法律翻译 | 安乐死效力之辩:莫蒂尔诉比利时案(Mortier v. Belgium)

法律翻译 | 安乐死效力之辩:莫蒂尔诉比利时案(Mortier v. Belgium)


译者|胡晨曦 北京大学国际法学院J.D. & J. M.

审稿|王槐语 上海交通大学

         孙济民 中国人民大学

编辑|余卓妍 西安交通大学

责编|扎恩哈尔·阿黑哈提 新疆农业大学

安乐死效力之辩:莫蒂尔诉比利时案(Mortier v. Belgium)


莫蒂尔诉比利时案是由欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Rights,缩写ECtHR)就安乐死问题做出的具有里程碑意义的判决。一名60多岁的女性病人,有两个显然关系疏远的成年子女,多年来她一直在与慢性抑郁症作斗争,但没有任何改善的迹象。在患有严重抑郁症时,病人接受了安乐死程序,而病人的儿子或女儿没有得到适当的通知。[1] 基于此,病人儿子汤姆·莫蒂尔(Tom Mortier)主张,比利时政府未能保护病人的生命权(《欧洲人权公约》第2条)和病人私生活和家庭生活受到尊重的权利(《欧洲人权公约》第8条)。[2]





This was the first case in which the Court had been called upon to examine the compliance with the Convention of an act of euthanasia.


Facts – The applicant’s mother had been diagnosed as suffering from chronic depression for about forty years. On 19 April 2012 she underwent euthanasia, which was carried out by Professor D. The Federal Monitoring and Assessment Board (the Board), which was responsible for verifying compliance with the procedure and the conditions laid down in the Euthanasia Act (the Act), found no breach of the law. A criminal complaint lodged by the applicant was dropped for lack of evidence. After notice of the present application had been given to the Government, the criminal investigation was reopened. In 2020 it ended with a discontinuance order on the ground that the euthanasia carried out in the case of the applicant’s mother had complied with the statutory requirements.

申请人Mortier的母亲被诊断患有慢性抑郁症约四十年。2012年4月19日,她接受了由D教授实施的安乐死。联邦监测与评估委员会(the Federal Monitoring and Assessment Board)(以下简称“委员会”)负责核查该程序是否符合《安乐死法案》(the Euthanasia Act)(以下简称“法案”)规定的程序和条件时,认为该程序并未违反法律。有关本申请的通知被送达政府后,刑事调查重新开始。2020年,由于对申请人的母亲实施的安乐死符合法定要求,刑事调查以中止令结束。




Right to life

1. Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law.

2. Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary:

(a) in defence of any person from unlawful violence;

(b) in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained;

(c) in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.

第 2 条 生命权



(a) 防卫任何人的非法暴力行为;

(b) 为执行合法逮捕或者是防止被合法监禁的人脱逃;

(c) 镇压暴力或者是叛乱而采取的行动。



Right to respect for private and family life

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

第 8 条 私生活和家庭生活受到尊重的权利

1. 人人有权享有使自己的私人和家庭生活、住所和通信得到尊重的权利。

2. 公共机构不得干预上述权利的行使,但是,依照法律规定的干预以及基于在民主社会中为了国家安全、公共安全或者国家的经济福利的利益考虑为了防止混乱或者犯罪,为了保护健康或者道德为了保护他人的权利与自由而有必要进行干预的不受此限。


Article 2 Positive obligations

Substantive aspect Death by euthanasia of applicant’s mother, who had suffered from depression for about 40 years, as authorised by legal framework: no violation

Procedural aspect Lack of independence of board subsequently reviewing all acts of euthanasia, allowing doctor who carried out specific act to vote on its legality, and excessive length of criminal investigation: violation


Article 8 Positive obligations Article 8-1 Respect for private life

Doctors’ failure to involve son in procedure leading to mother’s death by euthanasia, in the absence of her wish to do so, in accordance with law: no violation

就《欧洲人权公约》的第8-1条(Respect for private life)的具体权利义务规定,本院认为,依照法案,基于母亲没有通知家属之意愿,医生未让儿子参与其安乐死之程序一事,不构成对该条规定的违反。





Law – Article 2: This was the first case in which the Court had been called upon to examine the compliance with the Convention of an act of euthanasia. It therefore considered it necessary to clarify the nature and scope of a State’s obligations under Article 2 in this context before examining whether those obligations had been fulfilled in the present case. The Court therefore had to begin by determining whether such an act could, in certain circumstances, be carried out without contravening Article 2. The question which arose was whether the euthanasia carried out under the Act, by which it was authorised, at the request of the applicant’s mother, had been in accordance with Article 2.



1. Application of principles of end-of-life case-law to an act of euthanasia

1、对安乐死行为适用临终案例法原则(principles of end-of-life case-law)

(a) Interpretation of Article 2


The Court was required to take account, in examining a possible violation of Article 2, of Article 8 of the Convention and of the right to respect for private life, and of the notion of personal autonomy which it encompassed. The right of an individual to decide how and when his or her life should end was one aspect of the right to respect for private life. The decriminalisation of euthanasia was intended to give individuals a free choice to avoid what in their view might be an undignified and distressing end to life.


While it was not possible to derive a right to die from Article 2, the right to life enshrined in that provision could not be interpreted as per se prohibiting the conditional decriminalisation of euthanasia.


In order to be compatible with Article 2, the decriminalisation of euthanasia had to be accompanied by the provision of suitable and sufficient safeguards to prevent abuse and thus ensure respect for the right to life. In this connection, the United Nations Human Rights Committee had held that euthanasia did not in itself constitute an interference with the right to life if it was accompanied by robust legal and institutional safeguards to ensure that medical professionals were complying with the free, informed, explicit and unambiguous decision of their patient, with a view to protecting patients from pressure and abuse.


The Court’s assessment of the effects of such a measure in relation to the Convention could be made only after an examination of the particular circumstances of the case at hand.



(b) The context of the Court’s examination


In the context of a case concerning an act of euthanasia alleged to violate Article 2, the applicant’s complaints fell to be examined under the positive obligations of the State to protect the right to life within the meaning of the first sentence of paragraph 1 of that provision. The Court took into account the following factors:


(i) whether there had been, in domestic law and practice, a legislative framework for pre-euthanasia procedures which met the requirements of Article 2;

(i) 在国内法律和实践中,是否存在一个符合第2条规定的安乐死行为实施前置程序的法律框架;

(ii) whether the legislative framework had been complied with in the present case;

(ii) 该立法框架在该案中是否得到遵守;

(ii) whether the subsequent review had afforded all the guarantees required by Article 2.

(ii) 后续审查是否提供了第2条所要求的所有保障。

(c) The applicable margin of appreciation


Matters of end-of-life care, and in particular euthanasia, raised complex legal, social, moral and ethical issues. The legal opinions and responses among the States Parties to the Convention varied greatly, and there was no consensus as to the right of an individual to decide how and when his or her life should end.


Accordingly, in this area, which concerned the end of life and the way in which a balance must be struck between the protection of the patient’s right to life and that of the right to respect for his or her private life and personal autonomy, the States must be afforded a margin of appreciation. It was not, however, unlimited, and the Court reserved its power to review the State’s fulfilment of its obligations under Article 2.



2. Substantive aspects:


(a) The legislative framework for pre-euthanasia procedures


The legislature had chosen not to provide for any independent prior review of specific acts of euthanasia. Accordingly, the Court was required to look more closely at the existence of substantive and procedural safeguards. In the Court’s view, the legislative framework governing pre-euthanasia procedures had to ensure that the patient’s decision to request such an end to life was taken freely and with full knowledge.


The request for euthanasia had been made in the present case because of mental, not physical, suffering, in the context of which the death of the applicant’s mother had clearly not been expected to occur in the short term, within the meaning of the law. In such circumstances, the law had to provide for enhanced safeguards in the decision-making process.


The decriminalisation of euthanasia was subject to conditions strictly regulated by law, which provided for a number of substantive and procedural safeguards.


Thus, a doctor could only carry out euthanasia if the adult or emancipated minor was conscious at the time of his or her request, if it was made of his or her own free will, in a considered and constant manner, and provided that it was not the result of external pressure. Furthermore, euthanasia was permitted only if the patient was in a hopeless medical situation and experienced sustained and intolerable physical or mental suffering which could not be alleviated and was the result of a serious and incurable accidental or pathological illness.



In addition, the law provided for additional safeguards where death would not otherwise occur in the short term, such as where the requesting patient alleged mental suffering. At least one month had to elapse between the patient’s written request and the act of euthanasia, thus ensuring that the request was the result of a considered and constant wish. The main doctor was also required to consult a second doctor, who again had to be satisfied that the suffering was constant and intolerable and could not be alleviated and that the request had been made of the patient’s own free will, in a considered and constant manner. The second doctor had to be independent, in relation to both the patient and the principal doctor, and had to be competent as regards the pathology concerned.




Lastly, the law had been subject to a number of reviews by the higher authorities, both prior to enactment, by the Conseil d’État[10], and subsequently by the Constitutional Court, which had found, following a thorough analysis, that it remained within the limits imposed by Article 2.


Having regard to all the above considerations and to the margin of appreciation enjoyed by the State, as regards the acts and procedure prior to euthanasia, the provisions of the Act had constituted in principle a legislative framework capable of ensuring the protection of a patient’s right to life as required by Article 2.


Conclusion: no violation (five votes to two).



(b) Compliance with the legal framework in the present case


With regard to the medical situation of the applicant’s mother, in accordance with the law, Professor D. had consulted two other psychiatrists. They had examined whether the applicant’s mother was lucid, whether the request had been made of her own free will and in a considered and constant manner, whether she had been pressured by third parties and whether she was experiencing unbearable and hopeless suffering, before concluding that she could be assisted in ending her life. In the absence of any specific evidence calling into question the competence of the doctors consulted or the accuracy of their medical conclusions, the medical situation of the applicant’s mother fell within the scope of the law.


As regards the donation of EUR 2,500 made by the applicant’s mother to the association LEIF (LevensEinde InformatieForum, working for a dignified end to life for all) a few weeks before she died, this had occurred several months after the informal request for euthanasia and fifteen days after the formal request. Moreover, having regard to the amount of the donation, it could not be considered, in the circumstances of the case, to indicate a conflict of interest. Nor was there anything in the case file to suggest that the applicant’s mother had made such a donation in order to obtain the doctors’ consent to euthanasia.

至于申请人母亲在临终前几周时向LEIF(LevensEinde InformatieForum,致力于为所有人提供有尊严的生命终结服务)协会捐赠2500欧元一事,其发生在非正式请求安乐死的数月后及正式请求的15天后。此外,鉴于捐款金额,在该案情境下,不能认为存在利益冲突。案卷中也没有任何证据表明申请人母亲是为了获得医生对安乐死的同意才进行了这样的捐赠。


As regards the alleged lack of independence of the two doctors consulted vis-à-vis Professor D., given their membership of the same association, the positive obligations arising under Article 2 implied that there should not only have been a lack of hierarchical or institutional connection, but also formal and practical independence both between the various doctors consulted and vis-à-vis the patient. In the present case, a large number of doctors, including those who assumed responsibility for euthanasia requests, had received training provided by the LEIF association. In that context, the fact that the doctors consulted were members of the same association did not suffice, in the absence of other evidence, to prove a lack of independence.


The act of euthanasia had ultimately been carried out on the applicant’s mother some two months after her formal request for euthanasia and after Professor D. had ascertained that her request had been made of her own free will and in a constant and considered manner, without external pressure, that she was in a hopeless medical situation and that she was experiencing constant and intolerable mental suffering which could no longer be alleviated and stemmed from a serious and incurable illness. That conclusion had subsequently been confirmed following the criminal investigation conducted by the judicial authorities, which had decided that the euthanasia in question had indeed complied with the substantive and procedural conditions prescribed by law.


Consequently, the act of euthanasia, which had been carried out on the applicant’s mother in accordance with the established legal framework, had not contravened the requirements of Article 2.


Conclusion: no violation (five votes to two).



3. Procedural aspects:


The general principles had previously been set out in Nicolae Virgiliu Tănase v. Romania [GC]. In the Court’s view they were also to be applied in cases where an act of euthanasia was the subject of a criminal complaint by a relative of the deceased, plausibly indicating the existence of suspicious circumstances.

基本原则已在先前的Nicolae Virgiliu Tănase诉罗马尼亚[GC]案的判决中得到阐述。本院认为,这些原则在亲属提出刑事诉讼,指示安乐死行为存在可疑情况的情况下也适用。

(a) The Board’s review


The Act had introduced a mechanism of automatic subsequent review by the Board for every act of euthanasia performed. The review had to be particularly rigorous in order to comply with the obligations laid down in Article 2.


As regards the composition of the Board, the law provided for the presence of medical practitioners, law professors and professionals used to dealing with patients suffering from incurable diseases, thus undoubtedly guaranteeing the multidisciplinary knowledge and practice of its members. Moreover, the fact that the members of the Board were nominated by a legislative assembly was a guarantee of its independence.


In the present case, however, the Board had ascertained, solely on the basis of the anonymous part of the registration document, whether the euthanasia had been carried out in accordance with the law and it had answered in the affirmative. Professor D. had not therefore withdrawn and there was no indication that he had opted to remain silent.


While the recusal procedure provided for by law was intended to preserve the confidentiality of the personal data contained in the registration document and the anonymity of the persons involved, the system put in place by the legislature for the review of euthanasia solely on the basis of the anonymous part of the document did not satisfy the requirements of Article 2, as the procedure did not prevent the doctor who performed the euthanasia from sitting on the Board or from voting on whether his or her own acts were compatible with the substantive and procedural requirements of domestic law. The fact of leaving it to the sole discretion of the member concerned to decide to remain silent, where he or she was involved in the euthanasia under review, could not be regarded as sufficient to ensure the independence of the Board. While being aware of the autonomy enjoyed by States in this area, such a defect could have been avoided and confidentiality safeguarded, for example, if the Board had been composed of a larger number of members than the number of those who sat to consider each case. This would have ensured that a member of the Board who had performed the specific act of euthanasia could not sit when the Board was reviewing it.



Consequently, and having regard to the crucial role played by the Board in the post-euthanasia review, the machinery of review established in the present case had not guaranteed its independence, irrespective of any real influence Professor D. might have had on the Board’s decision.


(b) The criminal investigation


Where death was the result of an act of euthanasia carried out under the legislation, which permitted it subject to strict conditions, a criminal investigation was not usually required. It became mandatory where there was a criminal complaint by a relative of the deceased indicating the existence of suspicious circumstances. Thus, having regard to the criminal complaint lodged by the applicant, who had plausibly alleged that the law on euthanasia had not been complied with in the present case, the Belgian authorities had been under an obligation to conduct a criminal investigation.


The first criminal investigation had lasted approximately three years and one month whereas no investigative act appeared to have been undertaken by the Crown Prosecutor in that time. The second criminal investigation conducted under the direction of an investigating judge after notice of the present application had been given to the Government had been sufficiently thorough, but it had lasted approximately one year and seven months.

第一次刑事调查持续了大约三年零一个月,而在此期间,皇家检察官(the Crown Prosecutor)[11] 似乎没有采取任何调查行动。向政府发出关于本申请的通知后,在调查法官(investigating judge)的指导下进行的第二次刑事调查足够彻底,但持续了大约一年零七个月。

Taken as a whole, and having regard to the inaction during the first investigation, the criminal investigation had not met the requirement of promptness under Article 2.


In view of the foregoing, the State had failed to fulfil its procedural positive obligation on account of the lack of independence of the review Board and of the length of the criminal investigation in the present case.


Conclusion: violation (unanimously).




The present case raised the question whether the respondent State had failed to fulfil its positive obligation to secure to the applicant, whose mother had died by euthanasia, the right to respect for his private and family life.


Firstly, the applicant had complained of a violation of Article 8, arguing that his mother’s euthanasia was contrary to Article 2. In this connection, with regard to the legislative framework concerning the procedure prior to euthanasia and the conditions in which the act was carried out in the present case, the Court had already concluded that there had been no violation of Article 2. Consequently, the applicant’s right to respect for his private and family life had not been breached solely on account of the fact that his mother had undergone euthanasia.


Next, as regards the applicant’s lack of involvement in the euthanasia process, the Court was called upon to rule on a conflict between various competing interests, namely the applicant’s wish to accompany his mother in the last moments of her life and his mother’s right to respect for her wishes and her personal autonomy. In this context, the Court had to weigh up the interests at stake.



The Euthanasia Act obliged doctors to discuss a patient’s request for euthanasia with his or her relatives only where this was the patient’s wish. If that was not the case, they could not contact the relatives, in accordance with their duty of confidentiality and medical secrecy.


In the present case, in accordance with the law, the doctors had suggested several times to the applicant’s mother that she should resume contact with her two children. However, the applicant had repeatedly objected, stating that she no longer wanted to have contact with them and that she was afraid of her son. Nevertheless, at the request of her doctors, the applicant had sent an e-mail to her children informing them of her wish to undergo euthanasia. The applicant had apparently not reacted.


In these circumstances, which related to a long-standing break-down in the relationship between the applicant and his mother, the doctors had taken all reasonable steps, in accordance with the law, their duty of confidentiality and medical secrecy, as well as ethical guidelines, to ensure that she contacted her children about her request for euthanasia. The legislature could not be criticised for obliging doctors to respect the applicant’s wishes on this point or for imposing on them a duty of confidentiality and medical secrecy. On the latter point, respect for the confidential nature of health information was an essential principle of the legal systems of all the Contracting Parties to the Convention, not only for protecting the privacy of patients but also for preserving their confidence in the medical profession and health services in general.


In view of the above, the legislation, as applied in the present case, had struck a fair balance between the different interests at stake.


Conclusion: no violation (six votes to one)




 [1] laria Bertini, Mortier v. Belgium: A Landmark Decision on Euthanasia in the Case of Mental Illness, (24 Oct. 2022), UK Human Rights Blog,

 [2] laria Bertini, Mortier v. Belgium: A Landmark Decision on Euthanasia in the Case of Mental Illness, (24 Oct. 2022), UK Human Rights Blog,

[3] ARTICLE 19 Establishment of the Court

To ensure the observance of the engagements undertaken by the High Contracting Parties in the Convention and the Protocols thereto, there shall be set up a European Court of Human Rights, hereinafter referred to as “the Court”. It shall function on a permanent basis.

第19条 法院的设置


[4] Wikepedia,

[5] Mortier v. Belgium, no. 78017/17, ECHR 2022, p. 1.

[6] Mortier v. Belgium, no. 78017/17, ECHR 2022, p. 1.

[7] Mortier v. Belgium, no. 78017/17, ECHR 2022, p. 1.

[8] Mortier v. Belgium, no. 78017/17, ECHR 2022, pp. 2-6.

[9] 译者注:Article 2.1.1 Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law.


[10] 译者注:比利时的行政法院(Conseil d'État,英语Council of State),也称国务委员会。其主要作用有二,一是向行政机关提供法律建议;二是作为行政司法的最高法院。(资料来源:Wikipedia)

[11] 译者注:皇家检察官(Crown Prosecutor)是赋予国家检察官(state prosecutor)的头衔,国家检察官是负责在刑事审判中对个人提起诉讼的合法当事方。该头衔通常用于英联邦国家。(资料来源:Wikepedia)




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