商业银行|法国兴业银行 2024暑期实习火热上线,base香港
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法国兴业银行Societe Generale是法国最大的商业银行集团之一,总行在巴黎。它成立于1864年5月,在国外的分支机构遍布30个国家和地区。
岗位详情 …
岗位详情 …
开放职位:INTERN: Data Analytics (Operational Risks) 工作地点:香港 截止时间:Ongoing
岗位职责 …
Part of the Operational Risk management team
Support data exploration on the following : capture, gather and consolidate several data stream into structured format for advanced analytics
Leveraging on scripting capacity to develop analytics in Python
Apply general data analytics concepts to identify pattern, outliners, etc.
Creation of classification algorithm and based on the skills leveraging on machine learning techniques
Assist in transversal tasks to streamline the existing process
招聘要求 …
Hold a relevant Bachelors or Masters degree in Math, Computer science, business IT, data science … or similar.
Knowledge of Python, having interest for data analytics and /or data science is a must.
Knowledge of Power BI is preferred.
Interest in exposure related to data analytics fundamental concepts in the corporate world.
Good communicaiton capacity to interact with stakeholder from multiple teams
Demonstrate the capacity to work in a team environment, on collective success
Ability to multi-task and work independently to deliver by agreed-upon deadline
Display responsibility and act ethically
Display commitment, demonstrating consideration for others
Fluent English is mandatory
Behavioral Skills
Responsibility - Courage: I express my convictions and make decisions with courage and respect.
Innovation - Technology: I include technological breakthroughs in the strategies implemented
Innovation - Change management: I lead my team through the change process
Responsibility - Courage: I express my convictions and make decisions with courage in line with the Group's strategy
Responsibility - Risk: In order to improve the Group's security, I am constantly on the lookout for risks
Team Spirit - Open mindset/Respect: I listen and share my views and my expertise in an open mode
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