AMD与英伟达,谁更胜一筹? | 经济学人商业

AMD与英伟达,谁更胜一筹? | 经济学人商业









Business | The AI-chip race

经济学人商业 | AI芯片竞赛


Business | The AI-chip race

经济学人商业 | AI芯片竞赛

Could AMD break Nvidia’s chokehold on chips?


Taking on the top AI chipmaker will be hard—but maybe not impossible


“It is the most advanced ai accelerator in the industry,” boasted Lisa Su, boss of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), at the launch in December of its new MI300 chip. Ms Su rattled off a series of technical specifications: 153bn transistors, 192 gigabytes of memory and 5.3 terabytes per second of memory bandwidth. That is, respectively, about 2, 2.4 and 1.6 times more than the H100, the top-of-the-line artificial-intelligence chip made by Nvidia. That rival chipmaker’s prowess in the semiconductors fuelling the ai boom has, over the past year, turned it into America’s fifth-most-valuable company, with a market capitalisation of $1.5trn. Yet most experts agreed that the numbers and Ms Su weren’t lying: the MI300 does indeed outshine the H100. Investors liked it, too—AMD’s share price jumped by 10% the next day.

去年12月的MI300芯片发布会上,AMD总裁苏姿丰(Lisa Su)夸耀道:这是业内最先进的AI加速器。她细数了该产品的一系列技术规格:1530亿个晶体管、192GB内存、每秒5.3TB的内存带宽,分别达到英伟达顶尖AI芯片H1002倍、2.4倍和1.6倍。过去的一年里,英伟达在半导体领域的非凡实力助推了AI繁荣,并让自己成为了美国第五大上市公司,市值达1.5万亿美元。然而,大部分专家都认为,苏姿丰所言非虚:MI300确实比H100更胜一筹。AMD也赢得了投资者们的青睐,发布会第二天,AMD股价便飙升了10%

On January 30th, in its quarterly earnings call, AMD announced that it expected to sell $3.5bn-worth of MI300s this year. It also reported strong revenues of $23bn in 2023, four times what they had been in 2014, when Ms Su became chief executive. Its market value is up 100-fold on her watch, to $270bn. Relative to forecast profits in the next 12 months, its valuation is richer even than Nvidia’s. Last year it displaced Intel, which once ruled American chipmaking, as the country’s second-most-valuable semiconductor company. Now it is taking aim at the biggest.



Such ambition would have seemed fanciful a decade ago. Back then, recalls Mark Papermaster, AMD’s technology chief, AMD was facing an “existential crisis”. In 2008 it had spun off its chip-fabrication business to focus on designing processors, outsourcing manufacturing to contract chipmakers such as tsmc of Taiwan. The idea was to be better able to compete on blueprints with Intel, whose vast fabrication capacity AMD could not hope to match.

如此雄心放在十年前仿佛是痴人说梦。回忆往昔,AMD的首席技术官马克·佩博马斯特(Mark Papermaster)说道,当时AMD正面临着一场生存危机2008年,它剥离了芯片制造业务,专注于处理器设计,将生产外包给中国台湾的台积电公司(TSMC)等芯片代工制造商。此举是为了更好地与英特尔在产品设计上一较高下;毕竟,英特尔强大的制造能力让AMD难以望其项背。

It didn’t work. Several of AMD’s chips flopped. Sales of its central processing units (cpus), mostly for personal computers, were collapsing. In 2013 it sold and leased back its campus in Austin to raise cash. A year later Ms Su inherited a net-debt pile of more than $1bn, a net annual loss of $400m and a market value of less than $3bn, down from $20bn in 2006.


She realised that the only way for AMD to get back in the game was to steer it away from the sluggish pc market and focus on more promising areas like cpus for data-centre servers and graphics processing units (gpus, which make video-game visuals lifelike) for gaming consoles. She and Mr Papermaster took a gamble on a new cpu architecture designed to beat Intel not just on price, but also on performance.


When the going got tough


The idea was to use a Lego-like approach to chip building. By breaking a chip up into smaller parts, AMD could mix and match blocks to assemble different types of chip, at a lower cost. When the first such composite chips were released in 2017, they were zippier and cheaper than rival offerings from Intel, possibly in part because Intel was distracted by its own problems (notably repeated manufacturing slip-ups as it moved to ever tinier transistors). In the past ten years AMD’s market share in lucrative server cpus has gone from nothing to 30%, breaking Intel’s monopoly.


Having faced down one giant, AMD now confronts another. The contest with Nvidia is different. For one thing, it is personal—Ms Su and Jensen Huang, Nvidia’s Taiwanese-born boss, are distant relatives. In contrast to Intel, Nvidia is, like AMD, a chip designer and thus less prone to production missteps. More importantly, the stakes are higher. Nvidia’s market value of $1.5trn is predicated on its dominance of the market for gpus—not because of their usefulness in gaming but because they also happen to be the best type of chip to train ai models. Ms Su expects global sales of ai chips to reach $400bn by 2027, up from perhaps $40bn last year. Does she stand a chance against Nvidia?


Nvidia is a formidable rival. Both its revenues and operating margins are nearly three times AMD’s. According to Jefferies, an investment bank, the company dominates the market for ai accelerator chips, accounting for 86% of such components sold globally; before the launch of the MI300, AMD barely registered. Nvidia also offers network gear that connects clusters of chips, and software, known as cuda, to manage ai workloads. Nvidia has dominated ai chipmaking because it has offered the best chips, the best networking kit and the best software, notes Doug O’Laughlin of Fabricated Knowledge, a research firm.

英伟达可不是省油的灯,无论是收入还是经营利润,几乎都是AMD的三倍。投资银行Jefferies称,英伟达占据了全球AI加速器芯片市场86%的份额;而AMD在发布MI300前几乎没有市场份额。同时,英伟达还能提供可以连接芯片集群的网络设备,以及管理AI工作负载的CUDA软件。Fabricated Knowledge研究公司的道格·奥劳夫林(Doug O’Laughlin)指出,英伟达凭借其最强大的芯片、最强大的网络设备和最强大的软件主导了整个AI芯片制造业。


AMD’s new processor shows it can compete with Nvidia on semiconductor hardware. This, Mr Papermaster says, is the result of a ten-year investment. AMD is spending nearly $6bn a year on research and development, nearly as much as its larger rival—and twice as much as a share of sales (see table). This has enabled it to adapt its Lego approach to gpus. Combining a dozen blocks—or “chiplets”—into a single chip lets AMD put processors and memory close to each other, which boosts processing speed. In December Openai, maker of Chatgpt and the world’s hottest ai startup, said it would use the MI300s for some of its training.


To outdo Nvidia on networking and software, AMD is teaming up with other firms. In December it announced a partnership with makers of networking gear, including the two largest, Broadcom and Cisco. It is also supporting an open-source initiative for chip-to-chip communication called Ultra Ethernet Consortium as an alternative to InfiniBand, a rival championed by Nvidia.

为了能在网络设备和软件上超过英伟达,AMD正与其他公司携手合作。去年12月,AMD宣布与博通(Broadcom)和思科(Cisco)等网络设备制造商合作。AMD同时还支持一项名为超级以太网联盟Ultra Ethernet Consortium)的芯片间通信开源倡议,对标由英伟达倡导的无限带宽技术(InfiniBand)。

Chomping at the byte


Nvidia’s lead in software will be harder to close. It has been investing in cuda since the mid-2000s, well before the current ai wave. ai developers and researchers love the platform, which allows them to fine-tune the performance of Nvidia processors. AMD hopes to tempt customers away from Nvidia by making its software, rocm, open-source and providing tools to make the switch smoother, by translating cuda programs into rocm ones.


注释:chomp: If a person or animal chomps their way through food or chomps on food, they chew it noisily. (人、动物进食时)大声地咬,嚼得很响

Beating Nvidia at its own game will not be easy. Mr Huang’s firm is not standing still. It recently announced plans to bring out a new chip every year instead of every two years. The tech giants with the grandest ai ambitions—Alphabet, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft—are busily designing their own accelerator chips. Despite AMD’s robust sales, investors were disappointed with its forecast for MI300 shipments. Its share price dipped by 3% the day after it reported its latest results.



1.beat (one) at (one's) own game: to defeat or do better than someone in an activity which they have chosen or in which they think they are strong赢某人的看家本领;打败某人的强项

2.dip: If the amount or level of something dips, it becomes smaller or lower, usually only for a short period of time. (数量或水平,通常短暂地)下降,下跌,减少

Still, AMD has one big thing going for it. It is not Nvidia. ai companies are desperate for an alternative to its larger rival, whose dominant position allows it to charge steep prices and, with demand outstripping supply, ration chips to buyers. Despite efforts to design their own hardware, big tech firms will rely on chipmakers for a while, and AMD gives them options, notes Vivek Arya of Bank of America. Microsoft and Meta have already announced plans to use AMD’s gpus in their data centres. And if Nvidia slips up, AMD will be there to pick up the Lego pieces. Just ask Intel.

尽管如此,AMD仍有一项巨大优势:AMD不是英伟达。AI企业不愿见到英伟达一手遮天——它靠着市场统治地位疯狂涨价,并在需求旺盛时配额销售。美国银行(Bank of America)的维维耶·阿里亚(Vivek Arya)表示,尽管大型科技公司仍在努力设计自己的硬件,但在一段时间内,它们仍需要依赖芯片制造商,而AMD可以使它们多一种选择。微软和Meta已经宣布计划在自己的数据中心使用AMDGPU。如果英伟达出现失误,AMD将依仗其乐高大法捡漏。不信去问问英特尔。


1.If you have something going for you, or if something has something going for it, there are certain advantages that will make the end result successful有优势

例:They've got a happy marriage, great careers, wonderful kids - in fact they've got everything going for them.

2.steep: If you say that the price of something is steep, you mean that it is expensive. (价格)过高的,昂贵的

3.outstrip: If one thing outstrips another, the first thing becomes larger in amount, or more successful or important, than the second thing. 超过;胜过

4.ration: When something is rationed by a person or government, you are only allowed to have a limited amount of it, usually because there is not enough of it.(通常指由于紧缺)配给,定量供应

5.The phrase "pick up the Lego pieces" is used metaphorically to describe dealing with failure, chaos, or the task of rebuilding after something has fallen apart or gone wrong. It's a visual image that compares a messy situation to the scattered pieces of a Lego project that needs to be put back together.




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