


译者 | 马   原 华东理工大学

一审 | 戚若音 UCB LLM

二审 | 王槐语 上海交通大学

编辑 | 王冰子 烟台大学

         于  杰 上海对外经贸大学

责编 | 李  薇 浙江工商大学

The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics:

Private and Commercial Law


1.The Economic Nature of the Corporation


Abstract: This chapter examines the nature and structure of corporate entities (a category that includes business corporations, nonprofits, and many limited-liability companies). It discusses the basic characteristics of corporate entities, surveys different models or theories of the corporation, and explores the question of corporate purpose. It pays special attention to how corporate law allocates economic and control rights to, and among, both the corporate entity itself and the natural persons involved with corporations, such as shareholders, directors, and executive officers. The chapter finds that there is widespread agreement about the basic legal characteristics of corporate entities: legal personhood, limited liability, delegated management, transferable shares (for stock corporations), and perpetual existence. However, when it comes to models of the corporate entity and to the normative question of proper corporate purpose, there is great diversity and a fair degree of disagreement.


Keywords: corporations, corporate entities, corporate law, corporate structure, corporate purpose


2.Market for Corporate Law Redux


Abstract: Corporations operate in numerous markets, for example product markets, labor markets, and capital markets. This chapter focuses on the market that is the prerequisite for firms’ successful operation in all other markets, as it is the market that frames their organizational structure and governance: the market for corporate law. The first part analyzes the dynamics of the US market for corporate law, which can best be characterized as states competing for corporate charters, along with data pertinent to the question of whom this market organization benefits—managers or shareholders and explanations why Delaware has had a persistent and commanding position. The second part explains Delaware’s persistence as the preeminent incorporation state. This is a distinctive feature of US corporate law. While there are other federal systems of corporate law, a similar “Delaware” phenomenon does not exist. The chapter concludes with a summary and suggestions for future research.


Keywords: corporate law, corporations, Delaware, incorporation state, US law



3.Law and Economics of Agency 

and Partnership


Abstract: This chapter attempts to explain how agency and partnership bridge the gap between contract and the firm. Both agency and partnership facilitate contracting, the first by enabling contractual intermediation and the second by enabling the pooling of resources in the joint pursuit of an enterprise. The main concern of agency and partnership law, however, is to address the problems caused by moving from the two-party contractual relations to three-party relationships, which creates the potential for any two parties to collude against the interests of the third. Partnership differs from agency in that it involves multiple owners who have the right and ability to exercise control over shared partnership property. That fact creates a need for partnership law to address additional collusive possibilities involving partners, whether acting on behalf of the partnership in dealing with third parties or acting against the interest of the partnership by misappropriating the partnership property.


Keywords: law of agency, general partnership, partnership law, contracting, contract


4.Banking and Financial Regulation


Abstract: This chapter focuses on the universal principles of banking and financial regulation. Banking and financial regulation is needed to protect the financial system, which provides functions essential to economic development. Traditionally, financial regulation focused on banking because banks historically have aggregated moneys (primarily by taking deposits from customers) and then allocated those monies (by making loans to borrowers). Traditional financial regulation is geared toward ensuring that deposit-taking banks can continue to perform these functions efficiently. In recent years, however, shadow banking has begun to overtake traditional banking. Financial regulation has two overall goals: to ensure that the components of the financial system—firms and markets—can efficiently perform their underlying economic functions, and to ensure the financial system’s ability to itself function as a network within which those components can operate.


Keywords: banking, financial regulation, banking regulation, financial system, financial policy



5.Economics of Bankruptcy


Abstract: This chapter presents a review bankruptcy law. It examines whether and when the law encourages debtors and creditors to behave economically efficient ways, both before and after they are in financial distress. It also considers how bankruptcy law could be changed to improve economic efficiency. The discussion abstracts from individual countries’ bankruptcy laws in order to focus on common features of bankruptcy. However, because much of the literature on economic effects of bankruptcy law is US-based, the discussion often focuses on US bankruptcy law in particular. The chapter first examines corporate bankruptcy and then turns to personal and small business bankruptcy.


Keywords: bankruptcy law, debtors, creditors, economic efficiency, corporate bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, business bankruptcy, financial regulation


6.Law and Economics of Insurance


Abstract: This chapter broadly defines the law and economics of insurance. An overview of both economically oriented legal scholarship and traditional economics scholarship is provided. This vantage point reveals the centrality of certain core economic concepts to insurance law and regulation. Moreover, it suggests ways to improve the law by embracing sophisticated understandings of the economics of information asymmetries. For instance, insurance law and regulation assume that adverse selection and moral hazard are important problems in all insurance markets; however, the phenomena come in varying degrees. Thus, their magnitude is an empirical question. An equally significant lacuna in much insurance law is the absence of an equilibrium approach that anticipates insurance market reactions to legal interventions. Similarly, the specific insights of behavioral economics to understand anomalies in insurance demand and how the law might respond are emerging. The law and economics of insurance is still ripe for development.


Keywords: insurance regulation, insurance law, insurance legislation, economics scholarship, legal scholarship



7.Environmental Law and Economics


Abstract: This chapter begins with a brief general overview of the economics of environmental law. It then focuses on recent developments in the field of environmental law and economics, with an emphasis on the experience of the United States. When setting environmental policy, decision makers must address two general types of questions. The first concerns the ends of environmental policy, and examines the socially desirable level of environmental quality. The second type of question concerns the means of policy making and focuses on the types of regulatory instruments that will be used and the allocation of responsibility between governmental actors. Section 2 addresses the first type of question concerning the goals of environmental policy. Sections 3 and 4 address the means of environmental policy, focusing on instrument choice and jurisdictional allocation, respectively.


Keywords: economics, environmental law, environmental policy, instrument choice, jurisdiction






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