What Do You Mean, Bisexual People Are 'Risk-Taking'? Why Genetic Studies about Sexuality Can Be Fraught
Tulika Bose: But genes aren’t the whole story and genetic studies have big limitations.
Leffer: Yeah, lots of outlets got kind of cheeky with it. Which fair, I love a fun science story. But here at Scientific American, we still have to make sure that the science is clear, credible, and accurately explained. I spoke with some experts about the research and lots of them had concerns and questions about how the study authors frame their findings and about how work like this can be misinterpreted.
Lauren: And initially I was sort of hyped to read a science study that at some level offered biological validation.
Bose: As a fellow bisexual person ... that makes sense.
Leffer: Yeah, you’re not alone in being a little worried by that. More on that later. First the rest of the study findings:
And the correlations that GWASs bring up might not actually be the ones that scientists think they’re studying.
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