法律翻译 | 《法与经济学杂志》第60卷第3期

法律翻译 | 《法与经济学杂志》第60卷第3期


译者 | 薛元涤 北京大学国际法学院

一审 | 刘   寅 西南政法大学

二审 | 李正茂 香港大学

编辑 | 吴   萌 上海外国语大学

         仲飞宇 西安外国语大学

责编 | 李   薇 浙江工商大学

The Journal of Law and Economics 

Volume 60, Number 3 | 2017



Tort Reform and Innovation


Alberto Galasso and Hong Luo

Current academic and policy debates focus on the impact of tort reforms on physicians’ behavior and medical costs. This paper examines whether these reforms also affect incentives to develop new technologies. We develop a theoretical model that predicts that the impact of reducing liability risks for physicians on innovation may be positive or negative, depending on the characteristics of the technology. Empirically, we find that, on average, laws that limit the liability exposure of health care providers are associated with a significant reduction in medical device patenting. Tort reforms have the strongest impact in medical fields in which the probability of facing a malpractice claim is the largest, and they do not seem to affect the number of new technologies of the highest and lowest quality. Our results underscore the importance of considering dynamic effects in the economic analysis of tort laws.




Valuing the Right to Sue: 

An Empirical Examination of 

Nonprofit Agency Costs



Brian Galle

Do stakeholders’ suits against managers reduce agency costs? I examine this question using a large panel of private-foundation tax returns and hand-collected data on state-law variations in the right of donors to sue wayward managers of nonprofits. In both difference-in-differences and triple-difference estimations, I find on average that standing to sue substantially increases donations and reduces the share of firms’ expenses devoted to administrative costs among private foundations. These outcomes are robust to other estimating strategies, such as propensity-score matching and regression adjustment with inverse probability weights. Coefficients are smaller and less precise among large operating charities. I argue that my results weigh in favor of expanded donor standing to sue, at least for foundations. My findings also suggest that the agency costs of philanthropic organizations are substantial, which has implications for, among other policy debates, tax policies that encourage perpetual lived philanthropy.




Stock Trades of Securities and 

Exchange Commission Employees


Shivaram Rajgopal and Roger M. White

We examine the profitability of stock trades executed by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) employees. Subject to the considerable constraints of the data (no portfolio information, occupational details, or individual identifiers and an inability to determine profitability of trades), we find that a hedge portfolio mimicking such trades earns a positive abnormal return of about 8.5 percent per year in US stocks, driven primarily by negative abnormal future returns on sell transactions. The SEC claims that this result stems in part from employees being forced to sell stocks in a firm when they are assigned to secret investigations. We question whether this policy is reasonable.




Electoral Cycles among US Courts of 

Appeals Judges


Carlos Berdejó and Daniel L. Chen

We find field evidence consistent with experimental studies that document the contexts and characteristics making individuals more susceptible to priming. Just before US presidential elections, judges on the US courts of appeals double the rate at which they dissent and vote along partisan lines. Increases are accentuated for judges with less experience and in polarized environments. During periods of national unity—wartime, for example—judges suppress dissents, especially if they have less experience or are in polarized environments. We show that the dissent rate increases gradually from 6 percent to nearly 12 percent in the quarter before an election and returns immediately to 6 percent after the election. If highly experienced professionals making common-law precedent can be politically primed, it raises questions about the perceived impartiality of the judiciary.

以往的实验研究记录了个体更易受启动效应(priming)影响的环境和特征,而笔者则发现了与其一致的实地证据。就在美国总统大选前夕,美国上诉法院的法官提出异议和按照党派立场投票的比例增加了一倍。当法官经验较少和处于极化环境中时,该增长幅度更为明显。而在如战争等国家需要团结的时候,法官很少提出异议,尤其是经验较少或处于极化环境中的法官。笔者的研究表明,在大选前的一个季度,法官的异议率从 6% 逐步上升至近 12%,而在大选结束后,异议率又立即恢复到 6%。如果经验丰富的法官们在制定普通法先例时会受到政治因素的影响,那么人们就会质疑司法机构公正性。



Speeding, Punishment, and 

Recidivism: Evidence from a 

Regression Discontinuity Design



Markus Gehrsitz

This paper estimates the effects of temporary driver’s license suspensions on driving behavior. A little-known rule in the German traffic penalty schedule maintains that drivers who commit a series of speeding offenses within 365 days should have their licenses suspended for 1 month. My regression discontinuity design exploits the quasi-random assignment of license suspensions caused by the 365-day cutoff and shows that 1-month license suspensions lower the probability of recidivating within a year by 20 percent. This is largely a specific-deterrence effect driven by the punishment itself and not by incapacitation, information asymmetries, or the threat of stiffer future penalties.

本文估计了临时吊销驾照对驾驶行为的影响。德国交通处罚标准中有一条鲜为人知的规定,即在 365 天内连续超速的驾驶员应被吊销驾照 1 个月。笔者的断点回归设计利用了以365 天为截止日的驾照吊销准随机分配作为研究场景。结果表明,吊销驾照 1 个月可将驾驶员一年内重新犯罪的概率降低 20%。这在很大程度上是由惩罚本身所产生的特定威慑效应造成的,并非由于驾驶员丧失行为能力、信息不对称或未来更严厉惩罚的威胁。



The Unintended Impact of Pretrial 

Detention on Case Outcomes: 

Evidence from New York City Arraignments



Emily Leslie and Nolan G. Pope

In the United States, over 400,000 individuals are in jail daily waiting for their criminal cases to be resolved. The majority of detainees are held because they cannot post bail. We estimate the impact of being detained pretrial on the likelihood of being convicted and sentence length using data on nearly a million criminal cases in New York City. Causal effects are identified using variation across arraignment judges in their propensities to detain defendants. We find that being detained increases the probability of conviction by 13 percentage points for felony defendants. Although pretrial detention lowers the probability of rearrest while cases are being adjudicated, this reduction in criminal activity is mostly offset by an increase in recidivism within 2 years after disposition. Higher pretrial detention rates among minority defendants explain 40 percent of the black-white gap in rates of being sentenced to prison and 28 percent of the Hispanic-white gap.

在美国,每天有超过40万人在监狱里等待他们的刑事案件得以解决。他们中的大多数因为无法缴纳保释金而继续被羁押。笔者利用纽约市近100万起刑事案件的数据,估计了审前羁押对定罪可能性和刑期的影响。笔者还利用了传讯法官对于羁押被告的倾向差异来识别其因果关系。本文发现,审前羁押使得重罪被告的定罪概率增加了13 %。这虽然同时降低了被告在案件审理期间再次被捕的概率,但这种犯罪活动的减少大多被判决后两年内再犯率的上升所抵消。其中,少数族裔被告的审前羁押率较高。这解释了为什么黑人与白人在被判刑入狱率方面有着40%的差距,以及拉美裔与白人有着28%的差距。






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