


广州美国中心主办Guangzhou American Center Presents    

Topic: The Pathway to Inclusive Voting in the United States 

时间/日期:2024 年6月1日,星期六,下午2:30-4:30       
Time/Date: Saturday, June 1st, 2024, 2:30pm-4:30pm       

Doors open: 2:00pm       

地点:美国驻广州总领事馆林肯厅 (美国驻广州总领事馆东北门)
Location: Lincoln Hall, U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou

美国民众是如何投票的?欢迎大家来美国驻广州总领事馆林肯厅,和我们一起探讨美国的投票过程,这是美国民主参与的一个重要方面。肯塔基大学政治学副教授Bridgett King博士将分享美国公民的投票经验和选民权益。
How do Americans vote? Join us at Lincoln Hall, U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou to explore the process of voting in the United States, a critical aspect of U.S. democratic participation. Dr. Bridgett King, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Kentucky, will share citizen voting experiences and voter access in the United States.

This event will be conducted in English.  Please note that seating is limited, attendance will be on a first- come, first- served basis.  The event will close once it reaches full capacity. A reservation does not guarantee entry.  Thank you for your understanding.   

Please scan the QR code to register.   

Additional Special Notices:     

与会者无论长幼,均须凭有效官方身份证件(含姓名、相片、身份证号码)入场。我们不提供相机、电脑的保管,请勿携带。除手机以外,其它随身物品包括小包将暂时存放在门卫处。All attendees, regardless of age, must bring their government-issued, physical ID with name, photo, and ID number for entry to the Consulate.  We do not provide safekeeping services for cameras and laptops, please do not bring them with you.  Other belongings will be temporarily stored at the gate, including small bags.  Your personal cell phone will be permitted.

希望参加本次活动的残障人士可申请合理的便利,请尽快提前发电子邮件至[email protected]提交请求。Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to attend this event are available upon request.  Please submit a request for accommodations in advance or as soon as possible via email to [email protected].

如您有任何身体不适,请勿出席。我们将采取一切可能的措施,维护公共活动的安全环境。If you have any symptoms of physical discomfort, please do not attend.  We will take all possible measures to maintain a safe environment for public events.

请注意,美国领事馆可能会在活动期间拍摄照片和视频。照片和视频可能会在线和在印刷出版物中发布,在未经与会者明确同意的情况下,我们会尽力排除与会者的任何可识别图像。活动内容(图像、音频或观点)不会用于商业目的。感谢您的合作。Please note that the U.S. Consulate may record photographs and video during the event.  While photos and video may be released in future online and printed publications, all efforts are made to not include recognizable images of event attendees without their explicit consent.  Content (image, audio, or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes.  Thank you for your cooperation.

 recognizable images of event attendees without their explicit consent.  Content (image, audio, or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes.  Thank you for your cooperation.   




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