法律翻译 | 将隐私数据纳入隐私权中的“私人生活”范畴:Z诉芬兰案
译者 | 胡译文 中国人民大学
一审 | 李正茂 香港大学
二审 | 刘汉青 北京师范大学
编辑 | 王妮茜 新疆农业大学
仲飞宇 西安外国语大学
责编 | 李 薇 浙江工商大学
The applicant is a Finnish national, resident in Finland, and was at the time of the events which gave rise to her complaints under the Convention married to X, who was not Finnish. They divorced on 22 September 1995. They are both infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
In early March 1992, following a complaint of a sexual offence lodged by M., the police opened an investigation into attempted manslaughter, suspecting X of having deliberately subjected M. to a risk of infection with HIV on 1 March.
According to the facts as established by the Commission, during a police interview on 5 March 1992 M. identified X as the perpetrator and the police informed her that X’s spouse, the applicant, was HIV-positive. On 10 April 1992, the police advised M. that X was also infected.
根据委员会确定的事实,1992年3月5日警方询问期间,M指认X为犯罪人。并且,警方告诉她,X的配偶(即申请人)感染了艾滋病。1992年4月10 日,警方告知M,X也受到了感染。
On 7 April 1992 the police attempted to interview the applicant but, as she was married to X, she relied on her right under Finnish law not to give evidence against her spouse.
1992年4月7日,警察试图询问申请人,但由于她与 X 的婚姻关系,申请人享有受芬兰法律保护的、不提供不利于配偶的证据的权利。
On 18 May 1992 and with X’s consent, L., senior doctor at the hospital where X and the applicant had been treated, transmitted copies of X’s medical records to the public prosecutor. These had been edited so as to omit all references to the applicant.
On 27 May 1992 M.’s counsel informed the public prosecutor that the copies of X’s medical records appeared to be incomplete. That same day the public prosecutor asked the police to obtain statements from senior doctor L. and any other doctors who had been treating X, whether as experts or ordinary witnesses, in order to obtain information from them on when X had become aware of his HIV infection.
On 8 and 9 March 1993 the police carried out a search at the hospital where the applicant and X had occasionally been treated. The police seized all the records concerning the applicant and appended copies of these to the record of the investigation concerning the charges against X of attempted manslaughter. These measures had been ordered by the prosecution. After photocopying the records the police returned them to the hospital.
On 19 May 1993 the City Court, amongst other things, convicted X on three counts of attempted manslaughter committed on 1 March, 31 August and 10 September 1992 but dismissed the charge of attempted manslaughter for the offence committed on 19 December 1991 and, as regards the latter, convicted him of rape instead. The City Court sentenced him to terms of imprisonment totalling seven years.
1993年5月19日,除其他事项外,城市法院认定X于1992年3月1日、8月31日和9月10日所犯的三起罪行构成了故意杀人未遂罪,但驳回了公诉人对他于1991年12月19日所犯罪行的故意杀人未遂指控,并认定X犯有强奸罪。最终,城市法院判处X 7年监禁。
The City Court published the operative part of the judgment, an abridged version of its reasoning and an indication of the law which it had applied in the case. The City Court ordered that the full reasoning and the documents in the case be kept confidential for ten years. Both the complainants as well as X had requested a longer period of confidentiality.
城市法院公布判决之后,申请人、X和控方都就该判决向赫尔辛基上诉法院提出了上诉,要求延长案涉文件的保密期间,但上诉法院维持了城市法院的判决。随后,申请人又向最高法院提出申请,要求撤销上诉法院的判决,但该申请最终被驳回。因此,申诉人向欧洲人权委员会提出申诉,认为她依据《欧洲人权公约》(以下简称《公约》)第8条所享有的私人和家庭生活受到尊重的权利受到了侵犯。本案的争议焦点为以下四项行为是否违反了《公约》第8条:(1) 要求申请人的医疗顾问提供证据的命令;(2)获取她的医疗记录并将其列入调查档案;(3)执行在2002年向公众公开有关医疗数据的措施;(4) 上诉法院在判决书中公布申请人的身份和医疗状况。
1.Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
2. 政府不得干预上述权利的行使,但是,依照法律规定的干预以及基于在民主社会中为了国家安全、公共安全或者经济福利的利益考虑,为了防止混乱或者犯罪,保护健康或者道德,保护他人的权利与自由,而有必要进行干预的,不受此限。[1]
In determining whether the impugned measures were "necessary in a democratic society", the Court will consider whether, in the light of the case as a whole, the reasons adduced to justify them were relevant and sufficient and whether the measures were proportionate to the legitimate aims pursued.
In this connection, the Court will take into account that the protection of personal data, not least medical data, is of fundamental importance to a person’s enjoyment of his or her right to respect for private and family life as guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8). Respecting the confidentiality of health data is a vital principle in the legal systems of all the Contracting Parties to the Convention. It is crucial not only to respect the sense of privacy of a patient but also to preserve his or her confidence in the medical profession and in the health services in general.
Without such protection, those in need of medical assistance may be deterred from revealing such information of a personal and intimate nature as may be necessary in order to receive appropriate treatment and, even, from seeking such assistance, thereby endangering their own health and, in the case of transmissible diseases, that of the community.
The domestic law must therefore afford appropriate safeguards to prevent any such communication or disclosure of personal health data as may be inconsistent with the guarantees in Article 8 of the Convention.
At the same time, the Court accepts that the interests of a patient and the community as a whole in protecting the confidentiality of medical data may be outweighed by the interest in investigation and prosecution of crime and in the publicity of court proceedings.
(i) The orders requiring the applicant’s doctors and psychiatrist to give evidence
As regards the orders requiring the applicant’s doctors and psychiatrist to give evidence, the Court notes that the measures were taken in the context of Z availing herself of her right under Finnish law not to give evidence against her husband. The object was exclusively to ascertain from her medical advisers when X had become aware of or had reason to suspect his HIV infection. Their evidence had the possibility of being at the material time decisive for the question whether X was guilty of sexual offences only or in addition of the more serious offence of attempted manslaughter in relation to two offences committed prior to 19 March 1992, when the positive results of the HIV test had become available. There can be no doubt that the competent national authorities were entitled to think that very weighty public interests militated in favour of the investigation and prosecution of X for attempted manslaughter in respect of all of the five offences concerned and not just three of them.
In view of the above factors, in particular the confidential nature of the proceedings against X, as well as their highly exceptional character, the Court is not persuaded by the applicant’s argument that the various orders to give evidence were likely to have deterred potential and actual HIV carriers in Finland from undergoing blood tests and from seeking medical treatment.
In the light of the foregoing, the Court finds that the various orders requiring the applicant’s medical advisers to give evidence were supported by relevant and sufficient reasons which corresponded to an overriding requirement in the interest of the legitimate aims pursued. It is also satisfied that there was a reasonable relationship of proportionality between those measures and aims. Accordingly, there has been no violation of Article 8 (art. 8) on this point.
(ii) Seizure of the applicant’s medical records and their inclusion in the investigation file
The seizure of the applicant’s medical records and their inclusion in the investigation file were complementary to the orders compelling the medical advisers to give evidence. Like the latter measures, the former were taken in the context of the applicant refusing to give evidence against her husband and their object was to ascertain when X had become aware of his HIV infection or had reason to suspect that he was carrying the disease. They were based on the same weighty public interests.
Furthermore, they were subject to similar limitations and safeguards against abuse. The substantive conditions on which the material in question could be seized were equally restrictive . More importantly, the material had been submitted in the context of proceedings held in camera, and the City Court had decided that the case documents should be treated as confidential, which measure was protected largely by the same rules and remedies as the witness statements.
It is true, however, that the seizure, unlike the taking of evidence from the doctors and psychiatrist, had not been authorised by a court but had been ordered by the prosecution.
Nevertheless, under the terms of the relevant provision in chapter 4, section 2 (2), of the Coercive Means of Criminal Investigation Act, a condition for the seizure of the medical records concerned was that the applicant’s doctors would be "entitled or obliged to give evidence in the pre-trial investigation about the matter contained in the document[s]" . The legal conditions for the seizure were thus essentially the same as those for the orders on the doctors to give evidence.
Furthermore, prior to the seizure of the documents, the City Court had already decided that at least two of the doctors should be heard, whilst it required all the other doctors to give evidence shortly afterwards. The day following the seizure, the City Court, which had power to exclude evidence, decided to include all the material in question in its case file. In addition, as already noted, the applicant had the possibility of challenging the seizure before the City Court.
Therefore, the Court considers that the fact that the seizure was ordered by the prosecution and not by a court cannot of itself give rise to any misgivings under Article 8 (art. 8).
Therefore, the Court considers that the seizure of the applicant’s medical records and their inclusion in the investigation file were supported by relevant and sufficient reasons, the weight of which was such as to override the applicant’s interest in the information in question not being communicated. It is satisfied that the measures were proportionate to the legitimate aims pursued and, accordingly, finds no violation of Article 8 (art. 8) on this point either.
(iii) Duration of the order to maintain the medical data confidential
As regards the complaint that the medical data in issue would become accessible to the public as from 2002, the Court notes that the ten-year limitation on the confidentiality order did not correspond to the wishes or interests of the litigants in the proceedings, all of whom had requested a longer period of confidentiality.
The Court is not persuaded that, by prescribing a period of ten years, the domestic courts attached sufficient weight to the applicant’s interests. It must be remembered that, as a result of the information in issue having been produced in the proceedings without her consent, she had already been subjected to a serious interference with her right to respect for her private and family life. The further interference which she would suffer if the medical information were to be made accessible to the public after ten years is not supported by reasons which could be considered sufficient to override her interest in the data remaining confidential for a longer period. The order to make the material so accessible as early as 2002 would, if implemented, amount to a disproportionate interference with her right to respect for her private and family life, in violation of Article 8 (art. 8).
However, the Court will confine itself to the above conclusion, as it is for the State to choose the means to be used in its domestic legal system for discharging its obligations under Article 53 of the Convention (art. 53).
(iv) Publication of the applicant’s identity and health condition in the Court of Appeal’s judgment
Finally, the Court must examine whether there were sufficient reasons to justify the disclosure of the applicant’s identity and HIV infection in the text of the Court of Appeal’s judgment made available to the press.
Under the relevant Finnish law, the Court of Appeal had the discretion, firstly, to omit mentioning any names in the judgment permitting the identification of the applicant and, secondly, to keep the full reasoning confidential for a certain period and instead publish an abridged version of the reasoning, the operative part and an indication of the law which it had applied. In fact, it was along these lines that the City Court had published its judgment, without it giving rise to any adverse comment.
Irrespective of whether the applicant had expressly requested the Court of Appeal to omit disclosing her identity and medical condition, that court was informed by X’s lawyer about her wishes that the confidentiality order be extended beyond ten years. It evidently followed from this that she would be opposed to the disclosure of the information in question to the public.
In these circumstances, and having regard to the considerations mentioned in paragraph 112 above, the Court does not find that the impugned publication was supported by any cogent reasons. Accordingly, the publication of the information concerned gave rise to a violation of the applicant’s right to respect for her private and family life as guaranteed by Article 8 (art. 8).
(v) Recapitulation
The Court thus reaches the conclusions that there has been no violation of Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8) (1) with respect to the orders requiring the applicant’s medical advisers to give evidence or (2) with regard to the seizure of her medical records and their inclusion in the investigation file.
法院因此得出结论,以下两点没有违反《公约》第8条:(1) 要求申请人的医疗顾问提供证据的命令;(2)获取她的医疗记录并将其列入调查档案。
On the other hand, it finds (3) that making the medical data concerned accessible to the public as early as 2002 would, if implemented, give rise to a violation of that Article (art. 8) and (4) that there has been a violation thereof (art. 8) with regard to the publication of the applicant’s identity and medical condition in the Court of Appeal’s judgment.
然而,法院判决以下两点违反了《公约》第8条:(3)执行在2002年向公众公开有关医疗数据的措施;(4) 上诉法院在判决书中公布申请人的身份和医疗状况。
[1] 条款翻译参见欧洲人权法院官方提供的条约中文版本,https://www.echr.coe.int/european-convention-on-human-rights