法律翻译 | 《哥大商法评论》第2020年第3期目录+摘要

法律翻译 | 《哥大商法评论》第2020年第3期目录+摘要


译者 | 舒方正 华南师范大学LL.B.

一审 | 富   扬 北京师范大学法律硕士

二审 | 李梓源 英国布里斯托大学LL.M.

编辑 | 仲飞宇 西安外国语大学本科

         于   杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 | 扎恩哈尔·阿黑哈提 新疆农业大学本科

Columbia Business Law Review,

Volume 2020, Number 3




Long-Term Bias and Director Primacy


Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:Stephen M. Bainbridge

In an important recent contribution to the short-termism debate, Professors Michal Barzuza and Eric Talley challenge what they call an “emerging consensus in certain legal, business, and scholarly communities …that corporate managers are pressured unduly into chasing short-term gains at the expense of superior long-term prospects.” See Michal Barzuza & Eric Talley, Long-Term Bias, 2020 COLUM. BUS. L. REV. 104. Instead, Barzuza and Talley contend that “corporate managers often fall prey to long-term bias—excessive optimism about their own long-term projects.” 

米卡尔·巴祖扎(Michal Barzuza)和埃里克·塔利(Eric Talley)教授近期对短期主义的辩论做出重要贡献,他们质疑了被称之为“在特定法律、商业和学术界中正在形成的共识”。这种共识是:公司管理者受到过大压力,不得不追求短期利益而牺牲长远的美好前景。(参见米卡尔·巴祖扎和埃里克·塔利,《长期偏见》,2020年哥大商法评论104页)与之相反的是,Barzuza和Talley认为“公司管理者常常深陷于长期偏见的困扰,对自己长期项目过度乐观。”

This article is an invited comment on Barzuza and Talley’s article. Subject to various quibbles raised herein, I broadly concur with Barzuza and Talley’s argument that corporate directors and officers can be biased towards long-term projects and, accordingly, may reject short-term projects offering higher returns.



But what law reforms follow logically from their conclusion, if any? With respect to judicial review, I want to differ with Barzuza and Talley on three points. First, I believe Barzuza and Talley overstate the risk of judicial intervention. Second, they fail adequately to distinguish between directors and managers, even though that distinction is central to the application of Delaware law. Third, I believe their analysis implies that judges should retain the deference to director decisionmaking inherent in doctrines such as the business judgment rule and intermediate review.


With respect to encouraging shareholder activism, I argue that the responsibility for policing managerial hyperopia (or myopia, for that matter) should be assigned to the board of directors, not the shareholders. Heterogenous shareholders lack the proper incentives and knowledge to properly police management.




Long-Term Bias, Incentives, and 

Agency Costs


Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:Kobi Kastiel

The problem of managerial short-termism has long preoccupied policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. These groups have given much less attention, however, to the converse problem of managerial long-termism. Michal Barzuza and Eric Talley fill this gap in their pioneering article, Long-Term Bias. Relying on the behavioral finance and psychology literatures, the authors provide a novel and thought-provoking analysis of managerial long-term bias, which may be just as detrimental as the more widely condemned short-term bias. 

管理短期主义的问题长期以来一直困扰着政策制定者、研究人员和从业者。然而,这些群体对管理长期主义的问题给予的关注要少得多。米卡尔·巴祖扎(Michal Barzuza)和埃里克·塔利(Eric Talley)在他们的开创性文章《长期偏见》中填补了这一空白。作者依靠行为金融学和心理学文献,对管理长期偏见进行了新颖而发人深省的分析,认为这种偏见可能与更广受谴责的短期偏见一样有害。

This invited Comment to Barzuza and Talley’s article advances three claims. First, it argues that proper incentives— created by executive compensation, heightened risk of early termination, market responses and shareholder pressures— are likely to turn most managers more realistic and thus to mitigate their long-term biases.

这篇对 Barzuza 和 Talley 文章的特邀评论提出了三点主张。首先,文章认为高管薪酬、提前终止风险加剧、市场反应和股东压力等因素产生的适当激励可能会使大多数经理变得更加现实,从而减轻他们的长期偏见。


Second, it explains how, in reality, it could be almost impossible to distinguish between long-term bias and traditional agency theories of empire building and pet projects. Ultimately, both long-termist and self-interested managers systematically harm shareholders; both choose to ignore shareholder interests and waste free cash flow on inferior business investments. This also explains why the cure to both long-term bias and agency costs is similar: reducing the relative insulation of the board from shareholders’ disciplinary power.


Finally, this Comment expresses strong support for most of Barzuza and Talley’s normative conclusions, with one important exception: their acceptance of the use of dual-class stock. With a perpetual lock on control and a limited equity stake, corporate leaders will be immune to any “institutional brake” on all forms of long-termist overinvestment. If anything, the analysis of Barzuza and Talley provides an additional strong justification to oppose the use of perpetual dual-class stock.

最后,本文对Barzuza和Talley的大部分规范性结论表示强烈支持,但有一个重要例外:他们接受使用双重股权结构(本文不赞成)。由于控制权的永久锁定和有限的股权,公司领导者将不受任何 “制度性约束 ”的影响,从而避免各种形式的长期过度投资。事实上,Barzuza和Talley的分析为反对使用永久双重股权结构额外提供了有力的理由。



Codetermination: A Poor Fit for 

U.S. Corporations


Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:Jens Dammann

Horst Eidenmüller

The idea that a corporation’s employees should elect some of the corporation’s board members, a system known as codetermination, has moved to the forefront of U.S. corporate law policy. Elizabeth Warren’s Accountable Capitalism Act calls for employees of large firms to elect forty percent of all board members. Bernie Sanders’s Corporate Accountability and Democracy Plan goes even further and states that workers should elect forty-five percent of board members.

公司员工应选举公司董事会部分成员的观点,即所谓的共同决策制度,已成为美国公司法律政策的前沿。伊丽莎白-沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)的《负责任的资本主义法案》(Accountable Capitalism Act)呼吁大型企业的员工选举董事会40%的成员。伯尼-桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的 “企业责任与民主计划”(Corporate Accountability and Democracy Plan)则更进一步,规定工人应选举 45% 的董事会成员。


Both Warren’s and Sanders’s plans are broadly similar to the German law on codetermination, which for many decades has allowed employees of large German corporations to elect up to half of all board members. It is therefore unsurprising that Senator Sanders points to Germany’s successful economic development as evidence that economic progress and mandatory codetermination can go hand in hand.


However, this Article argues that codetermination promises to be a poor fit for U.S. corporations. While Germany arguably reaps significant benefits from codetermination, legal, social, and institutional differences between Germany and the United States make it highly unlikely that the United States would be able to replicate those benefits. Furthermore, the costs of codetermination probably would be much higher in the United States than they are in Germany.




Copyright and Joint Authorship as 

a Disruption of 

the Video Game Streaming Industry



Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:John Holden

Mike Schuster

Video game streaming on sites like YouTube and Twitch is now a billion-dollar industry. Top streaming personalities make tens of millions of dollars annually, as viewership of video game play continues to expand. While video game companies’ control over intellectual property embodied in video games is largely accepted, streamers’ rights in their recorded gameplay have yet to be settled.


Game companies likely maintain the right to stop unauthorized streaming of gameplay, but most do not exercise that right, as streaming represents free advertising. This raises the related question of what rights streamers have against unauthorized use of their gameplay. It also raises the question, unexplored in the literature, of what rights gameplayers maintain when competitors in their online games stream their matches.



We find that copyright can provide protection to streamers over the audiovisual recordings of their play, subject to contractual limitations imposed by game companies. Our analysis likewise establishes that gamers whose play is streamed by another party may qualify as joint authors of the streamed recording. This co-authorship could result in multi- millionaire streamers owing an accounting to other players appearing in their streams. The Article then explores the potential business implications associated with these findings and discusses potential strategies to protect the interests of game companies and streamers.




An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of 

Legal Sports Betting 

On Consumer Credit Health


Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:Matthew Q. Clarida

The Supreme Court’s May 2018 decision in Murphy v. NCAA removed the federal prohibition against sports betting and invited states to regulate the practice for themselves. This has launched a national debate. Advocates in favor of legal sports betting champion increased tax revenues, business for struggling casinos and racetracks, and regulation of a practice that has flourished in the shadows. Detractors warn of the social ills commonly associated with gambling, including crime, addiction, and financial waste.



This Note provides the first empirical analysis of the impact of legal sports betting on consumer credit health. Making use of the staggered sequencing of state legalization, I find that legal sports betting accounts for a small but statistically significant increase in mortgage delinquency rates. I submit that this finding justifies caution as policymakers explore legal sports betting opportunities.




Walmart and Guns: A Case Study in Modern Corporate Governance


Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:Clare Curran

In August 2019, the Business Roundtable issued a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation. The statement, signed by 181 CEOs, including Doug McMillon of Walmart, declared that corporations should seek to serve the interests of all stakeholders—a marked departure from the Roundtable’s prior embrace of shareholder primacy. This shift in position reinvigorated debate among business and legal scholars about the proper purpose of a corporation.

2019年8月,商业圆桌会议发布了一份新的《公司宗旨声明》。该声明由包括沃尔玛的道格-麦克米伦(Doug McMillon)在内的 181 位首席执行官签署,宣称公司应努力为所有利益相关者的利益服务——这与圆桌会议之前拥护股东至上的立场明显不同。这一立场的转变重新激发了商界和法律学者关于正确公司宗旨的争论。


Using Walmart as a case study, this Note argues that corporations are indeed adopting a more flexible and responsive conception of corporate purpose. This Note begins with a discussion of corporate governance theories, detailing four distinct visions of corporate purpose and control. It then examines Walmart’s decisionmaking process regarding ammunition and firearm sales in the wake of a tragic mass shooting at one of its stores. Finally, it concludes by reconciling Walmart’s conduct with the prevailing theories of corporate governance, ultimately finding team production theory— which calls for the balancing stakeholder interests—to be most applicable.




People Analytics and 

Individual Autonomy: 

Employing Predictive Algorithms 

as Omniscient Gatekeepers 

in the Digital Age Workplace




Published Jan 23, 2021


作者:Erica Pedersen

People Analytics is a powerful tool with immense promise for enhancing organizational insights. However, this Note argues that employers’ unfettered use of opaque predictive algorithms, which are trained on behavioral data to profile workers and guide employment outcomes, represents a significant threat to individual autonomy. Part II explores the emergence of People Analytics as a continuation and merger of historical approaches to scientific management in the American workplace. Part III contrasts the organizational benefits of predictive analytics against the uniquely intrusive, non-transparent, and sometimes arbitrary manner in which they are currently deployed against workers. Part IV discusses how People Analytics may hasten the erosion of employees’ normative rights in the workplace. It then discusses the insufficiency of existing regulatory and common law mechanisms to protect workers from arbitrary or discriminatory decisionmaking based on algorithmic profiling. Finally, Part V reviews some proposed solutions, emphasizing the importance of employee voice and the need for proactive regulations to enforce algorithmic transparency and protect individuals’ rights to privacy and autonomy.






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