

作者 | 李翌晖 莱顿大学

         杜佳纯 香港城市大学

         李长青 中国政法大学

         高夙美 中国政法大学

         王   佑 华东理工大学

         张雪恩 北京大学

         王旭升 中南财经政法大学

         刘闻涛 西南政法大学

编辑 | 向芯雨 西南交通大学

         王冰子 烟台大学

责编 | 李薇    浙江工商大学

芝加哥大学法理学教授Brian Leiter长期致力于制作各种法学榜单。2021年其推出了“2016-2020法学学者引用量”排名,并将之细分为24个领域,分别是:行政法与环境法,反垄断法,商法,宪法,公司法与证券法,刑法与刑事程序,批判法律理论,选举法,证据法,家事法,健康法,移民法,知识产权法,国际法与国际安全,劳动与雇佣法,法律经济学,法律与哲学,法律与社会科学,法律与技术,法制史,立法与法律条文释义,财产法,税法,侵权法与保险法。本系列“美国法学名师介绍”将依据这项排名,系统介绍各领域的知名学者。



John C.P. Goldberg


John C.P. Goldberg是侵权法、侵权理论与政治哲学方面的专家,他于2008年加入哈佛大学法学院,在2017-2022年期间担任副院长。博士毕业后他曾担任纽约东区Jack Weinstein法官与最高法院Byron White大法官的书记员。Goldberg教授曾多次获得教学奖,他也是美国法学会《财产法第四次重述》的副报告人,也是《侵权法第三次重述》的顾问。此外,他还是《侵权法与法学理论期刊》编委会成员,并于 2009 年担任美国法学院协会侵权与赔偿制度分会主席。






1. 论文

"Legal Wrongs Between the Prescriptive and the Positive: Replies to Commentators on Recognizing Wrongs, " 27 Jerusalem Rev. Legal Stud. 99 (2023)

"Introduction: The Nature of the Judicial Process at 100, " Yale J. L. & Humanities 1 (2023)

"Rediscovering The Nature of the Judicial Process: A Comment on Professors Abraham’s and White’s Doctrinal Forks in the Road, " Yale J. L. & Humanities 99 (2023)

"Replies to Commentators, " 41 L. & Phil. 127 (2022)

"The Unable or Unwilling Doctrine: A View From Private Law, " 63 Harvard Int'l L.J. 63 (2022)

"Tort Theory, Private Attorneys General, and State Action: From Mass Torts to Texas, " S.B. 8, J. Tort L. (2021)

"Taking Responsibility Personally: On John Gardner's From Personal Life to Private Law, " 14 J. Tort L. 3 (2021)

"Thoroughly Modern Tort Theory, " 134 Harv. L. Rev. F. 184 (2021)

"Seeing Negligence for What It Is, " 2021 JOTWELL 1 (2021)

"Remedies as a Remedy for Uncertainty, Jotwell Torts,Alexandra D. Lahav, The Knowledge Remedy, " 98 Tex. L. Rev. 1361 (2020)

"Case-Linked Jurisdiction and Busybody States, " 105 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 54 (2020)

"Compensating Distress with a Stiff Upper Lip, " Jotwell Torts (Nov. 21, 2019)

"History, Theory, and Tort: Four Theses, " J. Tort L. (July 11, 2018)

"Benjamin Cardozo and the Death of the Common Law, " 34 Touro L. Rev. 147 (2018)

2. 专著

Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (Wolters Kluwer Aspen 2021)

Introduction in, The Oxford Handbook of the New Private Law (Andrew S. Gold, John C. P. Goldberg, Daniel B. Kelly, Emily Sherwin & Henry E. Smith eds., 2020)

Recognizing Wrongs (John C. P. Goldberg & Benjamin C. Zipursky, 2020)

Equity and Law: Fusion and Fission (John C.P. Goldberg, Henry E. Smith & Peter G. Turner eds., 2019)


哈佛大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

北卡罗莱纳大学 文科学士(B.A.)

纽约大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

普林斯顿大学 政治学硕士(M.A.)

牛津大学 政治学哲学硕士(M. Phil.)

得克萨斯卫斯理大学 文科学士(B.A.)


Benjamin C. Zipursky


Benjamin C. Zipursky,福特汉姆法学院法学教授,担任James H. Quinn '49 法律伦理学讲座教授,并两次担任副院长。他曾作为访问学者在哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学和范德比尔特法学院任教。自 2002 年以来,Zipursky 教授一直是美国法学会的成员,并多次担任《侵权法》修正案的顾问。此外,Zipursky教授还被授予美国法学院协会的William L. Prosser奖,以表彰他对侵权学术的贡献。Zipursky教授还因其 2020 年出版的Recognizing Wrongs一书荣获 2023 年国家民事司法奖,该书是三大洲学术会议的主题。






1. 论文

"Replies to Commentators, " 41 LAW AND PHILOSOPHY 122 (2022) (with J. Goldberg)


"Tort Theory, Private Attorneys General, and State Action: From Mass Torts to Texas, " S.B. 8, 14 J. TORT LAW 469 (2021) (with J. Goldberg)


"Case-Linked Jurisdiction & Busybody States, " 105 MINN. L. REV. HEADNOTES 54 (2020) (with H. Erichson & J. Goldberg)


"Loyalty and Disclosure in Legal Ethics, " 65 AMER. J. OF JUR. 83 (2020)



Recognizing Wrongs (2020) (with J. Goldberg)


Research Handbook on Private Law Theory (edited, with H. Dagan 2020)


Tort Law: Responsibilities & Redress (2021) (5th ed.) (with J. Goldberg, L. Kendrick & A. Sebok)


匹兹堡大学 哲学博士(Ph.D)

纽约大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

斯沃斯莫尔学院 文科学士(B.A.)


Tom Baker


Tom Baker,宾夕法尼亚大学法学教授。他担任美国法律研究所法律责任保险重述的报告员。在2008年加入法学院之前,Baker曾担任康涅狄格大学首届康涅狄格互惠教授和保险法中心主任11年。Baker曾为美国第一巡回上诉法院Juan R.Torruella担任书记员,也在Covington & Burling律师事务所执业,他也曾担任Iran/Contra独立律师的助理律师,并在迈阿密大学法学院担任副教授。






1. 论文

“What Litigation Funders Can Learn about Settlement Rights from the Law of Liability Insurance”,- Theoretical Inquiries in Law – (forthcoming 2023).

“Where’s the Insurance in Mass Torts?”, -- Texas Law Review -- (forthcoming 2023).

“How Crime Shapes Insurance and Insurance Shapes Crime (with Anja Shortland)”, -- Journal of Legal Analysis -- (forthcoming 2023).

“Insurance and Enterprise: Cyber-Insurance for Ransomware”, -- Geneva Papers on Risk and

Insurance -- (forthcoming 2023) (with Anja Shortland).

“The Government Behind Insurance as Governance: Lessons for Ransomware”, -- Regulation and Governance -- (forthcoming 2023) (with Anja Shortland).

“Choice Architecture for Healthier Insurance Decisions: Ordering and Partitioning Together Can Improve Consumer Choice”, EXPRESS. Journal of Marketing, 0(ja). (with Benedict Dellaert, Eric Johnson and Shannon Duncan)

“The Pandemic and the Past & Future of Insurance Law & Practice”, 71 DePaul Law Review 1001 (2022) (Clifford Symposium 2021, with Kenneth S. Abraham)

“Uncertainty > Risk: Lessons for Legal Thought from the Insurance Runoff Market”, 62 Boston College L. Rev. 59 (2021) (reviewed in Jotwell 6/2/2020)

“How Liability Insurers Protect Patients and Improve Safety”, 68 DePaul Law Review 209 (2019) (with Charles Silver)

2. 专著

Restatement of the Law Liability Insurance (American Law Institute) (2019). Reporter.

Insurance Law and Policy: Cases, Materials and Problems (Aspen Publishing 2003; second edition 2008; third edition 2013; fourth edition 2017; fifth edition 2021). Sole author (first & second editions); co-author with Kyle Logue (third-fifth editions) and Chaim Saiman (fifth edition).


哈佛大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

哈佛大学 文科学士(B.A.)


Catherine Sharkey


Catherine Sharkey,纽约大学法学院教授。她在侵权、商业侵权、产品责任、行政法、救济和集体诉讼等领域发表了50多篇文章、论文和书籍章节。她也是“算法管理:监管国家中的人工智能”(Artificial Intelligence in the Regulatory State)的首席顾问。同时,Sharkey教授也是美国法律协会的当选成员,2011-12年古根海姆研究员。






1. 论文

"Dynamic Tort Law: Review of Kenneth S. Abraham & G. Edward White, Tort Law and the Construction of Change: Studies in the Inevitability of History," 109 Va. L. Rev. 465 (2023)

"The Irresistible Simplicity of Preventing Harm," 16 J. Tort L. 143 (2023)

"Regulation of Laboratory-Developed Tests in Preventive Oncology: Emerging Needs and Opportunities," 41 J. Clinical Oncology 11 (2023) (with Kenneth Offit, Dina Green, Xiaohan Wu, Magan Trottier et al.)

"AI and the Regulatory Paradigm Shift at the FDA," 72 Duke L.J. Online 86 (2022) (with Kevin M. K. Fodouop)

"Products Liability in the Digital Age: Online Platforms as 'Cheapest Cost Avoiders,'" 73 Hastings L.J. 1327 (2022)

"Field Preemption: Opening the “Gates of Escape” from Tort Law," 50 J. Leg. Stud. S27 (2021)

"Valuing Black and Female Lives: A Proposal for Incorporating Agency VSL into Tort Damages," 96 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1479 (2021)

"Public Nuisance as Modern Business Tort: A New Unified Framework for Liability for Economic Harms," 70 DePaul L. Rev. 431 (2021)

"AI for Retrospective Review," 8 Belmont L. Rev. 374 (2021)

"The Opioid Litigation: The FDA Is MIA," 124 Dickinson L. Rev. 669 (2020)

"Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: The FDA’s Dual Role as Safety and Health Information Regulator," 68 DePaul L. Rev. 343 (2019)

"Showcase Panel II: Balancing Insulation and Accountability of Agency Decisions," 44 U. Dayton L. Rev. 319 (2019) (with Steven G. Bradley et al.)

"Institutional Liability for Employees' Intentional Torts: Vicarious Liability as a Quasi-Substitute for Punitive Damages," 53 Val. U. L. Rev. 1 (2018)

2. 专著

Cases and Materials on Torts (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 12th ed., 2020; 11th ed., 2016; 10th ed., 2012) (with Richard A. Epstein)


耶鲁大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

牛津大学 理学硕士(MSc)

耶鲁大学 经济学学士(B.A.)


Kenneth Abraham


Kenneth Abraham,弗吉尼亚大学David and Mary Harrison杰出法学教授。他是美国艺术与科学学院院士和美国法律研究所终身会员。Abraham教授担任了各种重大保险案件的咨询顾问和专家证人,以及 Dalkon Shield 索赔人信托基金的仲裁员,解决了美国和欧洲 100 多起因 Dalkon Shield 宫内节育器造成的伤害而寻求损害赔偿的案件。Abraham教授因“在教学、研究和公共服务方面的杰出成就”而荣获弗吉尼亚大学杰出教师奖、弗吉尼亚州高等教育委员会颁发的杰出教师成就证书以及美国律师协会的Robert B. McKay法学教授奖,他也是第一位当选美国学院荣誉院士的法学教授保险顾问。






1. 论文

Doctrinal Forks in the Road: The Hidden Message of The Nature of the Judicial Process (with G. Edward White), 34 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 73 (2023)

Shadow Tort Law: Lessons From The Reptile, 122 Columbia Law Review Forum 110–126 (2022)

The Limits of Regulation by Insurance (with Daniel Schwarcz), 98 Indiana Law Journal 215 (2022)

What History Can Tell Us About the Future of Insurance and Litigation after COVID-19 (with Tom Baker), 72 DePaul Law Review 169–208 (2022)

Conceptualizing Tort Law: The Continuous (and Continuing) Struggle (with G. Edward White), 80 Maryland Law Review 293–342 (2021)

Courting Disaster: The Underappreciated Risk of a Cyber-Insurance Catastrophe (with Daniel Schwarcz), 27 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 407–473 (2021)

Police Liability Insurance after Repeal of Qualified Immunity, and Before, 56 Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Law Journal 31–52 (2021)

Rethinking the Development of Modern Tort Liability (with G. Edward White), 101 Boston University Law Review 1289 (2021)

The Inward Turn and the Future of Tort Theory (with G. Edward White), 14 Journal of Tort Law 245–259 (2021)

The Long-Tail Liability Revolution: Creating the New World of Tort and Insurance Law, 6 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law & Public Affairs 347–412 (2021)

“Incomplete” Insurance Coverage, 26 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 115–143 (2020)

First Amendment Imperialism and the Constitutionalization of Tort Liability (with G. Edward White), 98 Texas Law Review 813–861 (2020)

Automated Vehicles and Manufacturer Responsibility for Accidents: A New Legal Regime for a New Era (with Robert L. Rabin), 105 Virginia Law Review 127–171 (2019)

Plain Meaning, Extrinsic Evidence, and Ambiguity: Myth and Reality in Insurance Policy Interpretation, 25 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 329–367 (2019)

The Future Is Almost Here: Inaction Is Actually Mistaken Action (with Robert L. Rabin), 105 Virginia Law Review Online 91–95 (2019)

The Puzzle of the Dignitary Torts (with G. Edward White), 104 Cornell Law Review 317–380 (2019)

There’s No Such Thing as Affirmative Duty (with Leslie Kendrick), 104 Iowa Law Review 1649–1698 (2019)

Torts Without Names, New Torts, and the Future of Liability for Intangible Harm (with G. Edward White), 68 American University Law Review 2089–2144 (2019)

Recovering Wagner v. International Railway Company (with G. Edward White), 34 Touro Law Review 21–62 (2018)

Tort Luck and Liability Insurance, 70 Rutgers University Law Review 1–42 (2018)

2. 专著

Tort Law and the Construction of Change: Studies in the Inevitability of History (with G. Edward White), University of Virginia Press (2022)

The Forms and Functions of Tort Law, Foundation Press (6 ed. 2022)

Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials (with Daniel Schwarcz), Foundation Press (7 ed. 2020)


耶鲁大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

印第安纳大学 文科学士(B.A.)


Robert Rabin


Robert Rabin,斯坦福大学A.Calder Mackay法学教授。Rabin 教授曾担任美国法律研究所《侵权法重述(第三版)》(2012 年)和《产品责任法重述》(第三版)(1998年)的顾问。他担任了Robert Wood Johnson基金会烟草政策研究和评估项目的项目主任。Rabin教授曾荣获美国法学院协会侵权和赔偿部门颁发的William Prosser奖学金,以及美国律师协会颁发的Robert B. McKay奖,表彰其对侵权和保险领域的贡献。






1. 论文

The Search for Strategies to Reduce Medical Error, Jurimetrics (2022)

The Road Not Taken: Perspectives on No-Fault Compensation for Tobacco and Opiod Victims, DePaul Law Review (2022)

Stephen Sugarman and the World of Responsibility for Injurious Conduct, California Law Review (2021)

Pursuing Public Health Through Litigation: Lessons from Tobacco and Opioids, Stanford Law Review (2021)

Stephen Sugarman and the World of Responsibility for Injurious Conduct, California Law Review (2021)

Some Thoughts on Compensation and Remedial Relief for Disasters in the American Legal System, Northwestern Law Review Online (2020)

Reassessing the Regulation of High-Risk Medical Device Cases, DePaul Law Review (2019)

The Future is Almost Here: Inaction is Actually Mistaken Action, Virginia Law Review (2019)

Automated Vehicles and Manufacturer Responsibility for Accidents: A New Legal Regime for a New Era, Virginia Law Review (2019)

2. 专著

Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 11th Ed.,Foundation Press(2021)


西北大学 政治学博士(Ph.D.)

西北大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

西北大学 文科学士(B.A.)


Daniel Schwarcz


Daniel Schwarcz,明尼苏达大学法学院教授,他的研究主要集中在保险法律和法规方面,涵盖系统性风险、监管联邦制、健康保险和保险诉讼等问题。Schwarcz教授的另一项研究探讨了人工智能对法律教育、法律实践和消费者保护的影响。他曾多次在法律评论和期刊上发表文章,包括芝加哥大学法律评论,弗吉尼亚法律评论,加州大学洛杉矶分校法律评论,南加州法律评论和实证法律研究杂志。他曾为美国第一巡回上诉法院的Sandra Lynch法官担任助理,并在Ropes & Gray律师事务所执业,主要从事保险法方面的工作。







“Redesigning Widespread Insurance Coverage Disputes: A Case Study of the British and American Approaches to Pandemic Business Interruption Coverage,” 71 DePaul Law Review 427 (2022)


“Rules of Medical Necessity,” 107 Iowa Law Review 423 (2022) (with Amy B. Monahan )


“The Limits of Regulation by Insurance,” 98 Indiana Law Journal 215 (2022) (with Kenneth S. Abraham)


“Courting Disaster: The Underappreciated Risk of A Cyber Insurance Catastrophe,” 27 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 407 (2021) (with Kenneth S. Abraham)


“Health-Based Proxy Discrimination, Artificial Intelligence,” and Big Data, 21 Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy 95 (2021)


“The Role of Courts in the Evolution of Standard Form Contracts: An Insurance Case Study,” 46 Brigham Young University Law Review 471 (2021)


“Proxy Discrimination in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data,” 105 Iowa Law Review 1257 (2020) (with Anya E.R. Prince)


“Towards A Civil Rights Approach to Insurance Anti-Discrimination Law,” 69 DePaul Law Review 657 (2020)



Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press, 6th ed., 2015; 7th ed., 2020) (with Kenneth S. Abraham)


Research Handbook on the Economics of Insurance Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015) (co-editor) (with Peter Siegelman)


哈佛大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

阿默斯特学院  文学学士(A.B.)


Kyle Logue


Kyle Logue,密歇根大学法学教授。他在法律评论等期刊上发表了多篇文章,也是著名的保险法案例集之一《保险法与政策:案例和材料》的合著者。自2010年以来,他一直是美国法学会(ALI)的成员,并且曾是ALI责任保险法重述的副报告员。






1. 论文

“A Survey of Legal Issues Arising from the Deployment of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles,” Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review (forthcoming 2017)

“NFIB v. Sebelius and the Individual Mandate: Thoughts on the Tax/Regulation Distinction,” 5 Michigan Business and Entrepreneurial Law Review 173 (2016)

“In Praise of (Some) Ex Post Regulation: A Response to Professor Galle,” 69 Vand. L. Rev. 97 (2016)

“The Perverse Effects of Subsidized Weather Insurance,” 68 Stanford Law Review 571 (2016) (with Omri Ben-Shahar)

“Encouraging Insurers to Regulate: The Role (If Any) for Tort Law,” 15 University of California Irvine Law Review 1355 (2015)

“The Unintended Effects of Government Subsidized Weather Insurance,”Regulation, Fall 2015, pp. 2-6 (with Omri Ben-Shahar)

“Delegating Tax,” 114 Michigan Law Review 235 (2015) (with James Hines)

“Mandatory Rules and Default Rules in Insurance Contracts,” in IN LAW AND ECONOMICS OF INSURANCE, edited by D. Schwarcz and P. Siegelman, 377-412. RESEARCH HANDBOOKS IN LAW AND ECONOMICS SERIES ELGAR, 2015 (with Tom Baker)

“Towards a Universal Framework for Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws,”Conn. Ins. L. J. 21, no. 1 (2015): 1-52. (with Ronen Avraham & Daniel Schwarcz)

“Understanding the AMT, and Its Sibling (the AMxT),”6 Journal of Legal Analysis (2014) (with James Hines)

2. 专著



耶鲁大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

奥本大学 学士(B.A.)


Anthony Sebok


Anthony Sebok,耶史瓦大学卡多佐法学院教授,研究方向主要集中在法律伦理、诉讼金融、侵权法、保险法等领域。在2007年来到卡多佐之前,他是布鲁克林法学院的百年法学教授和研究副院长,他在那里任教了15年。2005年至2006年,他是普林斯顿大学法律与公共事务项目的研究员,1999年,他是柏林美国学院的研究员。从法学院毕业后,他担任宾夕法尼亚州东区美国地方法院首席法官Edward N. Cahn的书记员。Sebok曾担任诉讼财务问题的专家证人,也是Burford Capital的道德顾问。他是美国法律协会的成员,也是全国律师考试会议的MPRE主题专家。






1. 论文

The Rules of Professional Responsibility and Legal Finance: A Status Update, Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 671, Wake Forest Law Review(2022)

The Public Right and Wrongs: Tort Theory and the Problem of Public Nuisance, 14 J. Tort L(2022)

The Deep Architecture of American COVID-19 Tort Reform 2020–21, DePaul Law Review, Vol. 71, 2002, Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 669 (2022)

The Mysterious Market for Post-Settlement Litigant Finance, 96 N.Y.U. L. Rev. Online 181 (2021)

The MDL Revolution and Consumer Legal Funding, Review of Litigation, Vol. 40, No. 2(2021)

Going Bare in the Law of Assignments: When is an Assignment Champertous? 14 FIU L. Rev. 85 (2020)

An Empirical Investigation of Third Party Consumer Litigant Funding, 104 Cornell Law Review(2018)

Selling Attorney's Fees, University of Illinois Law Review(2018)

2. 专著

TORT LAW: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (with Mauro Bussani)(Oxford University Press, 2019)

“Sources of Attorney’s Duties to Third Parties in the Litigation Funding Context,” in HANDBOOK ON THIRD-PARTY FUNDING IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION (Nikolaus Pitkowitz, ed., Juris Publishing, 2018)


普林斯顿大学 政治学博士(Ph.D.)

耶鲁大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

牛津大学 政治学硕士(M.Phil.)

康奈尔大学 文科学士 (B.A.)


Mark Geistfeld


Mark Geistfeld,纽约大学法学院教授,主要研究领域是侵权、产品责任和保险。Geistfeld是《侵权法杂志》的高级编辑,《第三侵权法重述:结论性条款》和《第三侵权法重述:医疗事故》的顾问,并经常担任评议学术期刊、大学出版社和政府资助机构的评委。他曾任纽约大学比较法学硕士项目主任,现为纽约大学法律与经济中心联席主任。在加入纽约大学法学院之前,Geistfeld为美国第二巡回上诉法院的Wilfred Feinberg法官当过法律助理,也在Dewey Ballantine律师事务所和Simpson Thacher律师事务所纽约办公室做过诉讼助理,并在侵权和保险案件中担任专家证人或法律顾问。






1. 论文

"Strict Products Liability 2.0: The Triumph of Judicial Reasoning Over Mainstream Tort Theory," 14 J. Tort L. 403 (2021)

"Tort Law and Civil Recourse," 119 Mich. L. Rev. 1289 (2021)

"Proximate Cause Untangled," 80 Md. L. Rev. 420 (2021)

"Cost-Benefit Analysis Outside of Welfarism," 37 Revus: J. for Const. Theory & Phil. L. 115 (2019)

"The Law and Economics of Tort Liability for Human Rights Violations in Global Supply Chains," 10 J. Eur. Tort L. 130 (2019)

"The Regulatory Sweet Spot for Autonomous Vehicles," 53 Wake Forest L. Rev. 337 (2018)

2. 专著

Civil Liability for Artificial Intelligence and Software (Walter de Gruyter, 2022) (ed. with Ernst Karner, Bernhard A. Koch and Christiane Wendehorst)

Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press 11th ed., 2021; 10th ed., 2016) (with Marc A. Franklin, Robert L. Rabin, Michael D. Green and Nora Freeman Engstrom)


哥伦比亚大学 经济学博士(PhD)

哥伦比亚大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)

宾夕法尼亚大学 经济学硕士(M.A.)

路易克拉克大学 经济学学士 (B.A.)




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