判例译析 | 加拿大贾维斯案件:如何去定义公共场所下的隐私权?

判例译析 | 加拿大贾维斯案件:如何去定义公共场所下的隐私权?


译者 | 巩海璐 华东政法大学硕士

一审 | 戚若音 UCB LL.M.

二审 | 吴胤禹 NYU LL.M.

编辑 | 仲飞宇 西安外国语大学本科

         于   杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 | 李   薇 浙江工商大学本科

R. v. Jarvis




Mr. Ryan Jarvis, the accused, was a high school teacher, used a camera concealed in a pen to record videos of female students, involved in ordinary school activities in common areas such as classrooms and hallways. The students were unaware that they were being recorded. Most videos captured faces and upper bodies of female students, focusing on their chests. The accused was charged under section 162(1)(c) of the Criminal Code, with voyeurism. The offence required three ingredients - (i) surreptitious observation or recording of persons, (ii) for a sexual purpose, (iii) in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy.

被告瑞恩·贾维斯(Ryan Jarvis)是一名高中老师,他通过使用隐藏在笔中的针孔摄像头拍摄女高中生在教室和走廊等公共区域参与日常学校活动的视频,而这些学生并不知道她们已被拍摄。大多数的视频拍摄了女高中生的面部和上半身,并将重点放在她们的胸部。被告被控违反了《刑法典》第162(1)(c)条,所犯罪名为偷窥罪。该罪行有三个犯罪要素:(1)秘密观察他人或秘密给他人录像(音);(2)出于性目的;(iii)在被录像(音)对象(可)产生“合理隐私期待”1的情形下。

The trial court acquitted the accused, noting that whilst the students recorded had a reasonable expectation of privacy, the recordings were not for a sexual purpose. The Ontario Court of Appeal reversed the trial court’s finding but upheld the acquittal. It observed that the recordings were for a sexual purpose, however, the students were not in circumstances that gave rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy.


The Crown appealed against this decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.




Whether the students who were recorded in school were in circumstances that gave rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy within the purview of Section 162(1) of the Criminal Code?



The Court, in a 6-3 opinion, held that given the context in which the impugned recording took place, the students were in circumstances in which they had a reasonable expectation of privacy. The accused’s recording breached this expectation. It upheld the Court of Appeal’s finding and held that the element of ‘sexual purpose’ of recording had been satisfied. Accordingly, the Court convicted the accused or voyeurism under section 162 of the Criminal Code.



The Court noted that interpreting circumstances in which a reasonable expectation of privacy arises was a normative and contextual enquiry. It laid down a non-exhaustive list of factors to be considered in making this enquiry. The relevance of these factors would differ from case-to-case. These factors included:


i) the location of the person observed or recorded;


ii) if the impugned conduct was an observation or a recording (the latter was held to be a graver breach of expectations of privacy);


iii) the manner in which the observation or recording was done;


iv) the content of the observation or recording;


v) the purpose of the observation or recording;


vi) knowledge or consent of the person observed or recorded;


vii) any regulations or policies governing the impugned observation or recording;


viii) the relationship between the accused and the persons observed or recorded;


ix) the personal attributes of the person observed or recorded.



Relying on the legislative history and the phrasing of section 162, the Court held that privacy was not dependent solely on the person’s location. It further noted that the object behind section 162 was to protect an individual’s privacy and sexual integrity from misuse by evolving technologies. Consequently, some degree of expectation of privacy is retained even in public and semi-public places. It further held that mere risk of observation or recording did not negate reasonable expectations against targeted observation or recording.


In this case, the Court noted that the impugned conduct was of recording the students and not the mere observation. The students were unaware of this due to the use of a hidden pen camera. It also noted the existence of school policies forbidding such conduct, the relationship of trust between the students and the accused, the age of students being recorded, and the sexual purpose of the recording. The Court concluded that the students’ reasonable expectations of privacy had been breached. The fact that the recording was conducted in common spaces of the school did not negate the privacy expectations.


The minority opinion differed with the majority in the latter’s reliance on the jurisprudence of section 8 of the Charter, which protects individuals from unreasonable search and seizure. It noted that the two provisions were conceptually different. Section 8 pertained to the power imbalance in the state-individual relationship, which was not present in section 162 as it concerned the relationship between two individuals. Consequently, it held that a case of voyeurism would not give rise to offences in relation to the reasonable expectation of privacy.2




The notion of maintaining one’s privacy in traditionally public settings has the potential to open new doors in privacy law. As legal questions surrounding privacy continue to arise, a further question that will be asked is how public settings are going to be defined. For example, digital privacy is a contentious issue, and using the majority’s reasoning, it could be argued that people still have a right to their digital privacy even if that information is publicly available. There may be situations where a reasonable expectation of privacy can arise if such information is gained in a manner that fulfills the criteria set out in the multi-factored approach.


This case is another example of statutory interpretation in the context of interplay between constitutional and statutory provisions. Some have argued that this matter should not have reached the SCC in order to conclude that the students maintained a reasonable expectation of privacy from being surreptitiously recorded by their own teacher. On the other hand, the Court’s divergent opinions on how to assess a reasonable expectation of privacy opens the door for future jurisprudence on using Charter litigation to understand the scope of Criminal Code offences.

本案是《宪法》与法律规定相互作用背景下,法院进行法律解释的又一实例。一些人认为,此案不应被提交至加拿大最高法院(the Supreme Court of Canada, SCC),以得出学生对隐私不被老师秘密录像存在合理期待这一结论。另一方面,最高法院对于如何评估“合理隐私期待”存在不同意见,为今后利用《宪章》进行诉讼来理解《刑法典》中规定的犯罪范畴打开了大门。



译者注:“In general, this term is used to describe how much privacy an individual can expect in a certain situation. ”

译者注:The purpose of section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is to prevent unjustified searches by the state before they happen (Hunter v Southam, [1984] 2 SCR 145). Section 8 aims to protect underlying values of dignity, integrity and autonomy (R v Plant, [1993] 3 SCR 281). Broadly speaking, a search or a seizure will violate section 8 if it interferes with an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy. 按照少数派的说理,section 8: unreasonable search and seizure中关乎REP的理论不适用,那么就不能用REP来解释。





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