【广州美国中心活动】RELO English Teaching Seminar,3月30日,星期六,早上9:30-12:00

【广州美国中心活动】RELO English Teaching Seminar,3月30日,星期六,早上9:30-12:00


主办方: 美国驻广州总领事馆,地区英语项目办公室
U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou and RELO Present
RELO English Teaching Seminar
Dear English Language Educators,
Seeking subtle adjustments and guidance to aid students in comprehending and enhancing their mental well-being? Eager to elevate your English teaching proficiency and foster classroom engagement through the integration of song lyrics? Join us at the English Language Teaching Seminar, co-hosted by the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou and the Regional English Language Office (RELO) of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, taking place on Saturday, March 30, 2024, in Guangzhou.
This seminar will be conducted in English and is open ONLY to English language teachers, researchers, and pre-service teachers, and is free of charge.
To ensure a delightful experience, we have limited the number of available admission slots. Only those applicants who receive confirmation will be granted access to the event. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring the success of this event.
本次活动坐席有限,请扫码递交报名申请。申请截止日期:2024年3月25日下午5点。如果您的参与申请被接受,您将在 2024年3月27日下午4点通过电子邮件收到通知,其中包含有关如何参加的详细信息。
Limited spots are available. Please scan the QR code to register. Application deadline: March 25, 2024, at 5:00 PM. If your application for participation is accepted, you will be notified via email on March 27, 2024, at 4:00 PM, with details on how to attend.
2024 年 3月30日,星期六,早上9:30-12:00 (8点45开放入场)
Saturday, March 30, 2024, 9:30am-12:00pm (Doors open at 8:45am)
Venue: Guangzhou American Center, U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou
日程 Schedule

Event Description
Integrating Student Mental Health Tools into Your Classroom
Students deal with a great deal of stress and anxiety. For many people, improving mental health can come down to understanding their own mental state and having a toolkit of early intervention strategies. This discussion will focus on small changes and tips to help teachers give students a toolkit to better understand and improve their own mental health. We will provide resources and suggestions for short, weekly, student mental health lessons.
KTV课堂 —— 在你的英语课堂上运用歌词
KTV Classroom - Using Song Lyrics in Your English Classroom
Music and lyrics provide a fun way to practice language in the classroom. Using lyrics in teaching can help improve fluency and understanding. This discussion will look at activities and techniques that can be integrated in your language classroom. We will finish with a group discussion and share practices that utilize music and lyrics.
About the Lecturer
Damien Shuck 目前是郑州大学西亚斯国际学院的全球商务英语讲师。他曾是地区英语项目办公室的英语语言专家和英语语言研究员。曾任教于中国的西南大学和东北大学。Damien获得南缅因大学硕士学位。他的诗集《The Drowning Room》荣获2013年New American Poetry Award。
Damien Shuck is currently a Global Business English Instructor at Fort Hays State University in Zhengzhou, China. He is a former English Language Specialist and English Language Fellow. He previously taught at Xinan University and Dongbei University in China. Damien received an MFA from the University of Southern Maine. His book of poetry, The Drowning Room, was the winner of the 2013 New American Poetry Award.
Additional Notices
All attendees must bring their government-issued, physical ID with name, photo, and ID number for entry. We do not provide safekeeping services for cameras and laptops, please do not bring them with you. Attendees are allowed to bring in mobile phones, other belongings will be temporarily kept at the gate.
可根据请求为希望参加此次活动的残障人士提供合理的便利安排。请提前或尽快发电子邮件给[email protected]提交请求。
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to attend this event are available upon request. Please submit a request for accommodations in advance or as soon as possible via email to [email protected].
If you have any symptoms of physical discomfort, please do not attend. We will take all possible measures to maintain a safe environment for public events. Our facilities have state-of-the-art air filtration systems specifically designed to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses in the building. Strict sanitary measures will be taken at the venue, and hand sanitizer and face masks will be provided. The number of attendees at each event will be limited per current public health guidelines.
Please note that the U.S. Consulate may record photographs and video during the event. While photos and video may be released in future online and printed publications, all efforts are made to not include recognizable images of event attendees without their explicit consent. Content (image, audio, or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.
About Reginal English Language Office (RELO)
The Regional English Language Office works through the Public Affairs Sections of the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Consulates to create and implement projects and programs related to English language teaching methodology by providing training opportunities, expertise, and materials. The RELO Office in Beijing is one of 26 such offices around the world and is coordinated by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. For more information, see:




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