China Looks forward to Jointly Creating Shining “South Moment”

China Looks forward to Jointly Creating Shining “South Moment”


编者按:本文为中国全国两会同期报道,原刊于斯里兰卡政府英文媒体Daily News

BEIJING, March 7 — China looks forward to continuing to promote unity and cooperation among developing countries to augment the strength of the Global South and to jointly create a shining “South moment” in global governance, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday.

Independence is the distinct quality of the Global South and seeking strength through unity is its tradition, Wang said at a press conference in Beijing, adding that the Global South is no longer the “silent majority,” but a key force for reforming the international order and a source of hope as the world undergoes profound changes unseen in a century.

“China was, is and will be a steadfast member of the Global South. We go through thick and thin and head toward a shared future together with countries of the South, and we are always a crucial force for the development and prosperity of the Global South,” Wang said.

This year will be a year of harvest for Global South cooperation and a new starting point for unity among Asian, African and Latin American countries, he said.

He also said that a stronger BRICS means a growing force for peace and increasing international support for justice.

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