


译者 | 张凯宸 中国政法大学

一审 | 赵逸之 北京大学

二审 | 汪晨涵 复旦大学

编辑 | 王冰子 烟台大学

         于   杰 上海对外经贸大学

责编 | 李   薇 浙江工商大学

The Journal of Law and Economics Volume 59, Number 4 | 2016



Unintended Consequences of Sanctions for Human Rights: Conflict Minerals 

and Infant Mortality


Dominic P. Parker, Jeremy D. Foltz, 

and David Elsea

Are victims of human rights abuses better off with or without economic sanctions targeted at their perpetrators? We study this question in the context of a US human rights policy, the conflict-minerals section of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. By discouraging companies from sourcing tin, tungsten, and tantalum from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the policy has acted as a de facto boycott on mineral purchases that may finance warlords and armed militias. We estimate the policy’s impact on the mortality of children born before 2013 and find that it increased the probability of infant deaths in villages near the policy-targeted mines by at least 143 percent. We find suggestive evidence that the legislation-induced boycott did so by reducing mothers’ consumption of infant health care goods and services.



Enforcement of Anticollusion Laws against Domestic and Foreign Firms


Pierre Cremieux and Edward A. Snyder

Antitrust authorities must decide whether and how to consider the national identities of firms. Authorities may follow a neutral enforcement approach or focus on either foreign or domestic firms. We investigate these issues in the context of cartel enforcement against EU, US, and rest-of-the-world (ROW) firms by the European Union and the United States—the two jurisdictions with the longest and most robust enforcement histories. Our results suggest a mix of behaviors. The European Union is more likely to fine domestic and ROW firms than US firms, and the United States is no more likely to fine EU firms than domestic firms but disproportionately targets ROW firms. With respect to the size of fines, EU enforcement outcomes show no significant differences among categories of firms. The United States, however, levies significantly higher fines on foreign firms than domestic firms, whether from the European Union or the rest of the world.




Hit Where It Hurts: Cartel Policing Using Targeted Sales and Supply Embargoes


Ajay Bhaskarabhatla, Chirantan Chatterjee, and Bas Karreman

In this paper, we examine an asymmetric-punishment strategy that a large and newly identified cartel of retailers uses to police its upstream suppliers and members. The cartel punishes suppliers who violate vertical restraints and members who defect in the key regional or product market where it hurts them the most. The cartel organizes sales embargoes to punish its suppliers and supply embargoes to punish its members. Cartels can leverage the targeted punishment strategy to induce good behavior across multiple product, regional, and vertical markets. We examine several episodes in which the association of retail pharmaceutical traders in India, acting as a cartel, imposes sales embargoes on select pharmaceutical firms and supply embargoes on its members, and we find evidence consistent with targeted punishment. Our results support the theoretical view that growing buyer power in conjunction with vertical restraints facilitates collusion.



Executive Lawyers: Gatekeepers or Strategic Officers?


Adair Morse, Wei Wang, and Serena Wu

Lawyers now serve as executives in 44 percent of corporations. Although endowed with gatekeeping responsibilities, executive lawyers face increasing pressure to spend time on strategic efforts. In a fixed-effects model, we quantify that lawyers are half as important as chief executive officers in explaining variances in compliance, monitoring, and business development. In a difference-in-differences model, we find that hiring lawyers as executives is associated with a 50 percent reduction in compliance breaches and a 32 percent reduction in monitoring breaches. We ask if optimal contracting of lawyers into strategic activities implies less gatekeeping effort. Comparing executive lawyers hired from law firms to lawyers poached from corporations, we find that lawyers hired with high compensation delta (indicative of the importance of strategic goals in compensation contracts) do less monitoring, which prevents 25 percent fewer breaches than are typically mitigated by having an executive gatekeeper. Reassuringly, lawyers do not compromise compliance.




The Short- and Long-Run Effects of Private Law Enforcement: Evidence from University Police



Paul Heaton, Priscillia Hunt, John MacDonald, and Jessica Saunders

Over a million people in the United States are employed in private security and law enforcement, yet very little is known about the effects of private police on crime. The current study examines the relationship between a privately funded university police force and crime in a large US city. Following an expansion of the jurisdictional boundary of the private police force, we see no short-term change in crime. However, using a geographic regression discontinuity approach, we find large impacts of private police on public safety, with violent crime in particular decreasing. These contradictory results appear to be a consequence of a delayed effect of private police on crime.



Market Responses to Court Rulings: Evidence from Antiquities Auctions



Silvia Beltrametti and James V. Marrone

Although a vast literature considers whether the enactment of laws and regulations impacts markets, very little attention has been paid to the ability of courts to have such an effect. This paper fills this gap by providing evidence that court decisions can bring to bear existing legal standards and can have significant effects on market behavior, especially if they convey credible commitments to enforce sanctions. This study shows that the outcome of certain court decisions can reduce illicit trade. By analyzing novel disaggregated data of antiquities sold at auction in the past 20 years, our results indicate that, following punitive court rulings, the share of legitimate items (measured by their ownership history, or provenance) and the price premium paid for such items both increased. In addition, we show that standard assumptions behind repeat-sales indices fail to hold as buyers’ tastes change.



[1] 冲突矿产,是产在刚果民主共和国东部极端暴力地区、在武装冲突和侵犯人权情况下所开采的钨、锡、钽和黄金(3TG)及其衍生矿物,以及由国务卿决定的任何其他矿物或其衍生物。目前涉及的冲突矿产来源区域主要为刚果(金)及其周边9个国家。见李丽、董昕烨:《全球矿业治理的现实困境与中国的未来选择》,载《国际经济评论》2019年第5期。

[2]反串谋法(anticollusion law),即反卡特尔法、卡特尔管制法。串谋,指企业为限制、排除竞争而达成垄断协议的行为。

[3]大学警察,又称校园警察,是是美国、加拿大等国的一种警察,通常是学院或大学聘用的警察,用以保护校园和周边地区的私人财产、生活、工作和参观者的安全。见:Campus Police – Wikipedia, Wikipedia (Feb. 24th, 2024),。





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