法律翻译 | 《哥大商法评论》第2017卷第2期目录+摘要

法律翻译 | 《哥大商法评论》第2017卷第2期目录+摘要


译者 | 邓新尧 甘肃政法大学民商法学硕士

一审 | 俞悠悠 国际关系学院本科

二审 | 晏世伟 PKU LL.B.

编辑 | 仲飞宇 西安外国语大学本科

         于  杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 扎恩哈尔·阿黑哈提 新疆农业大学本科


Vol.2017 No.2


Controlling Controlling-Minority Shareholders 

Corporate Governance and 

Leveraged Corporate Control



作者:Yu-Hsin Lin

The “one-share one-vote principle,” which states that a shareholder’s voting power is proportionate to his or her economic right, is one of the most fundamental rules in modern corporate law. However, in reality, controlling shareholders often obtain voting rights in excess of their economic rights through control-enhancing mechanisms, allowing them to leverage control over the firm. Empirical studies indicate that leveraged corporate control is prevalent among listed companies of various countries, yet, to date, many countries still disagree on a regulatory framework. The EU and OECD conducted studies concerning the regulatory policy over control-enhancing mechanisms several years ago. However, failing to reach a consensus, the reports only advised governments to enhance disclosure and transparency. In recent years, entrepreneurs hoping to maintain their control after public listing have sought to utilize dual-class share structures to leverage corporate control when going public. This led to recent reviews by the Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges—the Hong Kong Stock Exchange refused to grant listing with dual-class share structure, while the Singapore Stock Exchange approved the proposal to allow listing companies to have dual-class shares in order to maintain competitiveness. This recent development further exemplifies the complexities involved in regulating leveraged corporate control and the need to address relevant corporate governance concerns.


This Article reviews the inadequacy of past theoretical and empirical research on leveraged corporate control, and re-examines the issue of corporate governance from the contractarian view of corporate law. The Article differentiates between the IPO and post-IPO (or midstream) stages and argues that the contracting mechanism does not work well in the midstream stage. Controlling-minority shareholders usually set out various pro-insider provisions in IPO charters, which deters minority shareholders from repealing inefficient provisions or adopting other value-increasing provisions in the midstream. Furthermore, through an analysis Google and Facebook’s midstream issuance of non-voting Class C shares and the recent going-private transactions of U.S.-listed Chinese firms, this Article illustrates the opportunistic behaviors of leveraged corporate controllers through midstream charter amendments. Finally, this Article discusses potential governance strategies against pro-insider midstream distortions. Adhering to the “one-share one-vote” principle and prohibiting dual-class share structure would hinder the flexibility of corporate financing and affect economic development. This Article therefore argues against outright prohibition of control-enhancing mechanisms and advocates returning the governance decision to the hands of shareholders by empowering shareholders. In particular, the participation of institutional investors and shareholder activists is essential to counteract the superpower of controlling-minority shareholders and to govern their midstream opportunistic behaviors.





Putting Directors’ Money 

Where Their Mouths Are

A New Approach to Improving Corporate Takeover Dynamics



作者:Nitzan Shilon

This paper aims to improve shareholder protection from underpriced bids in takeover situations. Target boards, as stewards of the corporation who typically possess superior information about the desirability of unsolicited bids, can be expected to protect their shareholders from such bids. Unfortunately, because they have a conflict of interest with their shareholders in takeover situations, they tend to reject hostile bids to an excessive degree. Moreover, the current Delaware doctrine is ineffective in monitoring boards’ responses to takeovers, largely because boards might use selective inside information to which the courts lack access and because their judgments are backed by subjective, hard-to-attack legal and financial expert opinions which courts are ill-equipped to challenge. To rectify the problems of courts’ and shareholders’ inferior information as well as boards’ skewed incentives, I propose an arrangement in which target boards wishing to veto nonstructurally coercive takeover bids would be encouraged to demonstrate their opposition by committing to buy, if the bid fails, and hold for a specified period of time a certain amount of target stock at the bid price. The directors would be incentivized to follow the arrangement because it would require courts, in a potential fiduciary duties lawsuit, to give directors’ commitments significant weight when evaluating their defense that they rejected the bid to protect their shareholders.


Adopting the proposed arrangement can significantly address important problems in corporate takeovers that have long claimed the attention of corporate law scholars and financial economists. In particular, inducing target boards to credibly transmit their genuine bottom-line understanding about the desirability of a bid would offset the courts’ inability to review the directors’ decision effectively. Imposing personal costs that the directors would uniquely incur if they wish to reject hostile bids would counteract the directors’ ex-post incentive to reject hostile bids excessively. Increasing the directors’ cost of a takeover attempt would improve market discipline and motivate the directors to increase firm value and reduce agency costs. Finally, favoring firms with high long-term value would protect them from myopic bidders and alleviate their unrelenting pressure to meet quarterly earnings expectations. For these reasons, the proposed arrangement could greatly improve corporate takeover dynamics.





To Thine Own CEO Be True

Tailoring CEO Compensation to Individual Personality and Circumstances



作者:William O. Fisher

Eight-figure compensation. Cash. Restricted stock. Options. Performance shares. And more. Companies shower their CEOs with pay in large amounts, delivered in multiple ways, and dependent on complex and intricate formulae. It is all intended to motivate the top officers to make decisions that will best benefit their companies. Common sense tells us that the value of a complicated, multifaceted pay package—and hence its ability to motivate—will depend on the psychological characteristics and financial circumstances of the particular executive being paid. Economic theory and empirical studies confirm this intuition. Yet, companies generally ignore these vital factors. Substantive and disclosure law should push them to take these key variables into account.





National Anti-Vulture Funds Legislation

Belgium's Turn



作者:Lucas Wozny

Sovereign distressed debt investors can create holdout problems during sovereign restructurings. Scholars have suggested a wide-range of normative solutions to alleviate these holdout problems, including ad hoc deals, the creation of a multilateral international sovereign bankruptcy framework, the insertion of collective-action clauses into bonds, the expansion of judicial discretion, and the return of the doctrines of comity and sovereign immunity. However, national legislatures have increasingly begun to exhibit a preference for adopting national legislative solutions to this issue. In 2015, Belgium passed the broadest Anti-Vulture Funds Law to date, which is significant because the law impacts the Euroclear payment system. While this law has received high praise from the United Nations and from other nations also considering passing similar legislation, a careful analysis demonstrates it is not sensitive to the benefits that vulture funds bring, such as providing incentives to sovereigns to form more efficient capital structures, providing a moral hazard counterbalance, serving as liquidity providers on the secondary distressed-debt market, and providing information to the market. If adopted by other nations, Belgium’s law can eliminate the secondary distressed debt market by blocking liquidity-providers from the market. As a result, national legislatures should avoid using Belgium’s law as model law, but rather, enact legislation that enhances active settlement discussions without compromising the bargaining power or rights of either the sovereign or the vulture funds.

主权不良债务投资者可能会在主权重组期间产生抵制问题。学者们提出了广泛的规范性解决方案来缓解这些顽固的问题,包括特别交易、建立多边国际主权破产框架、将集体行动条款纳入债券、扩大司法自由裁量权以及礼让和主权豁免原则的回归。然而,国家立法机构越发倾向以国家立法来解决这个问题。2015年比利时通过了目前范围最广的反秃鹰基金法(Anti-Vulture Funds Law),这项法案非常重要,因为它影响了欧洲债券结算的支付系统。虽然本法案得到了联合国的高度认可、其他也在考虑通过类似立法的国家高度赞扬,但是一项详细的分析表明,它对于秃鹫基金所带来的好处并不敏感,比如激励主权国家架构更有效的资本结构,提供道德风险的平衡,在二级不良债务市场提供流动性以及向市场提供信息。如果其他国家通过该项法案,比利时的法律可利用阻止流动性提供者进入市场的方式来消除不良债务的二级市场。因此,国家立法机关应该避免将比利时的法律作为模板,而是制定立法,在不损害主权或者秃鹫基金的议价能力和权利的情况下,加强积极合谈。




The Price Isn't Right

Shareholder Proposals as Opportunities for Institutional Investors to Restore Firm Value and Reduce Pharmaceutical Prices



作者:Carly J. Goeman

Surging pharmaceutical prices in the United States create financial strain for patients, insurance companies, and state and federal governments. Regulatory delays and coverage denials due to product prices can also affect shareholders of pharmaceutical companies by depressing stock prices. While a number of industry leaders have acknowledged that dramatic price hikes can damage their businesses, many pharmaceutical companies have not demonstrated a willingness to scale back prices.


This Note considers the use of shareholder proposals to address drug pricing policies at the company level. While shareholders of most companies are generally unable to address pricing policies, a carve-out created by the Securities and Exchange Commission allows shareholders of publicly traded pharmaceutical companies to do so. This Note studies how shareholders can use the carve-out to push for price restraint by either causing a company to include a price restraint proposal in its proxy materials and annual meeting or causing management to negotiate with proponent shareholders in order to convince the shareholders to withdraw their proposals. By evaluating the success of prior attempts to impact drug prices through shareholder proposals, this Note concludes that institutional investors are the linchpin of shareholder success, whether that success is through a vote at the annual meeting or a compromise at the negotiation table. This Note therefore calls on institutional investors to evaluate their portfolios and consider using shareholder proposals to unlock firm value and relieve the financial pressure created by rapidly rising drug prices.





The Crowdfund Act’s Impact on Women-Owned Businesses’ Access to Capital


作者:Elizabeth N. Brandt

Women-owned businesses make up a significant portion of businesses in the United States and provide one of the most important growth opportunities for the United States’ economy today. However, female entrepreneurs face on-going challenges in gaining access to capital through traditional capital-raising mechanisms such as venture capital or bank loans. The Obama administration heralded the CROWDFUND Act as a boon for women-owned businesses. Many believed that regulation crowdfunding, enabled through the Act, would democratize potential investors in small businesses, thereby increasing the number of investors willing to provide capital to female entrepreneurs and their businesses.


This Note provides the first quantified examination of the results of the first nearly eight months of regulation crowdfunding with respect to women-owned businesses. This Note additionally explores the results of regulation crowdfunding as reported by others. Ultimately, this Note determines that, at least in the first months of regulation crowdfunding, women-owned businesses did not take advantage of regulation crowdfunding in any meaningfully increased way compared to traditional capital-raising mechanisms. This Note proposes several ways in which the government could further support women-owned businesses, such as implementing a simple reporting mechanism to better track the capital-raising efforts of women-owned businesses and developing a pilot program of financial advisors available to founders and management of women-owned businesses seeking capital.







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