法律翻译 |《哥大商法评论》第2020卷第1期目录+摘要

法律翻译 |《哥大商法评论》第2020卷第1期目录+摘要


译者 | 燕   然 吉林大学 LL.B.

一审 | 刘汉青 BNU LL.M.

二审 | 董   辰 中国政法大学硕士

编辑 | 于   佳 中国社会科学院大学硕士

         仲飞宇 西安外国语大学本科

责编 | 李   薇 浙江工商学本科




作者:Robert Anderson IV

The dominant view of the corporation in legal scholarship is contractarian, one that sees the corporation as a “nexus of contracts” among the various suppliers of inputs to the business, such as investors, creditors, and employees. According to this view, the holders of common stock—those who are traditionally the primary focus of corporate law—are not the owners of the corporation, but just one of many contractual claimants. As a result, the corporation is a free-floating nexus of contracts with no property interests in the corporation itself or its assets. Thus, corporate law is seen as essentially a specialized branch of contract law.


The contractarian metaphor has largely persuaded the academy and much of the corporate law bench, evidenced by the regularity in which Delaware courts interpret charter documents as “contracts.” Courts and commentators alike regard corporate law as essentially a set of “off-the-rack” contractual default rules provided by the state. Yet the contractarian metaphor has struggled to account for some of the most fundamental features of corporate law. For example, the nexus of contracts view fails to adequately explain why fiduciary duties attach uniquely to shareholders and not to other contractual claimants on the corporation. Equally important, the nexus of contracts approach also fails to account for the many in rem features of the corporation that contract law could not easily replicate. There is a piece missing in the contractarian account of the corporation.


This Article argues that property law provides the missing piece of the contractarian puzzle in demarcating the boundaries of corporate law and explaining the distinctive features of it. In the property theory, the corporation is an ownership structure—a device for turning a messy set of in personam claims into an orderly package of in rem property rights, called “shares.” The in rem structure depersonalizes these rights, allowing them to be divided and transferred without contractual assent and without entangling the personal attributes of the holder. The key to the proprietary nature of this ownership interest is the residual control—voting rights—that solidify the status of common stock as a property interest rather than a contractual interest.


The property theory’s assertion that claims on the corporation are a mix of property and contract rights provides traction in otherwise slippery areas of corporate law. If there is a line to be drawn between contract and property, this dividing line identifies the boundaries of distinctively corporate law from contract law. Accordingly, the rationale for shareholder-only fiduciary duties is not primarily that shareholders are the residual claimants in the economic sense, but that they have a residual control right constituting an ownership interest unique among corporate claimants. The property theory of corporate law best explains many features of corporate law and clarifies otherwise murky line drawing exercises in defining the scope of fiduciary duties.






作者:Michal Barzuza and Eric Talley

An emerging consensus in certain legal, business, and scholarly communities maintains that corporate managers are pressured unduly into chasing short-term gains at the expense of superior long-term prospects. The forces inducing managerial myopia are easy to spot, typically embodied by activist hedge funds and Wall Street gadflies with outsized appetites for current quarterly earnings. Warnings about the dangers of “short termism” have become so well established, in fact, that they are now driving changes to mainstream practice as courts, regulators and practitioners fashion legal and transactional constraints designed to insulate firms and managers from the influence of investor short-termism. This Article draws on academic research and a series of case studies to advance the thesis that the emergent folk wisdom about short-termism is in-complete. A growing literature in behavioral finance and psychology now provides sound reasons to conclude that corporate managers often fall prey to long-term bias—excessive optimism about their own long-term projects. We illustrate several plausible instantiations of such biases using case studies from three prominent companies where managers have arguably succumbed to a form of “long-termism” in their own corporate stewardship. Unchecked, long-termism can impose substantial costs on investors that are every bit as damaging as short-termism. Moreover, we argue that long-term managerial bias sheds considerable light on the paradox of why short-termism evidently persists among supposedly sophisticated financial market participants: shareholder activism—even if unambiguously myopic—can provide a symbiotic counter-bal-last against managerial long-termism. Without a more definitive understanding of the interaction between short-and long-term biases, then, policymakers should be cautious about embracing reforms that focus solely on half of the problem.



“[H]ere we are. . .[w]hen you look at what has happened, what did you do wrong? I think that—well, one, I don’t think the story has yet played out.. . . A lot of tech turnaround adds we do take five, six, seven years. . . .” Marissa Mayer, March 10, 2016

“瞧好了……当你看到所发生的事情时,你觉得你做错了什么?首先,我不认为这个故事已经划上了句点。我们所做的许多技术改造都需要五年、六年乃至七年的时间。Marissa Mayer,2016年3月10日。

“My opinion is that, philosophically, I’m doing the right thing in trying to shake up some of these managements. It’s a problem in America today that we are not nearly as productive as we should be.” Carl Icahn, October 22, 2014

“我的观点是,从哲学上讲,我正在做正确的事情,在试图改变其中一些管理层。我们的生产力远不如我们所应该达到的水平,这在今天的美国是一个问题。Carl Icahn,2014年10月22日。”





作者:Jeremy McClane

For many years corporate lenders have been a crucial force in the boardroom, providing a check on management and con-tributing to firm governance. However, as this Article documents, lenders’ influence has receded in recent years for a large and important class of corporate borrowers. The culprit is a familiar one in a less familiar guise: the sale of loans by originating banks for securitization—like that which gained notoriety with pre-financial crisis mortgage-backed securities, but now are deployed in the market for corporate loans. As this Article points out, the shift from relationship lending to arms-length securitization has the potential to intensify moral hazard, leading banks to provide less monitoring for their highly securitized clients. Recent data supports this narrative of debt governance dereliction with potentially enormous consequences: it heralds the disappearance of an important source of fiscal discipline and governance at a moment when U.S. corporations carry more debt than at any time in history (totaling half of U.S. gross domestic product), and an economic crisis threatens to expose companies whose debt has been poorly managed. 



This Article presents a theoretical and empirical examination of the dramatic change in creditor corporate governance and its implications. It shows how the diminishment of lenders’ role in governance is a predictable result of a confluence of forces in the financial markets, in particular, the use of structured finance to securitize loans, which in turn has driven a lending market with diminishing checks on borrower profligacy. It also shows how this new market is weakening governance norms in ways that are harmful to borrowing companies, lenders, and society as a whole.


The Article makes two contributions to the literature. First, it empirically documents the decline of lenders’ corporate governance interventions, cataloging original data on all borrower loan covenant violations—a primary mechanism by which lenders intervene in governance—from 2008 through 2018. Second, although many scholars have written about lenders’ role in corporate governance and securitization separately, this Article brings the two together. It thereby adds a missing com-ponent to an important literature by showing how corporate governance and the financial system affect each other, and pro-posing solutions to bolster both.








作者:Andrew T. Connery

A unique feature of the ICSID framework is the built-in control mechanism that allows parties to seek annulment of an otherwise final award via Article 52 of the Convention. Unlike arbitration in other contexts, this mechanism is the exclusive means for review of an ICSID award. While scholars and practitioners regard this as one of the most innovative features of the ICSID regime, many of the grounds for annulment remain underdeveloped. In particular, annulment committees have applied the “serious departure from a fundamental rule of procedure” ground inconsistently.


Especially because challenges to arbitrators can occur during the appointment phase, during the arbitration itself, or during annulment proceedings, the proper standard for determining bias remains convoluted. Accordingly, this Note examines how different approaches to assessing arbitrator bias unfold in annulment proceedings applying the “fundamental rule of procedure” ground. It argues that these differences have con-tributed to a greater number of unpredictable outcomes, under-mining a central purpose of ICSID. Two recent decisions—the Azurix and EDF annulments—highlight the divergent approaches ad hoc committees have taken in addressing allegations of bias. This Note concludes by identifying the EDF approach as the most appropriate standard of review and discusses possible routes for resolving differences in ICSID annulment decisions.








作者:Mackenzie Humble

In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act restructured the regulatory regime for financial institutions in the United States by mandating corporate governance reforms and requiring that firms maintain high levels of high-quality capital reserves in their U.S. legal entities. Likely the most consequential of the statute’s provisions was that which authorized Regulation YY, a landmark regulation that transformed capital planning and risk management processes among financial institutions in the United States. Along with implementing enhanced prudential standards for the U.S. operations of large, complex financial institutions, Regulation YY altered the corporate structure of foreign banking organizations(“FBOs”) by requiring large foreign banking institutions to establish a new legal entity, called an intermediate holding company (“IHC”). Put simply, IHCs were created to reorganize and capture, in one umbrella legal entity, all non-branch U.S. operations of FBOs. Further, to ensure robust, localized oversight of U.S. operations, each IHC is required to establish their own board of directors and risk committee, separate and apart from the board and committees of the broader organization. IHCs are also required to comply with both the capital and leverage ratio requirements applied to similarly large domestic financial institutions, and the programmatic requirements associated with firms of that size (resolution planning, CCAR, CLAR).


There is another regulation, though, that when coupled with the far-reaching implications of Regulation YY has disparately impacted foreign banking organizations. That regulation is Regulation W, a longstanding regulation that limits the amount of intracompany transactions banking organizations can engage in. Following the enactment of Dodd-Frank, Regulation W was amended in several ways which limited specifically the types of transactions that FBOs often engage in with their affiliates to manage their liquidity risk and to absorb liquidity shocks. The post-crisis changes made to Regulation W have already begun to be rolled back by U.S. regulators, however there has not yet been a detailed analysis of how specifically the interaction between Regulation YY and Regulation W undermines global financial stability.



The specific aim of this Note is to evaluate whether Regulation YY and Regulation W have destabilized the global financial system. Institutions’ 2018 and 2019 CCAR results will be the lens through which the impact of the regulations is evaluated. Specifically, we look at both institutions’ Tier 1 capital ratios and Tier 1 leverage ratios to assess how specifically the IHCs have positioned their liquid capital and adjusted their business model in response to Regulation YY reorganization. Ultimately, we conclude that the interaction between Regulation YY and the revised Regulation W has dramatically fragmented the global flow of capital among FBOs. Regulation YY’s IHC reorganization mandate largely cabins foreign banks’ ability to absorb liquidity shocks through their organizations—a result that may pose a serious threat to global financial stability. That is, the fundamental disruption of institutions’ ability to funnel liquidity to their network of legal entities around the world raises a significant concern regarding their resiliency during periods of stress, particularly for those systemically important firms who experienced pervasive liquidity issues in the most recent crisis.







作者:Jingxi Zhai

The dramatic revelations of the #MeToo movement have ex-posed the extent to which workplace sexual harassment is endemic and concealed across different industries. #MeToo has also shed light on the use of non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) by harassers to conceal their pattern of repeated mis-conduct. While there has been strong public condemnation of NDAs in the wake of the #MeToo movement, there is limited case law on the question of whether contracts such as NDAs are legally enforceable when used to settle claims of sexual harassment that do not amount to criminal conduct.


While federal and state legislatures continue to debate the benefits of legislating against such agreements, this Note analyzes the viability of the common law public policy analysis to hold such NDAs unenforceable. Given that most states do not have specific statutes directly addressing sexual harassment NDAs, courts should look to a broad range of state legislation as relevant in considering the public policy interests counseling toward finding such NDAs unenforceable. Accordingly, this Note analyzes public policy considerations derived from three types of state law: restrictions on the use of NDAs in instances of sexual harassment, prohibitions of workplace harassment, and limitations on the concealment of public hazards.


Even in states without any such legislation, this Note urges state courts, when determining whether to enforce sexual harassment NDAs, to more actively weigh the benefits of enforcing the contractual will of private parties against potential harms to the public welfare. Workplace sexual harassment is a public policy issue that is worsened by the continued use of NDAs. In concealing workplace sexual misconduct, NDAs prevent society, through private and state actors, from addressing the problem itself and threaten public safety and welfare by allowing offenders to potentially harm future workers. Without NDAs as protection, companies will be exposed to reputational damage and potential shareholder litigation when sexual harassment news becomes public knowledge. Indeed, this threat of future reputational harm could be an effective way to encourage corporations to change their internal policies relating to workplace misconduct.






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