

译者 | 吴琦好 中国人民大学法硕

一审 | 胡婧卓 UCLA LLM 

二审 | 李梓源 Bristol LLM 

编辑 | 罗彤 西北政法大学法本

         王冰子 烟台大学法本

责编 | 扎恩哈尔·阿黑哈提 新疆农业大学法本



1988年的Blasius案是美国特拉华州法院在司法实践中形成的关于董事、目标公司和股东权利义务的判例规则之一,对解决收购纠纷和矫正公司治理失灵具有至关重要的地位和作用。[1]法院认为对董事会出于阻碍股东行使投票权目的而实施的防御行为应施以更为严格的审查标准。Blasius案也被普遍认为是Unocal案中间审查标准的具体规定。[2]除非公司管理层能够证明的确存在令人信服的理由(compelling justification),否则无论是否真诚地为公司利益着想,均不得干扰股东的选举投票权。


在Blasius Industries Inc. v. Atlas Corporation案中,Blasius是Atlas的新股东,收购了Atlas 9.1%的股份。为了实现其资产重组计划,Blasius提出了将董事会人数从7人扩大到15人,并提名8位新董事的建议。为了阻止Blasius的提案获得多数股东的支持,Atlas董事会立即决定修改公司章程规定,将董事人数增至9人,并立即任命了两名新董事。即使Blasius的提案通过,原先的董事会成员也将占据半数以上的席位。







A. The question of legitimacy.

A. 合法性问题


Generally, shareholders have only two protections against perceived inadequate business performance. They may sell their stock (which, if done in sufficient numbers, may so affect security prices as to create an incentive for altered managerial performance), or they may vote to replace incumbent board members.



It has, for a long time, been conventional to dismiss the stockholder vote as a vestige or ritual of little practical importance.[3] Be that as it may, however, whether the vote is seen functionally as an unimportant formalism, or as an important tool of discipline, it is clear that it is critical to the theory that legitimates the exercise of power by some (directors and officers) over vast aggregations of property that they do not own.



B. The allocation of authority as between the board and the shareholders.


The ordinary considerations to which the business judgment rule originally responded are simply not present in the shareholder voting context.[4] That is, a decision by the board to act for the primary purpose of preventing the effectiveness of a shareholder vote inevitably involves the question who has authority with respect to a matter of internal corporate governance. This need not be the case with respect to other forms of corporate action that may have an entrenchment effect-such as the stock buybacks present in Unocal, Cheff or Kors v. Carey.[5] Action designed principally to interfere with the effectiveness of a vote inevitably involves a conflict between the board and a shareholder majority. Judicial review of such action involves a determination of the legal and equitable obligations of an agent towards his principal. This is not a question that a court may leave to the agent finally to decide so long as he does so honestly and competently; that is, it may not be left to the agent's business judgment.

商业判断规则最初的一般考虑因素在股东投票中并不存在。[4]董事会的目的是阻碍股东投票的有效性,是公司治理中股东和董事权利分配的问题。至于其他公司行为,例如Unocal案、Cheff案或Kors v. Carey案中的股权回购,则不一定会产生“巩固(entrenchment effect)”效果。干扰投票效力不可避免地会让董事会与多数股东之间产生冲突。对此类行为的司法审查涉及确定代理人对其委托人的法律和公平义务。[5]即使代理人诚实、称职地做出了决定,法院也不能让其最终决定这个问题,即这些问题不在代理人的商业判断范围之内。

1. What rule does apply: per se invalidity of corporate acts or an intermediate standard

1. 适用何种规则:公司行为本身无效还是中间标准

Plaintiff argues for a rule of per se invalidity once a plaintiff has established that a board has acted for the primary purpose of thwarting the exercise of a shareholder vote ...... In two recent cases dealing with shareholder votes, this court struck down board acts done for the primary purpose of impeding the exercise of stockholder voting power. In doing so, a per se rule was not applied. Rather, it was said that, in such a case, the board bears the heavy burden of demonstrating a compelling justification for such action. In Aprahamian v. HBO & Company,[6] the incumbent board had moved the date of the annual meeting on the eve of that meeting when it learned that a dissident stockholder group had or appeared to have in hand proxies representing a majority of the outstanding shares. The court restrained that action and compelled the meeting to occur as noticed, even though the board stated that it had good business reasons to move the meeting date forward, and that that action was recommended by a special committee.

原告认为,一旦证明董事会的主要目的是阻挠股东行使投票权,就应适用本身无效规则……在最近两起涉及股东投票的案件中,法院驳回了以阻碍股东行使投票权为主要目的的董事会行为,并没有适用本身无效规则。相反,法院指出董事会承担证明其行为有令人信服的正当理由的重要举证责任。在Aprahamian v. HBO & Company案中,[6]该公司的现任董事会在得知持不同意见的股东团体已经或似乎已经获得代表多数股份的委托书时,在大会召开前临时改变了会议的日期。尽管董事会表示其有充分的商业理由将会议日期提前,且这一行动是由特别委员建议,法院对此仍然进行了限制,并强制要求会议按通知举行。

In Phillips v. Insituform of North America, Inc.,[7] the court enjoined the voting of certain stock issued for the primary purpose of diluting the voting power of certain control shares. After discussing Canada Southern[8] and Condec[9] in light of the more recent, important Supreme Court opinion in Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Company, it was there concluded as follows: One may read Canada Southern as creating a black-letter rule prohibiting the issuance of shares for the purpose of diluting a large stockholder's voting power, but one need not do so. It may, as well, be read as a case in which no compelling corporate purpose was presented that might otherwise justify such an unusual course. Such a reading is, in my opinion, somewhat more consistent with the recent Unocal case.

在 Phillips v. Insituform of North America[7]案中,法庭禁止以稀释控制股为主要目的的投票。在讨论了最近的Canada Southern[8]和Condec[9]案,以及最高院在Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Company中的意见后,总结如下:有人可能认为,可以将Canada Southern解释为创立了一个明文规则,禁止发行股票以稀释大股东的投票权,但并非必须如此。这个案件没有提出足以证明公司必要的迫切目的,这可能会为这种不寻常的做法提供合理的辩解。这样的解读在某种程度上更符合最近的Unocal案。


In applying these cases, I conclude that no justification has been shown that would arguably make the extraordinary step of issuance of stock for the admitted purpose of impeding the exercise of stockholder rights reasonable in light of the corporate benefit sought to be obtained.




2. Defendants have demonstrated no sufficient justification to prevent an unaffiliated majority of shareholders from effectively exercising their right to elect eight new directors.

2. 被告没有充分理由阻止无关联的多数股东有效行使选举八名新董事的权利。

The board was not faced with a coercive action taken by a powerful shareholder against the interests of a distinct shareholder constituency. It was presented with a consent solicitation by a 9% shareholder. Moreover, here it had time to inform the shareholders of its views on the merits of the proposal subject to stockholder vote. The theory of our corporation law confers power upon directors as the agents of the shareholders; it does not create Platonic masters. It may be that the Blasius restructuring proposal was or is unrealistic and would lead to injury to the corporation and its shareholders if pursued. Having heard the evidence, I am inclined to think it was not a sound proposal. The board certainly viewed it that way, and that view, held in good faith, entitled the board to take certain steps to evade the risk it perceived. It could, for example, expend corporate funds to inform shareholders and seek to bring them to a similar point of view.[10]  But there is a vast difference between expending corporate funds to inform the electorate and exercising power for the primary purpose of foreclosing effective shareholder action. A majority of the shareholders, who were not dominated in any respect, could view the matter differently than did the board. They are entitled to employ the mechanisms provided by the corporation law and the Atlas certificate of incorporation to advance that view. Even finding the action taken was taken in good faith, it constituted an unintended violation of the duty of loyalty that the board owed to the shareholders. I note parenthetically that the concept of an unintended breach of the duty of loyalty is unusual but not novel.[11] That action will, therefore, be set aside by order of this court.







[1] 参见林少伟、王弯:《美国特拉华州收购规则的历史变迁:勃兴与衰落》,载《证券法苑》2017年第19卷,第154页。

[2] See Delaware Supreme Court’s Response to Chancery for Turning Away Stockholder’s Claims,, accessed on March 1, 2024.

[3] See, e.g., E. Rostow, To Whom and For What Ends Is Corporate Management Responsible, in The Corporation in Modern Society (E.S. Mason ed.1959).

[4] See, e.g., Smith v. Van Gorkom, Del.Supr., 488 A.2d 858 (1985); In re Anderson Clayton Shareholders' Litigation, Del.Ch., 519 A.2d 669, 675 (1986).

[5] See Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co., 493 A.2d 946, 957 (Del. 1985), holding modified by Coster v. UIP Companies, Inc., 300 A.3d 656 (Del. 2023); Cheff v. Mathes, 41 Del. Ch. 494, 496, 199 A.2d 548, 549 (1964); Kors v. Carey, 39 Del. Ch. 47, 50, 158 A.2d 136, 138 (1960).

[6] Aprahamian v. HBO & Co., 531 A.2d 1204, 1205 (Del. Ch. 1987).

[7] Phillips v. Insituform of North America, Inc., Del.Ch., C.A. No. 9173.

[8] Canada S. Oils, Ltd. v. Manabi Expl. Co., 33 Del. Ch. 537, 537, 96 A.2d 810, 810 (1953).

[9] Condec Corp. v. Lunkenheimer Co., 43 Del. Ch. 353, 355, 230 A.2d 769, 770 (1967).

[10] See Hall v. Trans-Lux Daylight Picture Screen Corp., 20 Del. Ch. 78, 171 A. 226, 227 (1934); Hibbert v. Hollywood Park, Inc., 457 A.2d 339, 340 (Del. 1983).

[11] See Lerman v. Diagnostic Data, Inc., 421 A.2d 906, 908 (Del. Ch. 1980); AC Acquisitions Corp. v. Anderson, Clayton & Co., 519 A.2d 103, 104 (Del. Ch. 1986).





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