我提升, 职业发展的朋友

3. 想要了解就业市场动向的同学


1. 精选全球最新外语招聘信息

2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉

3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会


最新机会+分享, 群友优先获取




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